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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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Bacground of the Apprenticeship

In addition, the operation of the boiler (steam generator), the operation of the WDcP (Water Decoloring Plant), and RO (Reverse Osmosis). The implementation form is a description of the activities or programs carried out. To assist the liaison team in the preparation of the workshop on the development of the Sekolah Cinta Gambut network.

Become a committee for the Sekolah Cinta Gambut Network Development Workshop at Wisma PT. Each activity carried out has a goal that must be achieved for the progress of the group.

Purpose of the Aprenticeship

Significances of the Apprenticeship

  • Significantes for the Polytechnic Student
  • Significantes for State Polytechnic of Bengkalis
  • Significantes for the Company

Write the results of the meeting with the director of the Mekar Jaya Bumdes, Pakning Asal. Mangrove planting activity in Pangkalan Jambi with the participants of the Sekolah Cinta Gambut workshop. Continue to collect data related to the climate village program at the Bumdes Mekar Jaya.

Enter the result of the climate village program data collection documentation into Drive. Therefore, they were tasked to go directly to the field, namely to the Pakning Asal village office to collect data and some documentation related to the climate village program issues.


Company Profile

Pertamina is one of the SOEs (State-Owned Enterprises) which is engaged in oil and gas. 8 years later on August 20, 1968 to be exact, Permina State Company merged with Pertamina State Company to become State Oil and Gas Mining Company (Pertamina). 31 of 2003, the State Oil and Gas Mining Company changed its name to PT Pertamina (Persero) which carried out upstream oil and gas business activities.

ITP at the Sungai Pakning refinery handles the operation of crude oil and product tanks. Various products of fuel oil and non-fuel oil have been produced from the Putri Tujuh Dumai Refinery - Sungai Pakning and have been distributed to various corners of the country and abroad.

Vision and Mission

  • Vission
  • Mission

Pertamina (Persero) Refinery Unit II Production Sungai Pakning is one of Pertamina's subsidiaries and is located in Bukit Batu District, Bengkalis Regency, covering an area of ​​40 hectares. Since then, PT Pertamina RU II Sungai Pakning has developed in stages and from 2002 to 2018, its production capacity has reached 50,000 barrels per day. The operational section of Sungai Pakning Refinery consists of: CDU, IPT (Tank Installation and Shipping), Utilities and Laboratory.

Also the operation of the Power Plant (power plant) and the operation of compressed air. Pertamina RU II Production Sungai Pakning, namely "To conduct business in petroleum and petrochemical processes that is managed professionally and with an environmental perspective based on Pertamina's values ​​to provide added value to the stakeholders".

Kind of Business

Organization Structure

Pertamina RU II Production Sungai Pakning has duties and responsibilities to achieve the company's goals. The maintenance manager is in charge and responsible for the implementation or repair of the company's operating equipment. Procurement in the company is in charge and responsible for the activities of delivery, reclamation of spare parts, materials necessary for the company's operations.

The duties of a General Affairs are quite complex and in their activities they must interact and coordinate both internally and externally with other departments or parties outside the company. In the company there are 5 (five) security posts which are guarded according to a predetermined schedule.

The Working Process

Public Relations plays a very important role in providing information to the internal public and the external public by providing accurate information and in an easy to understand format. Public relations should also be able to create public interest in certain situations that have a major impact on the company/organization. Public Relations is responsible for giving an explanation to the public about situations or events so that the attitude of opposition, indifference that surrounds them turns into understanding and acceptance.

Public relations must be able to convey information clearly to the public in order to gain sympathy.

Document Used for Activity

Responsible for distributing or retrieving Community Satisfaction Index Survey questionnaire data for public relations programs directly to the field and online. Reporting to the Pertamina supervisor on the distribution of completed questionnaires. Continue distribution of questionnaires to honey group assisted by Pertamina Public Relations online.

Follow-up of the program data from the climate village to the village office of Pakning Asal and Bumdes Mekar Jaya. Responsible for distributing or collecting data on the Community Satisfaction Index Survey Questionnaire for program public relations directly to the field and online.


Job Description

Responsible for creating the Community Satisfaction Index Survey Questionnaire for the Public Relations program.

Time and Place of Apprenticeship

  • Time of Apprenticeship
  • Place of Apprenticeship

A visit to Bumdes Blooms Jaya, Pakning Asal, the discussion concerned the preparation of a computer course for the Pertamina RU II Production Public Relations program, Sungai Pakning. A visit to BUMDs related to implementation of computer course activities and distribution of community satisfaction index questionnaires. Survey for the Arboretum in Kampung Jawa related to preparations for the re-opening of the Arboretum after 1 year of closure due to Covid-19 and sending out questionnaires.

Table 3.1 Schedule Working Hours at PT Pertamina RU II Production Sungai Pakning
Table 3.1 Schedule Working Hours at PT Pertamina RU II Production Sungai Pakning

System and Procedure

  • The Working System
  • Working Procedures

Submit the questionnaire data in Excel to Pertamina for processing to get the survey results. In addition, it contains a description of the discussions agreed during the meeting and the actions taken during the meeting. One of the activities was a visit by the Pekanbaru BPTP to a pineapple plantation in Kampung Jawa, Sungai Pakning, where some characteristics of pineapples, methods from sowing to harvesting and others were discussed.

After the activities have been carried out, the next stage is the writing of the implementation of the activities. The implementation form is written by the person responsible for the activity, or it is designated for the recorder. After the completion of the minutes and participation in the activities, both are stapled together and given to the supervisor from Pertamina and then stored in the filing cabinet according to the established program.

Sending invitations with the intention of inviting and informing the village about the activities carried out. To keep the event lively, it was instructed to deliver invitations containing announcements about the activities to be carried out. In conducting the community satisfaction survey on various programs supported by Pertamina's Public Relations, they were tasked to create a questionnaire consisting of several aspects, namely, program socialization, program planning, program implementation process and Others.

There are 2 (two) methods used in collecting survey data on the community satisfaction index survey questionnaire, namely going to the field directly (meeting the target community) and taking the questionnaire data online. After receiving the data from going directly to the field and the online data, they were given the task to combine all the data in excel and submit it to the supervisors from Pertamina to process and get the results. The Climate Village Program is a nationwide program managed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to increase community involvement and other stakeholders to strengthen adaptive capacity to climate change impacts, reduce emissions and ensure recognition of adaptation to climate change. and mitigation efforts that have been undertaken that can improve well-being at the local level in accordance with regional conditions.

Figure 3.2 Minutes of the visit
Figure 3.2 Minutes of the visit

Obstacle and Solution of Apprenticeship

  • Obstacle of Apprenticeship
  • Solution of Apprenticeship

Frequent damage or jams of the printer engine in the public relations room, for example: the printer engine ink color that cannot be used, which should print in red or other colors, but only black comes out and stripes. Internet access available in the office often lags or often does not connect to the laptop. Solutions that can be taken to deal with obstacles during the practical work process include.

Increase the collection of questionnaire data online, this is done to avoid direct contact with respondents to reduce the spread of Covid-19. For example, if you want to print or reproduce a questionnaire, a trainee student must go to another CDO room to print or reproduce the questionnaire. Students use cell phones to connect laptops to the Internet so that work continues and does not take long.

Writing minutes, conducting writing activities, archiving minutes/attendance of activities, duplicating the document, printing documents, sending invitations, responsible for creating the Community Satisfaction Index Survey questionnaire for the public relations program, responsible for distributing or retrieving the Community Satisfaction Index Survey questionnaire data for public relations programs directly to the field and online, Responsible for combining questionnaire data into Microsoft Excel, Collecting data about the Climate Village program. Pertamina RU II Production Sungai Pakning, located at Jalan Cendana No. 1 Sungai Pakning, Bukit Batu District, Bengkalis Regency. During the implementation of the practical work, there were several obstacles, namely the lack of direct fieldwork due to the covid-19 pandemic, printers that often jammed, the internet network available in the office often jammed.

Pertamina RU II Production Sungai Pakning, namely increased online questionnaire data collection, increased references to make questionnaires,. when printing documents, interns go to other rooms to print documents when searching for questionnaire references. The officers must also check the Internet regularly to avoid network interruptions because workers also use the Internet very often while doing their work. Pertamina (Persero) Refinery Unit II Production Sungai Pakning dalam Menciptakan Citra Positif di Kalangan Masyarakat Desa Sukajadi Kecamatan Bukit Batu Kabupaten Bengkalis”. 2020) "Job Training Company Pertamina (Persero) Refinery Unit II Production Sungai Pakning".



To make it easier for employees to perform their duties, the company used an internet-based system to facilitate online work and also used a manual system. While the manual system is used for recording meeting minutes form and activity implementation form. Pertamina RU II Production Sungai Pakning, namely increasing online questionnaire data collection, increasing references to making questionnaires,.


Apprenticeship Reply Letter

Apprenticeship Statement Letter

Apprenticeship Certificate

Apprenticeship Assesment Sheet

ID Card During Apprenticeship

List of Apprenticeship Attendance Sheet

Daily Activities

Revision List Apprenticeship


Table 3.2 Daily Activities of March 01 st , 2021 to March 05 th , 2021
Table 3.3 Daily Activities of March 08 th , 2021 to March 12 th , 2021
Table 3.3 is practical work the second week of March the author was invited  to  survey  several  places,  write  minutes,  and  was  assigned  the task  of  planning a  survey of the community satisfaction index and presenting it
Table 3.4 Daily Activities of March 15 th , 2021 to March 19 th , 2021


Dokumen terkait

The agenda for job training activities in the sixth week can be seen from the table as follows: Table 3.7 Agenda of Activities of the Sixth Week April 05th until 09th, 2021 No

Serving Customers Customer Service Section Source : Processed Data 2022 Table 3.2 is the second week of March the author does the same thing activities like the first week, but