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Operational Review


The quite fantastic business growth of the Company in the year 2011 is inseparable from the composition of appropriate and reliable human resources. As a market leader, Company continues

komprehensif Perseroan terus melakukan upaya peningkatan kompetensi sumber daya manusia baik secara tehnis maupun non-tehnis khususnya dalam bidang pembiayaan alat berat. Sejalan dengan perkembangan organisasi Perseroan secara kontinyu melakukan rekrutmen karyawan baru dan membuat program pengembangan bagi para ‘talent’ agar menjadi tenaga yang siap pakai di industri. Sumber daya manusia yang berkompeten, dan berdedikasi tinggi menjadi ujung tombak bagi keberhasilan Perseroan, khususnya dalam menghadapi persaingan bisnis yang semakin kompetitif saat ini Untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan keahlian karyawan, Perseroan menyelenggarakan pelatihan baik internal maupun eksternal, seminar, dan workshop sesuai kebutuhan dan pekerjaan karyawan.

Perseroan selalu memastikan bahwa semua ketentuan Pemerintah khususnya terkait dengan peraturan ketenagakerjaan terpenuhi diatas normative, seperti tingkat upah, program kesejahteraan, pensiun. Sistem remunerasi bagi karyawan juga dirancang untuk meningkatkan motivasi bekerja sekaligus sebagai program apresiasi bagi mereka yang menunjukkan kinerjanya terbaik dengan spirit “pay for the performer”.

Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Perseroan menerapkan proses yang terintegrasi yang dimulai dari perekrutan karyawan, pengembangan karyawan, retention, sampai dengan perencanaan bagi karyawannya yang memasuki masa pensiun.

Proses Recruitment, Development, Retention, dan Retirement Plan ini bertujuan untuk memotivasi karyawan agar mereka senantiasa dapat memberikan performa terbaiknya bagi Perseroan dan terciptanya budaya kerja yang baik.

Selain program pelatihan yang diselenggarakan sendiri oleh Perseroan, Perseroan sebagai-bagian dari grup Astra juga mengikutsertakan karyawan dalam program pengembangan kepemimpinan yang diselenggarakan oleh Astra Management Development Institute (“AMDI”) dalam rangka

to make consistent and comprehensive efforts to increase the competence of human resources, either technical or non-technical, particularly in the subject of heavy equipment financing. In line with the organization development, the Company continuously recruiting new employees and conduct the development program for the 'talent' to become a ready work force in the industry.

Competent and dedicated human resources are the spearhead for the success of the Company, particularly to face more competitive business recently. To increase the motivation and expertise of the employees, the Company organize both internal and external training, seminars, and workshops according to the need and the work of the employees.

The Company always ensures that all Government regulation, particularly that related to labor regulations are met above the normative, such as wages, welfare programs, retirement. Remuneration system for employees is also designed to increase motivation to work as well as an appreciation program for those who demonstrate the best performance with the spirit of "pay for the performers".

Human Resource Management of the Company implements an integrated process starting from employee Recruitment, Development, Retention and Retirement Plan for employees who retire.

This process is intended to motivate employees to always perform on their best for the Company and in order to create a favorable work culture.

In addition to the training program organized by the Company, The Company as the part of Astra Group also engages its employees in leadership development program conducted by Astra Management Development Institute (“AMDI”) in order to prepare the future leaders of the

mencetak para pemimpin Perseroan masa depan sesuai dengan standar kompetensi seorang pemimpin di Astra Group. Program pengembangan dilakukan secara komprehensif melalui tahapan-tahapan sebagai berikut:

• Astra Basic Management Program (“ABMP”), adalah program yang dirancang untuk karyawan baru di Astra Group yang berpotensi untuk menjadi pemimpin Perseroan di masa mendatang dengan tujuan memberikan pemahaman portfolio bisnis, budaya dan nilai Astra, mengembangkan critical thinking serta mentalitas dasar yang dibutuhkan untuk bekerja dengan lebih efektif sesuai dengan management sistem Astra.

• Astra First Line Management Program (“AFMP”), adalah program yang bertujuan untuk membangun potensi para manager lini Perseroan yang mengetahui pola kepemimpinan Astra, memiliki Astra Managerial Competence dan mampu mengaplikasikan sistem manajemen di lingkungan kerja masing-masing.

• Astra Middle Management Program (“AMMP”), adalah program yang didisain untuk menyiapkan kader manager menengah yang memiliki wawasan bisnis operasional secara terintegrasi (cross-function) dan kemampuan kepemimpinan yang transformasional.

• Astra General Management Program (“AGMP”), adalah program pengembangan calon pemimpin unit bisnis yang mampu memformulasikan competitive strategy Perseroan, mampu mengintegrasikan semua fungsi-fungsi bisnis yang ada di dalam Perseroan untuk menjalankan strategi tersebut, dan dapat membangun organisasi yang mampu dan fokus untuk memaksimalkan nilai bagi semua stakeholder Perseroan.

Sampai dengan bulan Desember 2011, 126 orang telah bergabung bersama Perseroan, dimana 82 orang adalah tenaga kerja pria, dan 44 orang lainnya adalah tenaga kerja wanita.

Company according to competence standard of a manager in Astra Group. The comprehensive Development Program will be made through the following phases:

• Astra Basic Management Program (“ABMP”), is a program designed for new employee in Astra Group who is potential to be the future leaders of the Company, aims to give understanding on business portfolio, culture and value of Astra, developing critical thinking as well as basic mentality as required to work effectively according to Astra system management.

• Astra First Line Management Program (“AFMP”), is a program aims to build the potential of Company’s line manager who understand the leadership pattern of Astra, possess Astra Managerial Competence and able to apply the management system within the respective work environment.

• Astra Middle Management Program (“AMMP”), is a program designed to prepare middle manager who possess integrated operational business insight (cross-function) and transformational leadership capability.

• Astra General Management Program (“AGMP”), is a development program for prospective leaders of business unit who is able to formulate competitive strategy of Company, able to integrate all business functions existing in the Company and to carry out the strategy, and able to build an organization which is able to focus and to maximize value for all Company’s stakeholders.

Until December 2011, 126 persons have joined with the Company, of which 82 persons are male employees, and 44 other persons are female employees.

Umur/Age Level

18 - 25 26 - 35

36 - 45 46 - 55 57.9%




Sales & Marketing Board of the Directors Finance

Operation Sales Head Office

Jenjang Manajemen/Management Level






S1, S2, S3/Bachelor, Master and Doctorate Jenjang Pendidikan/Education Level

Diploma/Diploma SLTA, SLTP, SD/Senior High, Yunior High and Elementary School


