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Phrase ambiguity In The Jakarta Post Reader`s forum section on forest fire haze in Indonesia


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


AGUSTINA RENIE ARUM SARI Student Number: 124214064









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


AGUSTINA RENIE ARUM SARI Student Number: 124214064




A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis






Student Number: 124214064

Approved by

Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A. 9 February 2017 Advisor



A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis





AGUSTINA RENIE ARUM SARI Student Number: 124214064

Defended before the Board of Examiners On 20 February 2017

and Declared Acceptable


Name Signature

Chairperson : Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A. ____________

Secretary : Arina Isti’anah, S.Pd., M.Hum ____________

Member 1 : Dr. Bernardine Ria Lestari ____________

Member 2 : Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A. ____________

Member 3 : Arina Isti’anah, S.Pd., M.Hum ____________

Yogyakarta, 28 February 2017 Faculty of Letters Sanata Dharma University




I certify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been previously submitted for the award of any degree at any university, and that, to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contain no material previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text of the undergraduate thesis.

Yogyakarta, 7 February 2017




Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswi Universitas Sanata Dharma

Nama : Agustina Renie Arum Sari Nomor Mahasiswa : 124214064

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I would like to give my biggest gratitude to both my parents, Fransiscus

Borgias Agus Sumarta and Mathilda Susanti, for their love and full support to me

in finishing this study. I thank my mother for her hard work so that their children

can get good education, and my father for always be there whenever I need his

help. I am so grateful to have them in my life. Finishing this thesis was not an

easy task for me since during the time, I had other tasks to do as I work as an

employee in a company and as a freelancer at the same time. In my hardest time,

they never forgot to give me their support and attention.

I also would like to thank my thesis advisor, Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A.,

who patiently helped me. I thank him for all his time and advice for me in

finishing this thesis.

I would like to thank my big brother, Purba, for his advice, company, and

support. Although he rarely comes home, he always spares his times to

accompany me to go to places that I like and discusses the problem that I have in

finishing this thesis.

My gratitude also goes to my best friends Shuko, Angel, Tjia, Rissa, and

the rests of my friends that cannot be mentioned one by one. I thank them for their

supports and companies, for reminding me to finish my thesis as soon as I can.

Lastly, I would like to thank all the people who have helped and supported

me in my study in English Letters Department, Sanata Dharma University. The

years I have spent in this campus will not be as meaningful as it without them.




TITLE PAGE………..………. ii








CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE A. Review of Related Studies……..………..………. 6

B. Review of Related Theories………..…….. 8

1. Theory of Phrase

4. Semantic Meaning and Interpretation ……….…... 12

5. Semantic Theories of Ambiguity ……….…….... 13

a. Types of Ambiguity ………..…….. 13

(i) Lexical Ambiguity……….……….... 13

1) Polysemy………..………... 14

2) Homonymy……….. 14

(ii) Structural Ambiguity………. 15

1) Different ways of words grouping……… 16

C. Theoretical Framework ……….. 17

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study………..……….. 18

B. Approach of the Study……… 18



A. Ambiguous Phrases……… 23

1. Noun Phrases………..………... 23

2. Verb Phrases………..…... 24

3. Adjective Phrases……….... 25

B. Types of Ambiguity……….……….. 25

1. Lexical Ambiguity………...………... 26

2. Structural Ambiguity………..………... 42

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION A. Conclusion...…………..……….……….……. 47


APPENDICES Appendix 1: Table of Data ………... 51

Appendix 2: The Jakarta Post Article ……….... 58




Table 1 Phrase Structure Rules ……….... 11

Table 2 Percentage of Ambiguous Phrases ……… 23

Table 3 Ambiguous Phrases ………. 24

Table 4 Types of Ambiguity ………. 27

Table 5 Lexical Ambiguity ………... 28



SARI, AGUSTINA RENIE ARUM. PHRASE AMBIGUITY IN THE JAKARTA POST READER’S FORUM SECTION ON FOREST FIRE SMOG IN INDONESIA. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

Language is essential for human life due to its function as a medium for people to communicate with each other. With language, people can express their feelings, ideas, and emotions. As a social creature, people use language by forming words so that they can deliver messages and information to one another in a form of spoken and written one. Even though language has a very important role in communication between people, language has its weakness in delivering message. Sometimes, people experience miscommunication by using language. Miscommunication mentioned before may happen when utterance, whether spoken or written, is ambiguous, by means that their utterance have different interpretations.

In this study, the writer identifies common phrases in Readers Forum section of The Jakarta Post newspaper discussing the smog caused by forest fire in Indonesia that causes ambiguity. The writer also identifies what kinds of ambiguity are observed in the phrase. The writer analyzes the dominant phrases that cause ambiguity, the kinds of ambiguity, the interpretations of the ambiguity found, and the frequency of each kinds of ambiguity found.

The data used in conducting the study were obtained from the articles in

The Jakarta Post official website, www.thejakartapost.com. The writer picked

two articles randomly from the 37 articles that have been gathered from 4 August 2015 when the issue was spread and became a big public attention until 2 December 2015 when the fire was eventually put off. In order to solve the problem, the writer uses semantic and syntactic approaches. Semantics, the study of meaning abstracted away from those aspects that are derived from the intentions of the speaker, is used to find a phrase which is identified as the cause of the ambiguity. The writer needs semantic approach in order to identify what types of ambiguity that occur in the phrases. The syntactic approach is used to identify structural ambiguities which occur in the phrase. Since the writer analyses the ambiguous phrases found in the Reader’s Forum section of The Jakarta Post newspaper discussing the smog caused by forest fire in Indonesia, these approaches can be used. Since the study is Document (Content) Analysis of Qualitative research, the writer only uses theory in analyzing the data. The writer focuses on analyzing the content of the ambiguous phrases found in the Reader’s Forum section of The Jakarta Post newspaper discussing the smog caused by forest fire in Indonesia.

The results of this study shows that in Readers Forum section of The

Jakarta Post newspaper discussing the smog caused by forest fire in Indonesia






Manusia membutuhkan bahasa sebagai sarana untuk berkomunikasi satu sama lain. Melalui bahasa, manusia mengekspresikan perasaan, pemikiran, dan emosi mereka. Sebagai makhluk sosial, manusia menggunakan bahasa dengan merangkai kata kata sehingga mereka dapat mengekspresikan pesan dan informasi kepada orang lain baik secara lisan maupun tertulis. Walaupun bahasa dalam hal ini sangat penting bagi manusia, bahasa memiliki kelemahan atau kekurangan dalam menyampaikan pesan dan informasi. Kadangkala, manusia mengalami kesalahpahaman ketika menggunakan bahasa sebagai sarana untuk berkomunikasi. Kesalahpahaman ini terjadi ketika kata kata yang mereka rangkai dapat diartikan berbeda atau yang biasa kita sebut ambigu.

Skripsi ini membahas frase ambigu, frase yang memungkinkan terjadinya lebih dari satu interpretasi. Frase ambigu dapat kita temui dalam kejadian sehari-hari, baik lisan maupun tertulis. Pada skripsi ini, Penulis membahas frase ambigu yang terdapat di Forum Pembaca (Reader’s Forum) dari salah satu media cetak terkemuka yang ada di Indonesia yaitu The Jakarta Post. Pada penelitian ini, Penulis menganalisa frase ambigu yang terjadi secara tertulis. Penulis mengumpulkan data dari artikel artikel pada bagian Forum Pembaca di koran The

Jakarta Post yang membahas wabah asap yang disebabkan kebakaran hutan di

Indonesiayang terbit dari tanggal 4 Agustus 2015 hingga tanggal 2 Desember 2015.

Dalam studi ini, penulis menggunakan teori semantic dan teori sintaks, khususnya teori ambiguity untuk menganalisis data-data yang telah didapat. Dengan teori semantik, teori yang mempelajari arti dari ungkapan, penulis menganalisis frase apa yang menjadi peyebab terjadinya ambigu dan juga tipe dr ambigu yang terjadi pada frasa. Dengan teori sintaks, penulis menguraikan struktur struktur kalimat yang dapat dibentuk dari frasa yang ambigu. Penulis mengumpulkan data dengan metode studi pustaka, melalui halaman website resmi

The Jakarta Post yaitu di www.thejakartapost, dan menggunakan metode

deskriptif dalam menganalisa data yang terkumpul. Metode deskriptif merupakan metode untuk membuat kesimpulan dengan cara mengumpulkan, mengklasifikasi, dan menginterpretasi data. Penulis dituntut untuk mendeskripsikan data berdasarkan formulasi masalah dan menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.





A. Background of the study

Language is essential for human life due to its function as a medium for

people to communicate with each other. Chomsky (1979:88) states that language

serves essentially for the expression of thought. In addition, Sapir (1921:8) states

that language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating

ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols. With

language, people can express their feelings, their ideas, and their emotions. As

social creatures, people use language by forming words so that they can deliver

messages and information to one another in the form of spoken and written form.

With spoken or written language, people can communicate with each other

both directly and indirectly. Nowadays, with the developments of technology,

people can communicate with each other through many ways. It has been easier

for people to gain any information about what happens even in other parts of the


Written language is important for people since people cannot always talk

to others directly. It happens because of distance, time, and a lot more reasons.

There are a lot of types of written language, some of which are business letters,



Today, English is still considered as an international language that plays

an important role as a medium for a lot of people from different countries around

the world to communicate. Crystal (2003: 2) states

“These are the kinds of statement which seem so obvious that most people would give up hardly a second thought. Of course English is a global language, they would say. You hear it on television spoken by politicians from all over the world. Wherever you travel, you see English signs and advertisements. Whenever you enter a hotel or restaurant in a foreign city, they will understand English, and there will be an English menu. “

There are a lot of media using English as the medium to communicate with people

globally. Thus, a lot of people around the world learn this language and use the

language so that their ideas, feeling and emotions can be shared globally through

media of communication such as websites, magazines, and newspapers. In

Indonesia, one of daily English newspapers published in the country is The

Jakarta Post.

Even though language has a very important role in communication

between people, language has its weakness in delivering message. Sometimes,

people experience miscommunication in using language to communicate.

Miscommunication mentioned before may happen when utterance, whether

spoken or written, is vague or ambiguous by means that their utterance may not be

delivered clearly or may have different interpretations. Ambiguity describes a

linguistic phenomenon whereby expressions are potentially understood in two or

more ways, an ambiguous expression has more than one interpretation in its


While ambiguity is a phenomenon when an expression has more than one

interpretation in its context, vague expression is a word that has more than one

referents, in which the referents share similar features happens because things in

the world do not come in clear, distinct categories (Malmkjær, 1996:394). In

addition, Jurafsky (2009:549) states that vagueness is closely related to ambiguity.

Like ambiguity, vagueness can make it difficult to determine what to do with a

particular input on the basis of its meaning representations. Vagueness, however

does not give rise to multiple representations. An example of this is in the phrase

‘I want to eat Italian food’. A vague representation of the meaning of this phrase

may be appropiate for some purposes, while a more specific phrase may be

needed for other purposes.

There are two types of ambiguity: lexical ambiguity and structural

ambiguity (Mihalicek and Wilson, 2011: 227). Since the data observed in this

study are written data, the writer uses theory of lexical and structural ambiguity.

In addition, in this study, the writer is going to focus more in ambiguity than in

vague expression.

Based on the phenomenon mentioned before, the writer was interested in

conducting a research related to ambiguity. Thus, in this study, the writer

analyzed phrasal ambiguity found in Readers Forum section of The Jakarta Post

newspaper discussing the haze caused by forest fire in Indonesia. The writer

chooses to discuss the haze caused by forest fire in Indonesia because when the

writer started writing the thesis, this issue was happening and was the hottest topic


4 B. Problem Formulation

Based on the above, the problems are formulated as below

1. What common phrases in Readers Forum section of The Jakarta Post

newspaper discussing the haze caused by forest fire in Indonesia cause


2. What kinds of ambiguity are observed in the phrases, lexical or structural?

C. Objectives of the Study

In this thesis, there are two objectives. Firstly, the writer would like to find

out what common phrases in Readers Forum section of The Jakarta Post

newspaper discussing the haze caused by forest fire in Indonesia that causes

ambiguity. The data used in conducting the study have been obtained from the

articles in The Jakarta Post official website, www.thejakartapost.com. The

articles have been gathered from 4 August 2015 when the issue was spread and

became a big public attention until 2 December 2015 when the fire was eventually

put off. From the 37 articles found, the writer picked two articles randomly.

After that, the writer would like to identify whether the ambiguities

observed in the phrases are lexical or structural. This study is limited to lexical

and structural ambiguity found in Readers Forum section of The Jakarta Post.

The writer focuses on lexical and structural ambiguity using semantic and

syntactic approaches. The writer interprets the ambiguity found with Semantic


D. Definition of Terms

Phrase ambiguity is described as a phenomenon when an

expression/phrase may be understood in two or more ways in its context.

Because of the arbitrariness between the sign and its referents, multiple meanings

seem to be usual (Asher, 1994:90).

Reader’s forum of The Jakarta Post is a forum provided by The Jakarta

Post Newspaper for it’s reader. In this forum, The Jakarta Post Newspaper’s

readers can share what their idea or opinion related to news that are published by

The Jakarta Post, or in brief the readers responses to news that are published by




A. Review of Related Studies

Studies on ambiguity have been conducted by some people. One of them

is the study that has been conducted by María Teresa Sánchez Roura (1995). In

her study, she focuses on syntactic ambiguity resourceful applications in the

creation of jokes. In the end of her study, she concludes that ambiguity may be

seen as an obstacle in case it can make a misunderstanding between people, and

also may be seen as something beneficial in the way it can make people laugh and

can deliver more ideas in economical way (less words; usually in advertising).

Another study on ambiguity was conducted by Chiara Bucharia (2004) in

her article. In this paper, she analyzes ambiguities found on the newspaper

headlines and divides it into three main categories of lexical, syntactic, and

phonological ambiguity. The study is based on 135 verbally ambiguous headlines

found on web sites that lead the reader to interpret it as something humorous.

Eventually, it is concluded that the most dominant ambiguous headlines happen in

the form of syntactic ambiguity. In the case of lexical ambiguity, the main cause

of it is the homonymy of the lexical items in the headlines.

Another one was conducted by Mutiara Sekar Utami (2013). Mutiara

Sekar Utami conducted a study of lexical and structural ambiguity in the Reader’s

Forum of The Jakarta Post. The data were taken from the Reader’s Forum of The


ambiguous words, phrases, or sentences in The Jakarta Post newspaper. The

second problem that she analyzes is the part of speeches that cause the ambiguity.

She also tries to find whether or not tree diagram can be used to solve structural

ambiguity. In the end of her study, she concludes that there are 47 words and 7

phrases considered as ambiguous, and that ambiguous words and phrases found

are mostly belong to noun class. She also concludes that tree diagram can help to

visualize structural ambiguity well.

Another study on ambiguity has also been conducted by G. Khamahani

(2013). In his writing, he focuses on structural and lexical ambiguity in English

newspaper headlines written by native and non-native journalists. He provides

some guidelines for the recognition of ambiguous newspaper headlines of two

specific newspapers in a certain country. He identifies the ratio between structural

ambiguity and lexical ambiguity in English newspaper headlines written by native

and non- native journalists. In the end of his writing, he concludes that the amount

of structural ambiguity and lexical ambiguity are not the same in the two sets of

headlines. Both structural and lexical ambiguities in English newspaper are found

more in foreign newspaper headlines.

On the studies mentioned above, all of the data were taken from

newspaper (either from the headlines or the article). In this thesis, the writer

conducted a study on phrasal ambiguity in Readers Forum section of The Jakarta

Post newspaper discussing the haze caused by forest fire in Indonesia. In the end

of this thesis, the most dominant types of phrasal ambiguity in Readers Forum



Indonesia were to be revealed. Although the topic is accidently similar to the

study that has been conducted by Mutiara Sekar Utami in a way that the data used

in this study is also taken from Readers Forum section of The Jakarta Post, the

articles that the writer used in conducting the study are different. Thus, the ratio of

the types of phrasal ambiguity and its analysis may be different in different

articles and topic. This study is an attempt to improve the study that has been

conducted by Mutiara Sekar Utami and other studies related to this topic.

B. Review of Related Theories 1. Theory of Phrase

A phrase is a word or a group of words that behaves as a single unit

(Jurafsky, 2009: 385). Fromkin (2000:96), in addition, define phrase as groups of

words where only members of particular lexical category may occur. Phrases

combine words into a larger unit that can function as a sentence element. Phrase is

an item of a particular category that may be accompanied by paraphernalia such as

modifiers and other types of items (Napoli, 1993: 50)

a. Noun Phrase

A noun phrase is a sequence of words surrounding at least one noun

(Jurafsky, 2009: 386). It is the sequence of a noun and its complement (Fromkin,

2000:121). A noun phrase consists of a noun as the head word and other words

(usually modifiers and determiners) which come after or before the noun and

modify the noun. A noun phrase may include single words like ‘she’ or ‘Michael’


phrase works as a noun in a sentence as in‘Harry the Horse’ (Jurafsky, 2009:

386), and father of Goneril (Fromkin, 2000:121).

b. Verb Phrase

A verb phrase in English consists of a verb followed by assorted other

things; for example, one kind of verb phrase consist of a verb followed by a noun

phrase. It is a combination of main verb, its auxiliaries, its complements and other

modifiers. For example: ‘prefer a morning flight’, ‘leaving on Thursday’

(Jurafsky, 2009: 389).

c. Adverbial Phrase

Cambridge Dictionary for Advanced Learners (2008: 43) describes adverb

phrase (adverbial phrase) as phrase that consists of one or more words. The

adverb is the head of the phrase and can appear alone or it can be modified by

other words. Adverbs are one of the four major word classes, along with nouns,

verbs and adjectives.

Schachter (1985) as quoted in Jurafsky’s book page 126 states that in a

sentence ’Unfortunately, John walked home extremely slowly yesterday.’, all the

italicized are adverbs.

d. Adjective Phrase

Adjectives can also be grouped into a phrase calles an adjective phrase. It

can has an adverb before the adjective. Example: the ‘least expensive’ fare



An adjective phrase is a group of words that functions like an adjective in

a sentence. It consists of adjectives, modifier and any word that modifies a noun

or pronoun.

e. Prepositional Phrase

Jurafsky (2009:126) believes that prepositons occur before noun phrases;

semantically they are relational, often indicatng spatial or temporal relations,

whether literal (on it, before then, by the house) or metaphorical (on time, beside


A prepositional phrase generally has a prepostion followed by a noun

phrase. It is often used with times and dates. The examples of it are ‘to Seattle’,

‘on Wednesday’.

It consists of a preposition, objects of preposition (noun or pronoun) and

may also consist of other modifiers. Some example of it are ‘on a table’, ‘near a

wall’, ‘in the room’, ‘at the door’, and ‘under a tree’. A prepositional phrase can

function as an adjective, adverb, or even as a noun.

2. English Phrase Structure (Context Free Grammar)

The most commonly used mathematical system for modelling constituent

structure in English and other natural languages is the Context Free Grammar

(CFG) or also called Phrase Structure Grammar. A context-free grammar consist

of a set of rules and productions, each of which expresses the ways that symbols

of the language can be grouped and ordered together (Jurafsky, 2009: 387).

Phrase Structure Rules are used to show patterns of syntactic combination


of syntactic categories. No actual linguistic forms are shown in it (Mihalicek and

Wilson, 2011: 226).

Below are the table of Phrase Structure Rules stated by Mihalicek and Wilson. Table 1 Phrase Structure Rules

Rules Function


Sentence can be formed by combining Noun Phrase (NP) and Verb Phrase (VP)

allows VPs to combine with their subject NP to form a sentence

NP → Det N

Noun Phrase can be formed by combining Determiner (Det) and a Noun (N)

allows determiners to combine with a noun to form an NP

N → Adj N

Noun can be formed by combining Adjective (Adj) and Noun (N)

allows attributive adjectives to be noun adjuncts(a word or phrase that provides added information)

VP → VP Adv

Verb Phrase can be formed by combining verb phrase (VP) and adverbs (Adv)

allows adverbs to be VP adjuncts


Verb phrase can be formed by combining transitive verbs (TV) and noun phrase (NP)

allows transitive verbs to combine with their object NP to form a VP


Verb phrase (VP) can be formed by combining ditransitive verbs (DTV) and noun phrases (NP)

allows ditransitive verbs to combine with their object NPs to form a VP


Verb phrase (VP) can be formed by combining sentential complement verbs (SV) and complement S

allows sentential complement verbs to combine with their complement S to form a VP


Preposition phrase (PP) can be formed by combining prepositions and noun Phrase (NP)

allows prepositions to combine with their complement NP to form a PP

N → N PP

Noun can be formed by combining noun (N) and preposition phrase (PP)

allows PPs to be noun adjuncts


Verb Phrase can be formed by combining verb phrase (VP) and preposition phrase (PP)


12 3. Tree Diagram

Akmajian, Demers, Farmer, and Harnish (2001:172) state that tree

diagram is encoded structural information of the linear order of words in a

sentence, the categorization of words into parts of speech, and the grouping of

words into structural continuents of the sentence. It is a list of structural properties

that a phrase or sentence must conform to.

In addition, Akmajian, et al (2001:183) states that tree diagrams (phrase

markers) can represent a certain variety of structural and relational concepts. In a

theory of syntax using phrase markers to represent syntactic structure, the

explanation of the phenomenon of structural ambiguity is straightforward. An

unambiguous sentence is associated with just one basic phrase marker, while a

structurally ambiguous sentence is associated with more than one basic phrase

marker. With a tree diagram, we have simplified the structure in the diagrams by

using triangles for certain phrases rather than indicating the internal structure of

the phrases.

Tree diagram is a linguistic way to represent the grouping of a

phrase/sentence. In the case of ambiguity, tree diagram can be used to show or

describe interpretations of an ambiguous phrase/sentence.

4. Semantic Meaning and Interpretation

A language is often defined as a conventional system for conveying

messages. Moreover, communication can be accomplished only because words


I will exclude from semantic interpretation any consideration of discourse pragmatics; rather, discourse pragmatics operate upon the output of the semantic interpreter. Thus, semantic interpretation does not include the resolution in context of anaphors or definite reference, or of deictic or indexical expressions, or the recognition and comprehension of speech acts, irony and sarcasm, metaphor, or other nonliteral meanings. These exclusions should not be thought of as entirely uncontroversial; while few would advocate making speech act interpretation part of semantic interpretation, Moore argues that definite reference resolution, as well as certain "local" pragmatic matters, must be resolved during semantic interpretation.

Semantics is the study of meaning abstracted away from those aspects that

are derived from the intentions of the speaker. Semantic is different with

pragmatics. Semantic interpretations are excluded from the speaker/the writer

intended meaning. For example, in sentence “John kissed his wife, and so did

Sam”( http://cs.nyu.edu/), the speaker intended to say that John kissed John’s

wife, and Sam kissed Sam’s wife. In semantic, this sentence is ambiguous. It can

be interpreted as John kissed his wife, and Sam kissed her too, John kissed Sam’s

wife, and Sam kissed her too, or Sam and John kissed their own wife.

5. Semantic Theories of Ambiguity

Ambiguity is described as a phenomenon when an expression may be

understood in two or more ways in its context because of the arbitrariness

between the sign and its referents multiple meanings seems to be usual (Asher,

1994:90). In a simple way, if we can have two or more interpretations from an

expression (usually lead to confusion), We can say that that expression is


14 a. Types of Ambiguity

i. Lexical Ambiguity

Lexical ambiguity happens when a word or phrase has more than different

referents which are nevertheless clearly noticeably similar in some respect (Asher,

1994:90). If the ambiguity lies only in one single word, we call it lexical

ambiguity (Quiroga-Clare, 2003). The ambiguity where a single phonological

word correspond to distinct expressions that differ in meaning, syntactic

properties, or both, is called lexical ambiguity (Mihalicek and Wilson, 2011:226).

In a simple way, if a word has different meanings, it is lexically ambiguous. One

example of it is in the sentence ‘I put a straw in my cup’. In this sentence, straw

has more than one reference. It can refer to wheat and a thin tube used for sucking

up a drink. Thus, the sentence contains lexical ambiguity.

The meaning of a words can vary enormously given the context (Jurafsky,

2009: 612). When a word has different meanings, it may lead to ambiguity. In

written language, when a word has different senses/meaning, it may be considered

as polysemy or homonymy.

1) Polysemy

Jurafsky (2009: 612) states that when a word has two senses and the two

senses related semantically, it can be called polysemy. In many cases of

polysemy, the semantic relation between the senses is systematic and structured. It


words. Get can mean ‘procecure’ (as in ‘I’ll get the drinks’), ‘become’ (she got

scared), and ‘understand’ (I get it).

Below is an example of ambiguity caused by polysemy:

“Call me a taxi!”

In the phrase above, call may means ‘to address’and ‘request something to come’.

Because of the polysemy in the word call, the phrase can be interpreted as

‘address me a taxi!’ and ‘request a taxi to come for me!’

2) Homonymy

The senses of a word might not have any particular relation between them.

It may be almost coincindental that they share an orthographic form. For example,

‘bank’ as a financial constitution and ‘bank’ as slouping mound seems relatively

unrelated. The two senses are homonyms and the relations between the senses is

one of homonymy (Jurafsky, 2009: 612). Homonymy in a phrase may lead into


Below is an example of ambiguity caused by homonymy:

I’ll wait by the bank (www.literarydevices.net).

In the phrase above, bank may means ‘a building of a financial constitution’ and

‘a slouping mound’. Because of the homonymy in the word bank, the phrase can

be interpreted as ‘I’ll wait beside the financial constitution building’ and ‘I’ll wait

in the edge of a river.

ii. Structural ambiguity

The theory of structural ambiguity claims that the ambiguity may happens



grammatical ambiguity is particularly noticeable, where more than one structural

interpretation is possible (Asher, 1994:90-91).

3) Different ways of words grouping

In specifying the structure of a sentence, we specify (1) the linear order of

words and (2) the possible grouping of the words. Although a phrase or a sentence

consists of a single set of unambiguous words, those words can be grouped in two

different ways (Akmajian 2001:155)

In addition, in a theory of syntax using phrase markers to represent

syntactic structure, the explanation of the phenomenon of structural ambiguity is

straightforward. An unambiguous sentence is associated with just one basic

phrase marker, while a structurally ambiguous sentence is associated with more

than one basic phrase marker (Akmajian 2001:183)

An example of structural ambiguity caused by different ways of words

grouping is in the phrase The cop saw the man with binoculars (Mihalicek and

Wilson, 2011:227).

This form corresponds to two distinct sentences. The first sentence means

that the man whom the cop saw had the binoculars. The second sentence means

that the cop used the binoculars to see the man. In this case, the ambiguity arises

because the prepositional phrase with the binocular can be either a VP adjunct or

a noun adjunct. The sentence in which the prepositional phrase is a VP adjunct

means that the cop was the one with binoculars. The sentence in which the PP is a


binoculars. This kind of ambiguity is called structural ambiguity (Mihalicek and

Wilson, 2011:227)

C. Theoretical Framework

The related theories mentioned before are going to be used to solve the

problem formulation of this study. The theory of English Phrase Structure

Grammar is used to identify the common phrases that cause ambiguity. The writer

analyzes it with the theory of English Phrase Structure Grammar.

The theories of ambiguity and the theory of causes of ambiguity are used

to identify and analyze the types of ambiguous phrases that are found in The

Jakarta Post Newspaper discussing the haze caused by forest fire in Indonesia.

The writer identifies the possible interpretation of each ambiguous sentence

through the theories. As an example, when the writer finds an ambiguous phrase

like “John marries Teressa.” The writer identifies the types of that ambiguous

sentence. Based on the theory that the writer uses, the phrase is lexically

ambiguous. The sentence can be interpreted as ‘John performed a ceremony in

which Teressa and her lover get married’ or ‘John became the husband of


The explanation is different when the writer finds a structurally ambiguous

sentence. When a sentence is identified as a structurally ambiguous sentence, the



A. Object of the Study

In this study, the writer analyzed the ambiguous phrases found in the Reader’s Forum section of The Jakarta Post newspaper discussing the haze

caused by forest fire in Indonesia. The data used in conducting the study have

been obtained from the articles in The Jakarta Post official

website, www.thejakartapost.com. The articles have been gathered from 4 August

2015 when the issue was spread and became a big public attention until 2

December 2015 when the fire was eventually put off. From the 37 articles found,

the writer picked two articles randomly to be used as the object of this study.

B. Approach of the Study

In conducting the study, the writer uses semantic and syntactic approaches.

Semantics is the study of the meaning of linguistic expressions. It is the study of

meaning abstracted away from those aspects that are derived from the intentions

of the speaker. A language is often defined as a conventional system for

conveying messages. Moreover, communication can be accomplished only

because words have certain meanings (Akmajian, et al, 2001:228). It is used to

find a phrase which is identified as the cause of the ambiguity. The writer needs

semantic approach in order to identify what types of ambiguity that occur in the


The syntactic approach is used to identify structural ambiguities occur in

the phrase. Since the writer analyses the ambiguous phrases found in the Reader’s

Forum section of The Jakarta Post newspaper discussing the haze caused by

forest fire in Indonesia, these approaches can be used.

C. Method of the Study

In conducting the study, the writer used Document/Content Analysis of

Qualitative research. Content analysis focuses on analyzing and interpreting

recorded material such as public records, textbooks, letters, films, tapes, diaries,

themes, reports, and so on within its own context. When researchers use content

analysis in their study, they have to establish the authenticity of the document

itself and also the validity of its contents. Qualitative researchers do their

researches by focusing on the total picture, a whole picture, rather than breaking it

down into variables. They try to understand a phenomenon by concerning its

complete systems. The goal of their research is to get a holistic picture and depth

of understanding (Ary, 2002:27)

In this study, the writer studies a linguistic phenomenon called ambiguity.

The writer studies the dominant grammatical phrases that cause ambiguity, the

kinds of ambiguity, the interpretations of the ambiguity found, and the frequency

of each kinds of ambiguity found. Since the study is Document (Content)

Analysis of Qualitative research, the writer only uses theory in analyzing the data.

The writer focuses on analyzing the content of the ambiguous phrases found in the

Reader’s Forum section of The Jakarta Post newspaper discussing the haze



The data used in conducting the study were obtained from the articles in

The Jakarta Post official website, www.thejakartapost.com. The articles were

gathered from 4 August 2015 when the issue was spread and became a big public

attention until 2 December 2015 when the fire was eventually put off. From the 37

articles found, the writer picked two articles randomly to be used as the object of

the study and thus from these two articles, the data be obtained.

First, in order to collect the data, the writer obtained the articles related to

forest fire in Indonesia on 2015 from the official website of The Jakarta Post

newspaper, www.thejakartapost.com. This website is more complete than the

printed version since the printed version of this newspaper and the online version

(short and brief version) are also provided in this website.

Secondly, after all the articles were collected, the writer reads the articles

one by one, sentence by sentence to find ambiguous phrase. The ambiguous

phrases found are used as the data.

2. Data Analysis

This study focuses on interpretations of phrases. Therefore, the writer

analyzed the data by interpreting the ambiguous phrase found on the Reader’s

Forum section of The Jakarta Post newspaper discussing the haze caused by

forest fire in Indonesia.

Secondly, using theory of ambiguity, the writers decides what kind of

ambiguity happens in the sentence. The writer classifies it into the two types of


Thirdly, the writer decided the types of phrase that cause the ambiguity

through English Phrase Structure theory. Phrase Structure Rules are used to show

patterns of syntactic combination so that we can see the patterns of a phrase or a


Then, for lexical ambiguity, the writer paraphrases the phrase to show

possible interpretation of the ambiguous phrases. For structural ambiguity, the

writer uses tree diagram to show the possible interpretations.

Fifthly, after analyzing all the ambiguous phrases found, the writer

decided their percentage of it so that in the end, the writer identified the most

common grammatical phrases with ambiguity and the most common type of


In analyzing the meaning of the phrases further, the writer uses the fifth

edition of Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English for Advanced Learners




In this chapter, the writer analyzes and discusses the collected data. This

chapter answers the problems stated in Chapter I based on the theory mentioned in

Chapter II. The writer identifies what common phrases in Readers Forum section

of The Jakarta Post newspaper discussing the smog caused by forest fire in

Indonesia that causes ambiguity. After that, based on the semantic theory of

ambiguity, the writer identifies whether the ambiguities observed in the phrases

are lexical or structural.

In this study, the writer uses ambiguous phrases found in Readers Forum

section of The Jakarta Post newspaper discussing the smog caused by forest fire

in Indonesia as the data. The data used in conducting the study have been obtained

from the articles in The Jakarta Post official website, www.thejakartapost.com.

The articles have been gathered from 4 August 2015 when the issue was spread

and became a big public attention until 2 December 2015 when the fire was

eventually put off. From the 37 articles found, the writer picked two articles

randomly to be used as the object.

Based on the study, there are 26 phrases that cause ambiguity found. They

are 20 noun phrases and 6 verb phrases. Based on the data, the most frequent kind

of phrase that causes ambiguity is noun phrase. From 26 ambiguous phrases


structural ambiguity. There are 22 data of lexical ambiguity and 4 data of

structural ambiguity. In other words, 84.6% of it are lexically ambiguous and

15.4% of it are structurally ambiguous.

C. Ambiguous Phrases Data

In order to answers the problem number 1 stated in Chapter I, the writer

needs to find out what common phrases in Readers Forum section of The Jakarta

Post newspaper discussing the smog caused by forest fire in Indonesia cause

ambiguity. By reading and analyzing the articles, the writer finds out that there are

two kinds of phrases in Readers Forum section of The Jakarta Post newspaper

discussing the smog caused by forest fire in Indonesia that cause ambiguity. They

are noun phrases and verb phrases. As mentioned in Chapter II, phrase here refers

to a word or a group of words that behaves as a single unit (Jurafsky, 2009: 385).

It may appear as a head with or without its complements. The ambiguity are

usually structural, but many are lexical. Below are the number and the percentage

of each kind of phrases.

Table 2 Percentage of Ambiguous Phrases

There are 20 noun phrases and 6 verb phrases found in the Readers

Forum’s articles of The Jakarta Post newspaper that cause ambiguities. The

phrases can be seen in the table below.



1 Noun 20 76.9%

2 Verb 6 23.1%



Table 3 Ambiguous Phrases and Its Head


TYPE NP VP 1 This haze problem is a perennial issue affecting

Malaysia and Singapore, and leaders of both countries have been sending letters year in year out to their Indonesian counterparts expressing

frustration over their continued inability to resolve it.

2 The detrimental impact of the haze on the health and economy of Malaysians and Singaporeans have also been discussed over the years at ASEAN meetings but there seems to be no concrete solution so far.

3 The detrimental impact of the haze on the health and economy of Malaysians and Singaporeans have also been discussed over the years at ASEAN meetings but there seems to be no concrete solution so far.

4 The detrimental impact of the haze on the health and economy of Malaysians and Singaporeans have also been discussed over the years at ASEAN meetings but there seems to be no concrete solution so far.

5 The API reading at Sri Aman, Sarawak on Monday (Aug. 24), was 129, while Kuching and Samarhan recorded 126 and 118 respectively.

6 The Indonesian authorities cannot be giving the same old lame excuses that the haze is caused mainly by Malaysian and Indonesian companies.

7 The question Malaysians want answered is what are the enforcement authorities doing to enforce stiffer penalties on those companies.

8 Indonesia must get cracking in making plans for cloud seeding operations to extinguish the forest and plantation fires in South Sumatra and West Kalimantan that have shrouded Sarawak in foul-smelling haze yet again.

9 Indonesia must get cracking in making plans for cloud seeding operations to extinguish the forest and plantation fires in South Sumatra and West Kalimantan that have shrouded Sarawak in foul-smelling haze yet again.


NO PHRASE PHRASE TYPE NP VP 10 Indonesia must get cracking in making plans

for cloud seeding operations to extinguish the forest and plantation fires in South Sumatra and West Kalimantan that have shrouded Sarawak in foul-smelling haze yet again.

11 The fires which have been raging for days need to be controlled otherwise the pollution will climb to really unhealthy levels. Besides affecting people’s health, especially those who have asthma or breathing difficulty, the haze problem is also impacting on the tourism industry.

12 The fires which have been raging for days need to be controlled otherwise the pollution will climb to really unhealthy levels. Besides affecting people’s health, especially those who have asthma or breathing difficulty, the haze problem is also impacting on the tourism industry.

13 The fires which have been raging for days need to be controlled otherwise the pollution will climb to really unhealthy levels.

14 The fires which have been raging for days need to be controlled otherwise the pollution will climb to really unhealthy levels

15 The fires which have been raging for days need to be controlled otherwise the pollution will climb to really unhealthy levels.

16 The fires which have been raging for days need to be controlled otherwise the pollution will climb to really unhealthy levels.

17 Besides affecting people’s health, especially those who have asthma or breathing difficulty, the haze problem is also impacting on the tourism industry.

18 Besides affecting people’s health, especially those who have asthma or breathing difficulty, the haze problem is also impacting on the tourism industry.

19 Besides affecting people’s health, especially those who have asthma or breathing difficulty, the haze problem is also impacting on the tourism industry.



problem is also impacting on the tourism industry.


TYPE NP VP 21 Malaysian natural Resources and Environment

Minister Dato’ Sri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar must push his Indonesian counterparts to regionally minimise this annual problem with long-term solutions.

22 Malaysian natural Resources and Environment Minister Dato’ Sri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar must push his Indonesian counterparts to regionally minimise this annual problem with long-term solutions.

23 It could be true that the perpetrators of this month’s fires are smaller land holders

24 the big plantation companies are emulating the Raffles business model

25 Today’s business trend is “outsourcing production” (and social costs) to the natives – i.e. the small land owners, who have even less of a clue about sustainable management than the Mercedes Benz-driving city businessmen in Southeast Asian capital cities.

26 Hence, collective action is required by joint forces from ASEAN members, which may also consider involving international experts and resources


D. Types of Ambiguity Found

There are two types of ambiguity proposed by Asher (1994) which are

lexical and structural ambiguity. Based on the ambiguous phrases mentioned

above, it appears that there are 22 cases of lexical ambiguities and 4 cases of

structural ambiguities. Below are the number and the percentage of each type of

ambiguous phrases.

Table 4 Types of Ambiguity NO TYPES OF




OF CASE PERCENTAGE 1 Lexical Ambiguity

Adverbial Phrase - Verb Phrase 6 Adjective Phrase Prepositional

Adjective Phrase

SUBTOTAL 4 15.4%

TOTAL 26 100%

1. Lexical Ambiguity

There are 22 lexical ambiguity found in Readers Forum section of The Jakarta

Post newspaper discussing the smog caused by forest fire in Indonesia that cause

ambiguity. As mentioned before in Chapter II, lexical ambiguity may occur

because a word (that may function as a head of a phrase) may have multiple



Table 5 Lexical Ambiguity Table


1 This haze problem is a perennial issue affecting Malaysia and Singapore, and leaders of both countries have been sending letters year in year out to their Indonesian counterparts expressing frustration over their continued inability to resolve it.

2 The detrimental impact of the haze on the health and economy of Malaysians and Singaporeans have also been discussed over the years at ASEAN meetings but there seems to be no concrete solution so far.

3 The detrimental impact of the haze on the health and economy of Malaysians and Singaporeans have also been discussed over the years at ASEAN meetings but there seems to be no concrete solution so far.

4 The detrimental impact of the haze on the health and economy of Malaysians and Singaporeans have also been discussed over the years at ASEAN meetings but there seems to be no concrete solution so far.

5 The API reading at Sri Aman, Sarawak on Monday (Aug. 24), was 129, while Kuching and Samarhan recorded 126 and 118 respectively.

6 The Indonesian authorities cannot be giving the same old lame excuses that the haze is caused mainly by Malaysian and Indonesian companies.

7 The question Malaysians want answered is what are the enforcement authorities doing to enforce stiffer penalties on those companies.

8 Indonesia must get cracking in making plans for cloud seeding operations to extinguish the forest and plantation fires in South Sumatra and West Kalimantan that have shrouded Sarawak in foul-smelling haze yet again. 9 Indonesia must get cracking in making plans for cloud seeding operations to

extinguish the forest and plantation fires in South Sumatra and West Kalimantan that have shrouded Sarawak in foul-smelling haze yet again. 10 Indonesia must get cracking in making plans for cloud seeding operations

to extinguish the forest and plantation fires in South Sumatra and West Kalimantan that have shrouded Sarawak in foul-smelling haze yet again. 11 The fires which have been raging for days need to be controlled otherwise

the pollution will climb to really unhealthy levels. Besides affecting people’s health, especially those who have asthma or breathing difficulty, the haze problem is also impacting on the tourism industry.

12 The fires which have been raging for days need to be controlled otherwise the pollution will climb to really unhealthy levels. Besides affecting people’s health, especially those who have asthma or breathing difficulty, the haze problem is also impacting on the tourism industry.

13 The fires which have been raging for days need to be controlled otherwise the pollution will climb to really unhealthy levels.


otherwise the pollution will climb to really unhealthy levels

15 The fires which have been raging for days need to be controlled otherwise the pollution will climb to really unhealthy levels.

16 The fires which have been raging for days need to be controlled otherwise the pollution will climb to really unhealthy levels.

17 Besides affecting people’s health, especially those who have asthma or breathing difficulty, the haze problem is also impacting on the tourism industry.

18 Besides affecting people’s health, especially those who have asthma or breathing difficulty, the haze problem is also impacting on the tourism industry.

19 Besides affecting people’s health, especially those who have asthma or breathing difficulty, the haze problem is also impacting on the tourism industry.

20 Besides affecting people’s health, especially those who have asthma or breathing difficulty, the haze problem is also impacting on the tourism industry.

21 Malaysian natural Resources and Environment Minister Dato’ Sri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar must push his Indonesian counterparts to regionally minimise this annual problem with long-term solutions.

22 Malaysian natural Resources and Environment Minister Dato’ Sri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar must push his Indonesian counterparts to regionally minimise this annual problem with long-term solutions.

In data number 1, the phrase ‘leaders’, which is a noun phrase, cause the

sentence become semantically ambiguous. It happened since based on Longman

Dictionary of Contemporary English for Advanced Learners (2009:990), the word

‘leader’ can be defined as follows

1. the person who controls a group, organization, country, etc. 2. the person that is in front of all the others in a race.

3. the best product of a company

4. the main violin player in an orchestra

5. someone who directs the playing of a musical group

The phrase ‘leaders’ has multiple meanings, but based on these meanings, the

more plausible interpretation is ‘This haze problem is a perennial issue affecting

Malaysia and Singapore, and persons who control both countries have been



frustration over their continued inability to resolve it’ (1) because it is in line with

the context.

In data number 2, the ambiguity arises because of the noun phrase

‘impact’. Based on Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English for Advanced

Learners (2009:879), the word ‘impact’ can be defined as follows

1. the effect that an event, a situation, etc. has on someone or something. 2. the moment when one object hits another.

The phrase ‘impact’ varies in its meaning. Based on these meanings, the phrase in

data number 2 can be interpreted to (1) The detrimental effect of the haze on the

health and economy of Malaysians and Singaporeans have also been discussed

over the years at ASEAN meetings but there seems to be no concrete solution so

far, and (2) The detrimental hitting of the haze on the health and economy of

Malaysians and Singaporeans have also been discussed over the years at ASEAN

meetings but there seems to be no concrete solution so far. Between these 2

interpretations, the more plausible interpretation is the first one. This

interpretation is in line with the context.

In data number 3, the phrase ‘haze’, which is a noun phrase, is considered

as the cause of the ambiguity. Based on Longman Dictionary of Contemporary

English for Advanced Learners (2009:808), the word ‘haze’ has multiple

meanings as follows

1. smoke, dust, or mist in the air which is difficult to see through 2. the feeling of being very confused and unable to think clearly

Based on these meanings, the phrase in data number 3 can be interpreted to (1)


Malaysians and Singaporeans have also been discussed over the years at ASEAN

meetings but there seems to be no concrete solution so far, and (2) The

detrimental impact of the feeling of being very confused and unable to think

clearly on the health and economy of Malaysians and Singaporeans have also

been discussed over the years at ASEAN meetings but there seems to be no

concrete solution so far. Between all these interpretations, the more plausible

interpretation is (1) ‘The detrimental impact of the tight smoke in the air on the

health and economy of Malaysians and Singaporeans have also been discussed

over the years at ASEAN meetings but there seems to be no concrete solution so

far’ since it is in line with the context.

In data number 4, the phrase ‘solutions’, which is a noun phrase, cause the

sentence to be semantically ambiguous. Based on Longman Dictionary of

Contemporary English for Advanced Learners (2009:1675), the word ‘solution’

can be defined as follows

1. a way of solving a problem

2. the correct answer to a problem in an exercise or competition 3. a liquid in which a solid or gas has been mixed

Based on these meanings, the more plausible interpretation is (1) The detrimental

impact of the haze on the health and economy of Malaysians and Singaporeans

have also been discussed over the years at ASEAN meetings but there seems to be

no concrete way of solving the problem so far since it is in line with the context.

In data number 5, the phrase ‘reading’, which is a noun phrase is



Contemporary English for Advanced Learners (2009:1445), the word ‘reading’

can be defined as follows

1. books or other things that you can read 2. interpretation

3. measurement

Based on these meanings, the more plausible interpretation for data number 5 is

(3) The API measurement at Sri Aman, Sarawak on Monday, was 129, while

Kuching and Samarhan recorded 126 and 118 respectively since it is in line with

the context.

In data number 6, the phrase ‘company’, which is a noun phrase is

considered as the cause of the ambiguity. Based on Longman Dictionary of

Contemporary English for Advanced Learners (2009:334), the word ‘company’

has multiple meanings as follows

1. a business organization that makes or sells goods or services 2. when you are with other people and not alone

3. people who are visiting you in your home 4. friends you spend time with

5. a group of actors, dancer, singers, who work together

Based on these meanings, the more plausible meaning is (1)’ business

organization that makes or sells goods or services’ since it is in line with the


In data number 7, the phrase ‘penalties’, which is a noun phrase, cause the

sentence to be semantically ambiguous. Based on Longman Dictionary of

Contemporary English for Advanced Learners (2009:1286), the word ‘penalty’

can be defined as follows

1. a punishment for breaking a law, rule, or legal agreement


3. a chance to keep the ball or hit the puck into the goal in a game of football

Based on these meanings, the more plausible meaning is (1) ‘punishment for

breaking a law, rule, or legal agreement’ since it is in line with the context.

In data number 8, the ambiguity arises because of the phrase ‘make’,

which is a verb phrase. Based on Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

for Advanced Learners (2009:1056), the word ‘make’ can be defined as follows

1. to cause something to happen 2. to produce something

3. force

4. to succeed in achieving a particular position, rate

5. to have the qualities that are necessary for a particular job, use, or purpose

Based on these meanings, the more plausible meaning is (2) ‘to produce

something’ since it is in line with the context.

In data number 9, the phrase ‘plan’, which is a noun phrase is considered

as the cause of the ambiguity. Based on Longman Dictionary of Contemporary

English for Advanced Learners (2009:1320), the word ‘plan’ has multiple

meanings as follows

1. something you have decided to do

2. a set of actions for achieving something in the future

3. a drawing similar to a map, showing roads, towns, and buildings. 4. a technical drawing of a building, room, or machine as it would be

seen from above

Based on these meanings, the more plausible meaning is (2) ‘a set of actions for

achieving something in the future’ since it is in line with the context.

In data number 10, the ambiguity arises because of the phrase ‘operation’



for Advanced Learners (2009:1225), the word ‘operation’ can be defined as


1. the process of cutting into someone’s body to repair or remove a part that is damaged

2. a business, company, or organization

3. the work or activities done by a business or organization 4. a set of planned actions or activities for a particular purpose 5. the way the parts of a machine or system work

6. a planned military or police action 7. an action done by a computer

Based on these meanings, the more plausible meaning is (4)‘a set of planned

actions or activities for a particular purpose’ since it is in line with the context.

In data number 11, the phrase ‘fire’, which is a noun phrase is considered

as the cause of the ambiguity. Based on Longman Dictionary of Contemporary

English for Advanced Learners (2009:647), the word ‘fire’ has multiple meanings

as follows

1. flames that destroy things 2. flames for heating/cooking 3. shots fired from a gun

4. a very strong emotion that makes you want to think about nothing else

Based on these meanings, the more plausible meaning is (1)’flames that destroy

things’since it is in line with the context.

In data number 12, the phrase ‘raging’, which is a verb phrase, cause the

sentence to be semantically ambiguous. Based on Longman Dictionary of

Contemporary English for Advanced Learners (2009:1432), the word ‘rage’ can

be defined as follows


2. if something such as a battle, disagreement, or a storm rages, it continues with great violence or strong emotion

3. if a fire or illness rages, it spreads fast and is hard to control 4. to have fun with a group of people in a wild and uncontrolled way

Based on these meanings, the more plausible meaning is (3) ‘if a fire or illness

rages, it spreads fast and is hard to control’ since it is in line with the context.

In data number 13, the phrase ‘controlled’, which is a verb phrase is

considered as the cause of the ambiguity. Based on Longman Dictionary of

Contemporary English for Advanced Learners (2009:369), the word ‘control’ can

be defined as follows

1. to have the power to make decision about how a country, place, company, etc is organized or what it does.

2. to limit the amount or growth of something, especially something that is dangerous.

3. to make someone or something do what you want, or make something happen in the way that you want

4. if you control your emotion, your voice, your expression etc., you succeed in behaving calmly and sensibly, even though you feel angry, upset, or excited

5. to make a machine, process, or a system work in particular way 6. to make sure that something is done correctly

Based on these meanings, the more plausible meaning is (2) ‘to limit the amount

or growth of something, especially something that is dangerous’ since it is in line

with the context.

In data number 14, the ambiguity arises because of the phrase ‘pollution’,

which is a noun phrase. Based on Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

for Advanced Learners (2009:1341), the word ‘pollution’ can be defined as



Table 1 Phrase Structure Rules ……………………………………….... Table 2 Percentage of Ambiguous Phrases ……………………………… 23
Table 1 Phrase Structure Rules Function allows VPs to combine with their
Table 2 Percentage of Ambiguous Phrases
Table 3 Ambiguous Phrases and Its Head


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