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The Effect of Reciprocal Technique towards Students' Reading Comprehension on Report Text (A Quasi-Experimental Study of Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 3 South Tangerang


Academic year: 2017

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(A Quasi-Experimental Study of Eleventh Grade Students of SMA N 3 South Tangerang in the Academic Year 2014/2015)










Lulu Walidaini. 1111014000077. “The Effectiveness of Reciprocal Technique towards Students’ Reading Comprehension on Report Text” (A Quasi-Experimental Study of Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 3 South Tangerang in the Academic Year 2014/2015). Skripsi, The Department of English Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training. Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, 2015.

Advisor I : Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd.

Advisor II : Teguh Khaerudin, M.App.Ling.

Key words : Reciprocal Technique, Reading Comprehension, Report Text



Lulu Walidaini. 1111014000077. “The Effectiveness of Reciprocal Technique towards Students’ Reading Comprehension on Report Text” (A Quasi-Experimental Study of Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 3 South Tangerang in the Academic Year 2014/2015). Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan. Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.

Pembimbing I : Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd.

Pembimbing II : Teguh Khaerudin, M.App.Ling.

Kata Kunci : Teknik Reciprocal, Pemahaman Membaca, Teks Report




In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful

All praise be to Allah, Lord of the world, for the health and the strength that Allah has given to the writer in writing this “research paper”. Peace and salutation be upon the prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions as well as his followers.

In this occasion, the writer also would like to express her greatest appreciation, honor, and gratitude to her beloved parents, H. Amin Aziz, M.Pd. and Hj. Kusneri who always never stop teaching their precious meaning of life, giving their knowledge, giving their time and for financially support to finish this study. Also her beloved brothers Ilham Habiburahman and Hasbi Ash-Shidiqq who always support her, she gives many thank you.

Secondly, the writer would like to address her thank and great gratitude to Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd. and Mr. Teguh Khaerudin, M.App.Ling. as the writer’s advisors, who give consultation with full of patience, help and guidance as valuable advice during developing this research paper. May Allah SWT respond to their kindness much better.

Thirdly, the writer thought that she would never finish this research paper fluently without their supports and their helps. Her gratitude also goes to:

1. Prof, Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.Pd., as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training.

2. Drs. Alek, M.Pd., as the Head of The Department.of English Education 3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., as the secretary of The Department.of English




5. Hj. Tati Erayati, M.Pd., as the English Teacher at SMAN 3 Tangerang Selatan, for all sincere help, time and guidance.

6. The students of eleventh grade of SMAN 3 Tangerang Selatan for being participants in this research.

7. Imam Bukhari, S.Kom, M.M., as the writer’s best partner who always gives support and many contributions and also helps whenever needed. 8. All beloved friends of “EED B 2011”, especially the writer’s best friend;

Afni Amalia, Siti Khafidoh, Safitri O., Trihanifa A., and Asih Wulandhini who have accompanied the writer’s life during the study in the university. 9. All of the sisters in the “KOSAN SAHAL”, Titin Supartin, Ade Faridah,

Rakhil Ichwan, Firda Amalia, Tavia Tur Rahmah, S.Pd., Melia Rahmah, Dewi Astuti, S.H., etc. who always support me and support me in happy and sad conditions.

10.A big family of HMI KOMTAR and my lovely LAPENMI (Lembaga Pendidikan Mahasiswa Islam) HMI Ciputat , thank you for all of the supports.

11.To all of people whose name cannot be mentioned for their contribution to the writer during finishing this research.

Finally, the writer admits that her writing is still far from being perfect. Therefore she hopes some suggestions and criticism from the reader for this paper. Hopefully this research paper will have some values for her and the reader.

Ciputat, 12th October 2015






ABSTRACT ... iii

ABSTRAK ... iv






A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Identification of the Problem ... 4

C. The Limitation of the Problem ... 4

D. The Formulation of the Problem... 5

E. The Objective of the Study ... 5

F. The Significance of the Study ... 5


A. Reading ... 6

1. The Definition of Reading ... 6

2. The Purpose of Reading ... 8

3. Kinds of Reading ... 8

B. Report Text ... 10

1. The Definition of Report Text ... 10

2. The Purpose of Report Text ... 10

3. The Feature of Report Text ... 11

C. Reciprocal Technique ... 12

1. The Definition of Reciprocal Technique ... 12



3. The Strategy of Reciprocal Technique ... 13

D. Relevant Previous Studies ... 14

E. Thinking Framework ... 16

F. Hypothesis ... 17


A. The Place and the Time of the Study ... 18

B. The Method and Research Design ... 18

C. The Population and Sample of the Research ... 19

D. The Instrument of The Research... 20

E. Technique of Data Analysis ... 21

F. Statistical Hypothesis... 24


A. Description of the Data ... 25

1. The Scores of Experimental Class ... 25

2. The Scores of Controlled Class ... 27

3. The Calculating Scores of Experimental and Controlled Class ... 29

4. Data Testing ... 31

5. The Analysis of the Data ... 33

B. Discussion ... 38


A. Conclusion ... 43

B. Suggestion ... 43





Table 3.1 Design of the Research ... 19

Table 4.1 The Score of Pre-test, Post-test and Gained Score of Experimental Class ... ...25

Table 4.2 The Score of Pre-test, Post-test and Gained Score of Controlled Class ... 27

Table 4.3 The Comparison of Students’ Score in the Experimental Class and Controlled Class ... 29

Table 4.4 The Normality Test of The Pre-test ... 31

Table 4.5 The Normality Test of The Post-test ... 32

Table 4.6 The Homogeneity Test of The Pre-test... 32

Table 4.7 The Homogeneity Test of The Post-test ... 33




Appendix 1. English Subject Syllabi on 11th Grade of

SMAN 3 South Tangerang ... 48

Appendix 2. Kisi-kisi Soal ... 69

Appendix 3. Pre-test and Post Test Intrument ... 71

Appendix 4. Answer Key ... 86

Appendix 5. The Questionnaire ... 87

Appendix 6. The Questionnaire Result Description of XI MIA 3 ... 88

Appendix 7. The Lesson Plan ... 101

Appendix 8. L-table ... 116

Appendix 9. F-table ... 117

Appendix 10. t-table... 118

Appendix 11. Surat Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi ... 119

Appendix 12. Surat Bimbingan Skripsi ... 120

Appendix 13. Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian... 121

Appendix 14. Surat Keterangan Penelitian dari Sekolah ... 122





This chapter covers the general preview of the present study. It consists of the background of the study, the problem identification of the study, the problem limitation, the formulation of the study, the objective of the study and the significance of the study.


The Backgr ound of The Study

Reading is a prominent aspect in educational area. It is also one of the skills that should be mastered by the students in learning English subject. Students learn four English skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. According to Harmer we can divided these skills in two kinds, the productive and receptive skill. The productive skills are speaking and writing. Then the receptive are listening and reading. 1 In mastering the reading skill, English teacher has big responsibility. They should make the student reach good score. This receptive skill will give many benefits in our life. Through reading activity, students can earn much information. They can read and comprehend the English text in book, magazine, newspaper, novel, etc.

Meanwhile, in learning reading skill, students often get some problems. First, teacher dominated the class (teacher centered). Every teacher has different style in teaching. There are some teachers who teach creatively and attractively. But the others teacher cannot be attractive or cannot interact with their students. Mostly, they use lecturing method. That method is conventional enough (like teacher read aloud and student only listen or repeat it). There are no chances for the students to interact with other students or to ask the question also to respond the text. It will set the class condition to be very serious and only focus to the teacher. Sometimes, with this situation students will feel bored or sleepy. Second, the text is not interesting and sometimes was too long. Third, students’ lack of vocabulary

1 Jeremy Harmer,


always happened and makes the students dislike reading activity. Fourth, it is because their opportunity to read the English text only during English class. Most of the Indonesia students practice to read the English text only in the class. But the case is their reading activity is only read the text. There are no guarantee whether the students understands the text or not. Whereas, the main reading activity goal is the reader can understand what they read, comprehension reading. But the most difficult problem that often happened to our students’ in comprehending the reading text. Some problems here can be caused by the teacher factors and also by the students’ factor. Teacher who is not creative, lazy, and less of technique in teaching; students’ ability also their condition are some reason why those problems appeared.

As the writer said above, the most difficult and crucial problem is students’ skill in comprehending the text. It will be very serious problem because in Senior High School especially in Indonesia based on the National education curriculum 2013, they will find many texts. The texts are descriptive, recount, narrative, procedure and also report. Thus, the students have to have the ability in reading and comprehend the content of the text.2

Based on the reality, many English tests that the writer found are contained of some reading texts. Then the text will measure students’ skill to comprehend the text by answering the tests item correctly. It means, if the students do not understand the content of the texts, they will fail in answering the test correctly.

In this case, the writer looks at the test items of National Examination of English subject of Senior high school in year 2014 1st packet. There, some texts are found in some genres like recount, narrative, descriptive and report text.3 Furthermore, students must have a good reading skill especially in comprehension skill to answer it. However, this situation can be faced by the teacher through an appropriate technique. One of the techniques in teaching reading skill that teacher can use is reciprocal teaching techniques.

2 None,

Silabus Bahasa Inggris Kelas X, XI, dan XII SMAN Kurikulum 2013 Kemendikbud RI, (Jakarta: Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, 2015), p. 14.

3 None,



Reciprocal technique is a technique which design to get the comprehension of middle school students who could decode but had difficulty comprehending text effectively. This technique was developed by Annemarie Pallinscar and Ann Brown in 1984. In other word, this technique was specially designed to the middle school students or we can say in Indonesia like Junior or Senior High School students.4

Another statement from Willis Reciprocal is the activity which provide students have an opportunity to take the role of leader in the group after someone read some part of the text, another student as a volunteer give the oral summarization, and another group add information, then group members give the prediction and the last give the questioning.5 In this activity, students will be grouped and leaded by a leader.

Reciprocal itself based on the journal which written by Howard, it is not only students’ activities. Here, teacher and students have the same role. They will contribute in this activity and help each other.6 Teacher help student to accomplish their comprehension skill in reading, and student help the teacher to make her teaching goal success. The advantages of this text are it engaged student and the teacher, it make all of students have same portion role in the class to comprehend, and it can guide the students to do the activity that can improve the comprehension skill.

In Malaysia, there was a research about Reciprocal teaching technique which conducted in 2011. It researches whether Reciprocal strategy can help the low-proficiency students to improve their reading skill and also see what the effect (respond) of the students is. The results of this research are it can help the low proficiency students and the effect that gotten is good respond from the students. This research will has the same result if it is adapted in Indonesia. This thinking

4 Janette K. Klingner, Sharon Vaugh, et al., T

eaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties, (New York: The Guilford Publication, Inc., 2007), p. 131.

5 Judy Willis, M.D.,


comes because Indonesia’s students and Malaysia’s students is same as the Malay people.

Based on the background above, the writer would like to take a research study under the title, “The Effectiveness of Reciprocal Strategy towards Students’ Reading Comprehension on Report Text”.

In this research, the writer will use report text to show whether it is effective towards students’ comprehension. In Indonesia itself, there are some studies about reciprocal technique before. They are from Nurulia Dwi Febriani, the students of UIN Jakarta and also Rizki Maulana Sahab from Indonesia University of Education. The writer chooses the report text to differentiate with the previous studies. The writer also decides to do this research through students in senior high school. Meanwhile, those previous studies use narrative text and descriptive text. And both of them do the research on junior high school.


The Identification of The Problem

Based on the background above, there are some problems that be related with this research. The problem can be identified as follows:

1. Teacher in Indonesia often use the conventional method. 2. Students somewhat interesting with the text.

3. Students’ lack of vocabulary.

4. Students have less interest in reading English text. 5. The students are difficult in comprehending the text.


The Limitation of the Problem




The Formulation of the Problem

This study will be guided by the questions below:

“Was there any significant effect before and after using Reciprocal technique towards students’ reading comprehension on report text at the eleventh grade students of SMAN 3 South Tangerang?”


The Objective of the Study

The objective of this study was to get empirical evidence about the effectiveness of reciprocal technique towards students’ reading comprehension on report text.


The Significance of the Study

The result of this study were hoped to give some significances, not only theoretically but also practically go to:

- For Students

Theoretically, the students can understand the text that they read well. This technique also motivates the students to get higher quality in reading comprehension skill by applying this technique.

- For Teachers

This study can help the teacher to teach reading skill in the class. It also helps the teacher to teach in new technique which is more interesting than using conventional technique.

- For Other Researchers





In this chapter, the researcher would like to describe some theories related to the study. The theories focus on the definition of reading, the purpose of reading, the kinds of reading, the definition of reciprocal technique, the technique of reciprocal, the relevant previous studies, the theoretical thinking, and the hypothesis of the research.



1. The Definition of Reading

Reading is one of the skills that the students learn in studying English. According to Daiek reading is not a passive process, but active, and the process that enables a reader to think the thoughts of a writer.1 Reading also is a useful tool for other subjects in the curriculum and a useful element in real living. Another assumption from Lems, et al, reading is interactive process that takes place between the text and the reader’s background knowledge which collaborate with processing strategies; bottom up and top down strategies. The bottom up refers to the word-level skill for decoding process and the bottom up for analyzing the content of the book or refers to the comprehension process.2 Reading is not only source of information and joy but also a way to expand the reader knowledge.3

Meanwhile, Harmer said that reading is an exercise dominated by the eyes and the brain. The eyes receive messages and the brain then has to work out the significance of these messages.4 So, it can be concluded that to respond the stimulus well, the test takers should comprehend the content of those written text.


Debora B. Daiek and Nancy M. Anter, Critical Reading for College and Beyond, (New York: NcGraw-Hill, 2004), p. 5.

2 Kristin Lems, Leah D. Miller, and Tenena M. Soro,

Teaching Reading to English Language Learners, (New York: The Guilford Press, 2010), p. 33.

3 Dr. M.F. Patel and Praveen M. Jain,

English Language Teaching: Methods, Tools and Techniques, (Jaipur: Sunrise Publishers & Distributors, 2008), p. 114.

4 Jeremy Harmer,



Furthermore, to make the reading as a meaningful activity, the text must be comprehended. Serravalo stated that reading is at the heart of what it means to really read.5 And McGuinnes argues “reading comprehension is the end game of learning to read and necessarily involves everything that comes before it: a good vocabulary and good oral comprehension skills, plus accurate and fluent decoding skills.6 Here, it can be assumed that to get the comprehension, not only usual reading activity but also well vocabulary and good decoding process are needed. Moreover Willis stated that successful comprehension happen when students have practice with strategies for monitoring their understanding, increasing their interest to the text and also having goals or purpose when reading.7 There are many strategies that teachers use to force students’ reading comprehension. Start with motivating their students, let their students practice a lot and give the exercises will force the students to comprehend what they read. Teacher’s monitoring also give great effect. If the monitoring process finished smoothly it would be effective to find students who were low in comprehending the text. Monitoring can gives the description of the students’ condition. It makes the teacher know and can decide the next strategy which appropriate with the students. Teacher also should give the attention to the texts which they chose. The text level should match with students’ level. It will be bad if the text is too difficult and far from the students’ level or too easy and under students level. If the text too difficult, it will make the students feel hard and bored to read. But if the text is too easy, it cannot train the student to improve their reading skill. the last, teacher should be focus on goal or real purpose of reading the text.

There are many various goals in reading activity. One of them is comprehends the text. If the comprehension is the goal, teacher should focus to make the students able in understanding what they read. The factors which support the students in comprehending the text should be taught and conveyed. Wallace and his friends stated that to achieve the comprehension the reader must

5 Jennifer Serravallo,

Teaching Reading in Small Groups, (Pourthsmouth: Heinemann, 2010), p. 43.

6 Diane McGuinnes,

Early Reading Instruction, (London: A Bradford Book,2004), p. 211. 7 Judy Willis, M.D.,


know the vocabulary and syntax, form and work from a schema, generate images, summarize, draw inferences, and monitor the comprehension.8

In sum up, reading is one of the skills in English language which engage some activities to get the goal of the reading. Then reading comprehension is the process to understand or getting the meaning what the writer wrote by relating with the reader background knowledge.

2. The Purpose of Reading

Generally based on Jeremy Harmer, reader will read because they have a desire to do and some purpose to achieve. Or we can say reading for pleasure or to get the information.9 Grabe also divided the purpose of reading as followed: a. Reading to search for simple information

b. Reading to skim quickly c. Reading to learn from texts d. Reading to integrate information e. Reading to write

f. Reading to critique texts

g. Reading for general comprehension10

3. The Kinds of Reading

Based on reading material that we often see, Harmer divided the kinds of reading into:

a. Reading to confirm expectation

b. Reading to extract specific information c. Reading for communicative tasks d. Reading for general understanding

e. Reading for detailed comprehension: information

f. Reading for detailed comprehension: function and discourse11

8 Jean Wallace, et al,

Understanding Reading Problems (Eight Edition), (Boston: Pearson, 2012), pp. 98—99.

9 Harmer,

op.cit, p. 188. 10Grabe,

op.cit., pp. 8—10. 11 Harmer,



Meanwhile according to Gebhard, the kinds of reading are: a. Skimming

Skimming is process of reading which the reader only read the main idea in each paragraph. In this activity the reader does not allow to read all of the text. It is because the skimming activity make the reader know the content of a paragraph by read the main idea in the first sentence in each paragraph.

b. Scanning

Scanning is an activity in reading the text for a few and only search for the information that we need. It presses the reader to only read what they need to read. In other word, we can say that it refer to make the reader find out the information that they search for.

c. Reading for Thorough Comprehension

Reading for comprehending means all of the kinds of activities that refer to understand the text what they read. The real practice of this reading can be form in any strategies. The kind of strategies that usually used in this reading is reciprocal teaching, peer teaching, etc.

d. Critical Reading

In this activity student lead to be able to criticize the text. There are three stages in this kind. First, the reader should read the text to comprehend it. Next, the reader must make a judgment about what they read before. Do they agree with it or not. The last, the teacher ask the reader about their judgment.

e. Extensive Reading


f. Computer Mediated Reading

Computer mediated reading means all of the kinds of reading above are done in the computer. 12


Report Text

1. The Definition of Report Text

In daily life, texts are often found. Text is words which are put together to communicate a meaning. It can be created by a writer or a speaker. Thus, text has two forms, oral and written. Text has some types, likes descriptive, recount, narrative, report, procedure, etc. So, report text is one of the text types. According to Anderson, report text is a piece of texts that presents about subject with its fact.13 Meanwhile, report text is also a kind of text that describes things with a reference of natural, man-made, and social phenomena around of us. It presents only the facts.14

2. The Purposes of Report Text

Anderson said that the purposes of report text are:15 a. To Classify

The reader can read the report text for classifying something. Report text itself can classify many things. They are about thing, natural phenomenon, animal, plants, human, social phenomenon, and so on which can be found in our environment.

b. To Describe

In report text, the things will be described generally. That makes report text different with descriptive text. For example, in report text we will write and

12 Jerry G. Gebhard,

Teaching English as a Foreign or Second Language (Second Edition), (Michigan: the University of Michigan, 2009), pp. 198—204.

13 Mark and Kathy Anderson

, Text Types 3, (Malaysia: Macmillan Education Australia PTY LTD, 1998), p. 17.

14 Shyla K. Lande and Eka Mulya Astuti,

Forward for Vacational School Grade XII, (Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga, 2015), p. 91.

15 Anderson,



describe “Dog” generally, but when we write and describe “My Dog” we will talk specifically only on my dog area.

3. The Features of Report Text

Report text tells the reader about a non-fiction or facts of something inside. Its structures are title, general classification and description.16 Anderson said that there are three features which organize this text.17

a. A General Opening

This part appears in the early of the text. Usually in this part, the writer will write a statement to tell the reader what the text going to be about. It can consist of a definition of the subject and the short description about the subject. This part called general statement in common.

b. A Series of Paragraphs about the Subject

This part usually will show some paragraphs. Each paragraph will talk about the features of the subject. These paragraphs build a description of the report subject. This part also called description.

c. A Concluding Paragraph

This part is an optional part. The concluding paragraph signals the end of the text. It can summarize the report text and give the conclusion. Meanwhile, in common report text this part is rarely founded.

This is the example of report text:


A galaxy is a collection of stars and other astronomical bodies, including planets, comets and asteroids, held together by gravity.

Galaxies come in different shapes and sizes. These include the spiral, barrel-spiral and elliptical. Our galaxy,

16 Th. M. Sudarwati and Eudia Grace

, Siap Ujian Akhir Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA Kelas XI, (Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga, 2014), p. 57.

17 Anderson,

op.cit., p. 18. GENERAL



called the Milky Way, is approximately 100 000 light year in width and contains over 100 billion stars.

The centre of galaxies can contain many young, very hot stars as well as older stars. Swirling clouds that have been energized by magnetic forces also exist in the centre.

At this point in time, no one knows the exact number of galaxies in the universe. Astronomers are, however, learning more and more about them every day. 18


Recipr ocal Technique

1. The Definition of Reciprocal Technique

Reciprocal technique was originally designed to improve comprehension for middle school students who could decode but had difficulty comprehending text.19 In this strategy student will learn through four steps like prediction, summarization, questioning and clarifying. Students will learn in a group and the teacher will have the same role with the students during the activity.

Another statement came from Farris, Reciprocal is a process in four steps activity (predicting, summarizing, questioning, and clarifying) in a group activity in primary school students.20 Each group must have a leader to lead all of the process above.

2. The Purpose of Reciprocal Technique

Mastering reading comprehension is one of some problems for students who are low proficiency in reading comprehension skill. To solve this problem, teacher must realize what her students’ need. Based on Vigotzky’s theory, students actually have two typical of thoughtful improvement, a real improvement action and a

18 Anderson.

op.cit., p. 19.

19 Janette K. Klingner, Sharon Vaugh, et.al.

, Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties, (New York: The Guilford Publication, Inc., 2007), p. 131.

20 Pamela J. Faris, et.al.

, Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach for Today’s Classrooms, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004), p. 340.



capable improvement action. The real improvement action is the thoughtful action which shows the students can fix their problem by themselves; they do not need any helps. Meanwhile, the capable improvement action is the students’ thoughtful which want the helping of the teacher or other capable people to fix their problem.21 Reading text in foreign language makes some students get difficulties, hence some of them can do it well. The low achiever students’ must get more attention from the teacher. Actually it was because they need more treatment or helping. From this theory those students want or need some guidance. However, the guidance here, not always only come from the teacher. It also can come from the others students. Reciprocal is one of the techniques in teaching reading comprehension that offering the solution to solve the problem. Reciprocal technique will make students and teacher take turns or contribute in teachers’ role in leading discussion.22Thus, the main purpose of this technique is improving the students’ comprehension in reading texts.23 Ruddel also stated that reciprocal technique or we can called it ReQuest (Reciprocal Question, QAR (Question Answer Relationship), ReQAR (Reciprocal Question Answer Relationship) or VSS (Vocabulary Self Collection Strategy) is successfully used in teaching marginalized students with its four strategies.24

3. The Strategy of Reciprocal Technique

Understanding the strategy inside the Reciprocal is the important thing. According to Klingner et al, reciprocal teaching has some steps:

a) Predicting

Predicting involves finding clues in the structure and content of a passage that might suggest what will happen next. The student will predict what they read based on their prior knowledge. Their prior knowledge then will be connected

21 Mohammad Reza Ahmadi, Reciprocal Teaching Strategy as an Important Factor of Improving Reading Comprehension, Macrothink Intitutes Journal of Studies in Education,Vol.2 No. 4, 2012, p. 163.

22 Nuar Atika, et.al., Using Reciprocal Teaching Technique in Improving Reading Comprehension, e-Jaournal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. 1 No. 1 2013-ISSN 2831-18421, 2013, p. 3.

23 Klingner.

op.cit, p. 131. 24 Martha Rapp Ruddel,


with the passage and it will determine if the prediction will were correct or not. Usually students predict what they will read by the title.

b) Clarifying

Clarifying make sure the text make sense to the reader. The teacher or the students gain the information as the clarification. They engage with the text and a discussion.

c) Summarizing

In summarizing student make the statements in one-two sentences. It contain of the most important ideas. The summary should use the students’ own words. Unimportant supporting details do not allow implying in the summary.

d) Question Generating

Questioning here means students should construct the question about the main idea. The question is to check the understanding of the text. Here, students can construct the question using words such who, when, where, and how. Students are taught to ask the main idea and it will be better if the answer is not in written in the text.25

Meanwhile, according to Palinscar and Brown which restated by I. S. P Nation, there are four step in reciprocal technique strategy.

A procedure called reciprocal teaching which involved the training and use of four strategies which could be applied……: (1) prediction of the content of the paragraph before reading it; (2) making question focusing on the main idea of the paragraph; (3) summarizing what has just been read; and (4) seeking clarification on difficult points in the paragraph.26


Relevant Previous Studies

In conducting this research, the researcher is guided by some sprevious studies in order to make it aimed. Some studies that relevant to this research are explained later as follow:

1. An international journal “Effects of Reciprocal Teaching Strategies on Reading Comprehension” by Tan Oul Leng Chou et.al.

25 Klingner,

op.cit., p.134. 26 Nation, I. S. P.,



The aim of the study was to know whether reciprocal teaching strategy can help low proficiency students in improving their reading comprehension and to know what the effect of this strategy is. The sample was taken from Sixth-form students in Malaysia. The sample consists of 68 low proficiency students from four Sixth-form, intact classes.

The research design used was quasi-experimental design. This research divided the sample in control class and experiment class. The treatment of this strategy was given in experiment class. The researchers gave pre-test, post-test, and five question in an open ended questionnaire as the instruments. The findings from the independent t-test and paired sample t-test showed a significant difference, reveling the effectiveness of the strategies and the respondents from the experimental group gave positive feedback. There are some differentiations

2. A skripsi “Improving Reading Comprehension Through Reciprocal Teaching Technique at MTs. Hidayatul Umam Cinere Depok” by Nurulia Dwi Febriani.

The aim of the study was to improve students’ reading comprehension through reciprocal technique. The sample was taken from the first year students of Mts. Hidayatul Umam Cinere Depok academic year 2011/2012. The sample consists of 37 students.

The research design used was classroom action research which was adapted from Kurt Lewin model that included two cycles, i.e. planning, acing, observing and reflecting. The researcher was conducting two cycles for this research.

The result of the study indicated that using reciprocal strategy can improve students’ reading comprehension and it also makes students more active in the class. It can be seen from the result percentage of cycle I is 40.68% to the cycle II was 57.73%.


Nurulia’s but similar with Tan Oul. But of course in the detail step and instrument that I had, it was totally different.


Thinking Framewor k

There are two variables. In this study, the writer decides that the independent variable is reciprocal Teaching and the dependent variable is students’ reading comprehension. This study will be focused on whether the reciprocal technique effective or not.

Reading is one of the language skills that important enough. Reading is not only a skill. It can affect another subject or another part in our life. Reading also can support us in many areas. For example, reading can make the reader gain much information. Therefore, reading is not only reading. To get the actual and appropriate information there, the reader must understand the content of the discourse. That is why the reader should have the comprehension skill. By that skill, reading will be the meaningful activity.

Report text is one of the text types in English which was learned by senior high school students. Report text described a subject with its fact. The subject can be human, animal, plants, natural phenomena, etc. Report text leads to a problem regarding on how students can master it appropriately.




Theoretical Hypothesis

Based on theories which were elucidated above, it can be posed theoretical hypothesis. The theoretical hypothesis that will appear in this study were:

H0 (Null hypothesis) : There was no significant effect of reciprocal technique towards students’ reading comprehension.





This chapter presents the time and the place of the study, the research design of the study, the population and sample, the variable, the instrument, the technique of collecting data, the technique of data analysis, and the hypothesis of statistic.


The Place and the Time of the Research

- The Place of the Research

This research was conducted in SMA N 3 South Tangerang which is located in Pondok Benda 11, Pamulang 2, South Tangerang.

- The Time of the Research

It was conducted almost during on two months, started from August to September 2015. The focuses are on grade XI MIA 3 and XI MIA 4 in SMA N 3 South Tangerang, academic year 2014/2015.


The Method and Research Design

In this research the writer uses quantitative method. According to Uhar Suharsaputra, quantitative research is a research approach that represents the understanding of positivism where the data or information that was obtained will be proofed empirically. It refers to a theory and uses the hypothesis test to vivificated that theory as the result.1 Meanwhile, Creswell gave statement about quantitative research definition, quantitative research is an inquiry process of understanding based on distinct methodological traditions of inquiry that explore a social or human problem. The researcher builds a complex, holistic, picture, analyzes words, reports detailed views of informants and conducts the study in a natural setting.2 Thus, this study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of

1 Uhar Suharsaputra,

Metode Penelitian: Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan Tindakan, (Bandung: Refika Aditama, Inc. 2012), pp. 50—53.

2 John W. Creswell,



using reciprocal technique through administering pre-test and post-test to get the scores and to have numerical data.

Later, this study specifically was designed as quasi-experiment research. Quasi-experiment is the research that does not permit the researcher to control the assignment. The quasi experimental is experimental situation in which the research assigns, but not randomly, participants to groups because the experimenter cannot artificially create groups for the experiment.3 The quasi– experiment design uses nonrandomized control group pre-test and post-test can be figured as follows:

Table 3.1 Design of the research

O = observation/measurement

X = treatment given to experimental group

In this study, the writer decides that there are two variables, the independent and dependent variable. Variable is a concept where the subjects stand variously in a class.4The independent variable is reciprocal Teaching and the dependent variable is students’ reading comprehension.


The Population and Sample of the Research

1. The Population of the Research

Population of this research was the eleventh grade students of SMAN 3 South Tangerang in academic year 2014/2015. The eleventh grade students of SMAN 3 South Tangerang are divided into eight classes. Seven classes are science major and one class for social major. The total of the population is 259 students.

3 Creswell

, op.cit., p. 309.

4 Jack R. Fraenkel and Norman Wallen,

How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, (New York: Mc Graw Hill, Inc.,2003), p. 94.


Experimental O1 X O2


2. The Sample and Sampling Technique of the Research

The technique in deciding the sample was purposive sampling. Purposive sampling allows the researcher takes the sample by using their judgment to choose the appropriate sample for collecting the data that needed and usually based on the prior information.5 It was chosen because those samples have the purpose, make the writer is easier in collect the data. Furthermore, the researcher also considered it based on the recommendation from the English teacher on this school.

The sample for this study was two classes. They are XI MIA-3 and class XI MIA-4. Then the researcher manipulates the sample, XI MIA 3 as experimental class and XI MIA4 as controlled class. The class of XI MIA 3 has its member for about 29 students and the class of XI MIA 4 has 29 students.


The Instr ument of the Research

The instruments which were used were test and non-test. The test is designed to pre-test and post-test. Meanwhile, the non-test instrument form is questionnaire. Before shared the test, it was tried out in another class. It was tried out to test the items’ validity of the test instrument. Twenty-five items were chosen as the valid items for pre-test and post-test. They were chosen because they can cover enough all of the indicator that will be tested to measure students’ reading comprehension. The indicators can be seen in appendix one. The pre-test is given due to know the students’ condition before getting the treatment. Meanwhile, the post-test is used to know whether any significance effect of reciprocal technique or not. The pre-test and post-test instrument can be seen in appendix two. The writer also used questionnaire to get the students’ respond after learning reading comprehension using reciprocal technique. The questionnaire consists of five open-ended questions.

5 Fraenkel




Techniques of Data Analysis

After the test is given to the students in the pre and posttest, it will be tested. The test is focused on normality of the students’ pretest and post test score. The result from the test will be analyzed first by the test of normality and test of homogeneity in SPSS 18. The data will be analyzed by assumption testing and hypothesis testing. The kind of assumption testing was normality test and homogeneous test. It is calculated due to know the next step of analyzing the data which whether using parametric test or non-parametric test.

1. Normality Test

Normality test is used to know whether the data come from the normal distribution or not. In this study, the researcher tends to use SPSS version 18 to find out the normality of the data by followed these steps:

a. Open SPSS Program

b. Input the data to the data view by first fill the variable view with write down X as score of pre-test or post-test score and Y as the kind of class c. Click Analyze >> Descriptive Statistics >> Explore

d. Drag the X to the Dependent List and Y to the Factor list e. Click Plot >>checklist Normality plots with test>> ok

The criteria of determining the normality of the data was:

a. If tvalue was smaller than ttable (tvalue < t table), it meant that H0 was accepted and H1 was rejected

b. If tvalue greater than ttable (talue > ttable), it meant that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted.

2. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test is used to know whether the data come from the homogeneous variance or not. To calculate the data, the researcher use SPSS version 18 as follows:


b. Input the data to the data view by first fill the variable view with write down X as score of pre-test or post-test score and Y as the kind of class

c. Click Analyze >> Compare means >> One-way ANOVA d. Drag the X the Dependent List and Y to the Factor list

e. Click Option >>checklist Homogeneity of Variance Test >> Ok

The criteria of determining the homogeneous of the data was:

c. If tvalue was smaller than ttable (tvalue < t table), it meant that H0 was accepted and H1 was rejected

d. If tvalue greater than ttable (talue > ttable), it meant that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted.

After tested the normality and homogeneity of the data, the writer will know continue the analyzing process into t-test calculation. Actually, in t-test the writer analyzes the data using comparative technique between the control and experiment class. The score of experiment class and control class in pre-test and post-test will be compared. This technique is very effective to show the result statistically. Then the result of the technique will show whether the reciprocal technique is effective or not in improving reading comprehension.

To show the differences, the writer uses t-test formula. to = M1 –M2

SEM1-M2 to = The value of “t observation”

M1= Mean variable of experimental class M2= Mean variable of control class

SEM1 = Standard Error of experimental class SEM2 = Standard Error of control class

The procedure of calculation is as follows:



M1 = ∑ N

b. Determining mean of variable y (variable 2) with the formula: M1 = ∑


c. Determining Standar Deviation of variable x (variable 1) with the formula:

SD1 = ∑ 2 N

d. Determining Standar Deviation of variable x (variable 1) with the formula:

SD2 = ∑ 2 N

e. Determining Standard error of variable x (variable 1) with the formula: SEM1 = SD1

√ − 1

f. Determining Standard Error of variable y (variable 2) with the formula: SEM2 = SD2

√ − 1

g. Determining Standard Error of the different mean between variable x and variable y with formula:

SEM1M2 = √ 1 + 2

h. Determining Test Observation with the formula: to = M1 – M2

SEM1 - M2

i. Determining T-Table in significance of level of level 5% with df. Df = (N1+N2)-2



My : The mean score of gain’s score of experimental class ∑ x : The total score of experimental class gain’s score ∑ y : The total score of controlled class gain’s score

∑ x2 : The total score of the calculation the score minus mean score of experimental class

∑ y2 : The total score of the calculation the score minus mean score of controlled class

SDx : The standard deviation of gain’s score of experimental class SDy : The standard deviation of gain’s score of controlled class

1 : The mean score of post-test in the experimental class 2 : The mean score of post-test in the controlled class SEMx : Standard error mean of the experimental class SEMy : Standard Error mean of controlled class n1 : Total Students of the experimental class n2 : Total Students of the controlled class


Statistical Hypothesis

A hypothesis is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables. This research is designed to find out whether there is progress of using reciprocal technique on students’ reading ability of report text. In order to get the answer of that hypothesis, the writer proposed Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) and the Null Hypothesis (H0) which is described to the following statistical hypothesis:

1. H0 = If ttest (tcount) < ttable (tt) in significant degree of 0,05 2. Ha = If ttest (tcount) > ttable (tt) in significant degree of 0,05




In this chapter, the writer presents the descriptions of the data, the analysis of the data and the interpretation of the data.

A. Descr iption of the Data

1. The Students’ Scores of Exper iment Cla ss

After conducting the research, the writer obtained two kinds of the data; the pre-test and post-test scores:

Table 4.1

The Score of Pre-Test, Post Test, and Gained Scores of Exper iment Class Number of the

Students Pre-test Post-test Gained Score (X)

1 72 92 20

2 52 80 28

3 32 60 28

4 64 64 0

5 72 92 20

6 48 76 28

7 60 80 20

8 36 60 24

9 68 76 8

10 56 80 24

11 64 88 24


Number of the

Students Pre-test Post-test Gained Score (X)

13 56 84 28

14 80 80 0

15 56 64 8

16 36 64 28

17 60 84 24

18 60 60 0

19 60 88 28

20 36 68 32

21 72 92 20

22 56 48 -8

23 44 72 28

24 64 96 32

25 40 52 12

26 56 88 32

27 44 76 32

28 56 88 32

29 52 76 24

Total 1600 2204 604

Mean 55.17241 76 20.82759



Meanwhile, the highest post-test score was 96 and the lowest score in the experiment class was 48. After the writer collect the data in Ms. Excel 2007, the writer got the mean score of pre-test was 55.17 and the mean score of post-test was 76.

2. The Students’ Scores of Controlled Class Table 4.2

The Score of Pre-Test, Post Test, and Gained Scores of Controlled Class Number of the

Students Pre-test Post-test Gained

1 32 48 16

2 32 48 16

3 56 68 12

4 52 72 20

5 72 84 12

6 48 60 12

7 40 56 16

8 68 80 12

9 56 72 16

10 56 56 0

11 68 68 0

12 56 64 8

13 68 80 12


Number of the

Students Pre-test Post-test Gained

15 36 48 12

16 56 52 -4

17 56 72 16

18 40 56 16

19 60 72 12

20 52 68 16

21 68 76 8

22 72 80 8

23 76 72 -4

24 52 68 16

25 64 76 12

26 48 60 12

27 44 36 -8

28 64 84 20

29 72 68 -4

Total 1608 1896 288

Mean 55.44828 65.37931 9.93103



data in Ms. Excel 2007, the mean score of pre-test was 55.44 and the mean score of post-test was 65.37.

3. The Ca lcula ting Scores of Exper iment a nd Contr olled Class

Table 4.3

The Comparison of Students’ Score in the Experiment Class and Control Number

of the Students



CLASS ( − ) ( − ) ( − ) ( − )

1 20 20 16 -0.827 6.069 0.684

2 28 28 16 7.172 6.069 51.443

3 28 28 12 7.172 2.069 51.443

4 0 0 20 -20.827 10.069 433.788

5 20 20 12 -0.827 2.069 0.684

6 28 28 12 7.172 2.069 51.443

7 20 20 16 -0.827 6.069 0.684

8 24 24 12 3.172 2.069 10.064

9 8 8 16 -12.827 6.069 164.547

10 24 24 0 3.172 -9.931 10.064

11 24 24 0 3.172 -9.931 10.064


Number of the Students



CLASS ( − ) ( − ) ( − ) ( − )



Number of the Students



CLASS ( − ) ( − ) ( − ) ( − )

29 24 24 -4 3,1724 -13.931 10.064 Total 604 288 0 0 3628.137 1651.862 Mean 20.827 9.931

4. Data Testing

In this research, the normality test is performed before the calculation

of ttest value to determine if the data set is well-modeled by a normal

distribution and to compute how likely it is for a random variable underlying the data set to be normally distributed. The data is analyzed by the use of IBM SPSS Statistic 18. The result of the test can be seen as follows:

a) Normality of the Pre-test

Table 4.4

Tests of Normality

Class Kolmogorov-Smirnov

a Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

PreScore dimension1

1 ,148 29 ,107 ,968 29 ,507

2 ,117 29 ,200* ,955 29 ,249

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

The writer used normality test via SPSS 18, especially used Lilliefors Significance Correction. From the table above Table 4.4 above, it can be seen that the


Meanwhile, the Ltables was 0.246.1 It can be conclude that L0 < Ltable and it means the data was normal.

b) Normality of the Post-test

Table 4.5

Tests of Normality

Class Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.


dimension1 1 ,155 29 ,072 ,951 29 ,196

2 ,170 29 ,031 ,953 29 ,224

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

The writer used normality test via SPSS 18, especially used Lilliefors Significance Correction. From the table above Table 4.5 above, it can be seen

that the L0 in significance column was 0.072 in experiment class and 0.031 in

control class. Meanwhile, the Ltables was 0.246.2 It can be conclude that L0 <

Ltable and it means the data was normal.

c) Homogeneity of the Pre-test

Table 4.6

Test of Homogeneity of Variances



Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

,053 1 56 ,818

The writer used homogenityty test via SPSS 18, especially used One-Way

Annova test. From the table above Table 4.6 above, it can be seen that the F0 in

1 Budi Susetyo, Statistika untuk Analisis dan Penelitian, (Bandung: Refika Aditama,



significance column was 0.818. Meanwhile, the Ftables was 1.91.3 It can be

conclude that L0 < Ltable and it means the data was homogeny.

d) Homogeneity of the Post-test

Table 4.7

Test of Homogeneity of Variances



Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

,000 1 56 ,984

The writer used homogenityty test via SPSS 18, especially used One-Way

Annova test. From the table above Table 4.7 above, it can be seen that the F0 in

significance column was 0.984. Meanwhile, the Ftables was 1.91.4 It can be

conclude that L0 < Ltable and it means the data was homogeny.

5. The Analysis of the Data

The procedure of data calculation was as follow:

1. Determining mean of variable X the formation is:

MX = ∑x1

MX = 59629

MX= 20.82

2. Determining mean of variable Y the formulation is:

My = ∑y2

My = 28829

3 Ibid., p. 347


My= 9.93

3. Determining standard deviation X (SDx), with formula:

SDx = ∑x21

SDx = 3628.1329

SDx = √125.11

SDx = 11.18

4. Determining standard deviation Y (Sdy), with formula:

SDy = ∑y22

SDy = 1651 .8629

Sy = √56.96

SDy = 7.54

5. Determining standard errors mean variable x (Semx), with formula:

SEMx = √ 11

SEMx = √ 2911.181

SEMx = 11.1 8√ 28

SEMx = 11.0 55.29

SEMx = 2.11

6. Determining standard errors mean variable y (Semy), with formula:

SEy = √ 21



SEMy = 7.54√ 28

SEMy = 7.545.29

SEMx = 1.42

7. Determining the difficulties of mean variable X and mean variable Y, with


SEMx-My = 2 + 2

SEMx-My = (2.11)2+ (1.42)2 SEMx-My = √4.4521 + 2.0164 SEMx-My = √6.4685

SEMx-My = 2.54

8. Determining t0 with formula:

t0= −

t0= 20.822.54−9.93

t0= 10.892.54

t0= 4.287

9. Determining ttable in significance level 5% with degree of freedom (df):

df = (N1+N2) – 2 df = (29+29) – 2 df = 58 – 2 df = 56

To find the ttable, the writer use table of distribution table . Thus, the writer


10. The Hypothesis Testing

From the calculation above, it was found that the calculated t-test of t0 was

4.287 and the degree of freedom (df) was 56. In this research, the writer used the degree of significance 5%, so she gained the critical t-test 1.673

By comparing the result of t0 was 4.287 and the ttable on the degree of

significance 5% = 1.673, thus the writer summarized that t0 was higher than the


The research is held to answer the question whether the use of reciprocal technique has any effectiveness on students’ reading comprehension of report text on eleventh grade of SMAN 3 South Tangerang. In order to provide

answer for the question above, the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) and Null

Hypothesis (H0) are proposed as follow:

a. H0 (Null Hypothesis): there was no significance effect of using

reciprocal towards students reading comprehension on report test.

b. Ha (Alternative Hypothesis): there was a significance effect of using

reciprocal towards students reading comprehension on report test.

To prove the hypothesis, the obtained data from experiment class and

control class are calculated by using ttest formula with assumption as follows:

a. If t0 ≤ ttable, in significant degree of 5%, the Null Hypothesis (H0) is

accepted and the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. It means that there is

not effect of using reciprocal technique on students’ reading comprehension of report text.

b. If t0 ≥ ttable, in significant degree of 5%, the Null Hypothesis (H0) is

rejected and the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It means that there is

an effect of using reciprocal technique on students’ reading comprehension of report text.

According to the statistical calculation above, the value of t0 was 4.287 and



Based on the significance, it can be seen that on df = 56 in significance 5% the

value of the ttable is 1.673. By comparing the result of ttable and t0, in the degree

of significance of 5%, t0 > ttable = 4.287>1.673. According that result, it can be

concluded that the Null Hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the Alternative

Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.

11. The Questionnaire Result

In collecting the data from the experimental class students, the researcher also use the questionnaire which consists of five questions. This questionnaire is adapted from an international journal in Malaysia which the researcher uses as the guide of her research. The questionnaire is used to know what students’ respond of using the reciprocal technique before. After analyzed the questionnaire that students filled the researcher got some information that can be seen below:

Table 4.8

The Questionnaire Result

No. Questionaire Positive (+) Respond Negative (-)

Respond 1. Apa pendapat anda

mengenai strategi

pembelajaran reciprocal?

26 students

Ex: sangat bagus, seru, sangat cocok,

menyenangkan, dll.

3 students

Ex: biasa saja, lumayan efektif.

2. Apa yang kamu sukai dari strategi pembelajaran reciprocal?

28 students

Ex: mengasyikan, mengasah krearifitasnya, bekerja sama, dll.

1 students


No. Questionaire Positive (+) Respond Negative (-) Respond 3. Apa yang tidak kamu

sukai dari strategi

pembelajaran reciprocal?

11 students

Ex: tidak ada, menyenangkan, dll.

18 students

Ex: kurang waktu,banyak bercanda, dll. 4. Manfaat apa yang kamu

dapat dari strategi

pembelajaran reciprocal?

29 students Ex: menambah

pengetahuan, bekerja sama teman, lebih kreatif, dll


5. Apa kesan yang didapat dari strategi pembelajaran reciprocal

28 students

Ex: Bagus, Bisa lebih aktif, Asyik, dll.

1 students

Ex: Biasa saja

TOTAL 122 students 23 students

Based on the data, we can conclude that the respond from the students in the experimental class about the reciprocal technique is positive. This data also can be supported view besides the view from t-test result which described that, there was significant difference after teaching reading comprehension by using reciprocal technique at the second grade of SMAN 3 South Tangerang.

B. Discussion



experiment and controlled class are the students who generally have the same level of achievement. In the pre-test session, both of the classes did the test well. The result of the pre-test showed that both of them have the mean score which relative same, the experiment class was 55.17 and the controlled class was 55.44. The next step was the writer gave the students an explanation of

report text. Report text is a text about something with all of its facts.5 Next, the

students should be able to identification its structure. They also should be able to decide where the main ideas are. All of the students paid much attention with the text. This text has special text structures; they are general

classification and description.6 After explanation session, the writer divided the

students in the experiment class into five groups. Each group consisted of five or six members. Each of the groups got a same report text to read. The writers gave the time for students to read along 10 minutes. The writer observed them during the reading process. Their eyes were focus in the text, and their brain of course tried to work to know the text content. The writer believed, it was what the Harmer said about reading process. He said that reading is an exercise dominated by the eyes and the brain. The eyes tried to receive the messages

and the brain then has to work out the significance of these messages.7 These

reading purposes are one of the kinds of reading purposes like what Grabe stated. Grabe said that there are some purposes of reading; reading to search for simple information, reading to skim quickly, reading to learn from texts, reading to integrate information, reading to write, reading to critique texts, and

reading for general comprehension.8 The main goal of the reading in this case

was for general comprehension. The students were guided to comprehend the text which they read. This is because reading as an activity will be a

5 Anderson,


meaningful activity by comprehending.9 Without understanding the text, the reader only did reading as meaningless process. They cannot get the message from the author. After finishing their reading, each group did a discussion with their members. The group was modified by the teacher. Each group contains of the high achiever students, medium achiever, and also low achiever students. The students who were low achiever and got some difficulties will ask the help from their friend in a group who were high achiever students along the discussion process. The lower achiever students would make question about what the part of the text that they did not understand. They also would make question to know the vocabularies that they did not know. The difficulties that the lower students feel were the problems in reading commonly. To solve their problem in learning, students actually have two typical of thoughtful improvement, a real improvement action and a capable improvement action. The real improvement action is the thoughtful action which shows the students can fix their problem by themselves; they do not need any helps. Meanwhile, the capable improvement action is the students’ thoughtful which want the

helping of the teacher or other capable people to fix their problem.10 Reading

text in foreign language makes some students get difficulties, hence some of them can do it well. The low achiever students’ must get more attention from the teacher. Actually it was because they need more treatment or helping. From Vigotzky’s theory those students want or need some guidance. However, the guidance here, not always only come from the teacher. It also can come from the others students. That is why the next step was clarifying. Overall, this step is the students’ high achiever responsibility. They must help their friend and give the clarification. The last step was summarizing. Each group made a summary about what they read and what they found during the process. Moreover, all of the steps above actually are the reciprocal technique. It is in



line with Kligner statement that reciprocal technique has some steps. They are

predicting, clarifying, summarizing and questioning.11

Furthermore, the writer concluded that reciprocal technique helps both teacher and eleventh grade students of SMAN 3 South Tangerang in increasing their reading comprehension. Reciprocal technique itself is the strategy that the writer uses to enhance students’ reading comprehension. It is proved that to make students improve their reading comprehension skill, teacher should use a

strategy.12 Reading comprehension process was gained by the students using

good vocabulary, good oral comprehension skill, also accurate and fluent decoding skills. Those factors were proved the McGuinnes’ theory. He argues that reading comprehension is the final or ending of the learning to read and comes with good vocabulary, good oral comprehension skill, also accurate and

fluent decoding skills.13 Those three factors were not come from the students

themselves. They got it during the discussion session. From the writer’s experienced in the teaching and learning process which has conducted in the experiment class for six meetings, the students which assigned in group that consists of five students, they had their own role and engaged with the steps in reciprocal techniques; predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing. Reciprocal technique made teacher and students got the same important role. This technique made the students take turns the teachers’ role in leading

discussion.14 The students are being active. They could produce the question

and understand what they read. The teacher also engaged with her role as the facilitator and feedback giver. The strong effort from each students in their group and the teacher role to provide what the students need to understanding the text are the evidence that reciprocal technique was success to make the students’ comprehension improved. It can be seen that according to Palinscar

11 Kligner,


Table 4.4  The Normality Test of The Pre-test ...................................................
Table 3.1 Design of the research
Table 4.1 The Score of Pre-Test, Post Test, and Gained Scores of Experiment Class
Table 4.2 The Score of Pre-Test, Post Test, and Gained Scores of Controlled Class


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