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relating to french credits for the financing of


The Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the French Republic, with a view to facilitate the developnent efforts of Indonesia, agreed on following provisions.



a) A max.llnum arrount of 'IHREE HUNDRED MU.LION FRANCS ( 300 MF) is put at the disposal of the Indonesian Government in the fonn of credits for the financing of 'IHE GARUDA MAINTENANCE

CENTER, referred to as "the PmJECT".

b) The above mentioned credits will be used for the financing of the irrqx>rted equipnent, engineering arrl services (inclu-ding freight) of french origin for the realization of the Project.

The credits set in Article 1 consist of a loan frcm the French Treasury to the Ministry of Finance, acting on behalf of the Indonesian Government, of a max.llnum arrount of OOE HlNDRED AND THIRI'Y 'IWO MII.LION FRANCS

(132 MF) and banker's credits guaranteed by the French Treasury of a max.irnum amount of OOE HUNDRED AND SDCT'Y EIGHI' MII.LION FRANCS (168 MF) for financing the goods and services mentioned in Article 1.


The loan fran the Treasury and the guaranteed banker's credits Which are extended in conjunction with the former will be respectively used in

the proportion of 44 % and 56 % of the contract.



The loan from the French Treasury rrentioned in Article 2 is repa.yable in thirty three (33) years includinJ a grace period of thirteen

( 13) years, by equal and successive semi-annual instalments which are calcu-laterl fran the date of each drawing' arrl bear an interest rate of 1, 5 % per annum.

The interests due on the balance are repa.yable at the end of each half-year. An agreement on the implementation between the Credit National, acting on behalf of the French Government and the Ministry of Finance, acting on behalf of the Indonesian Governrrent, will stipulate the tenrs arrl conditions of utilization and repa.yment of this loan.


The guaranteed banker's credits rrentioned in Article 2 will be redeanerl in ten (10) years by twenty (20) equal arrl successive sani-annual instalments, the first one falling due six IIDnths after cnmrissioning of the project or the date of the delivery as stipulaterl in the carmercial contract or in the banker's credits agreement. 'lli.e rate of interest is the current export credit rate to Which is adderl the cost of credit insurance of OOFACE.

A financial agreement between the French Institutions and the Indonesian Ministry of Finance will stipulate, if necessary, the modalities of utilization and reimbursement of these guaranteed banker's credits.

The agreement relating to the banker's credits will be approved by the Ministry of Finance in case they are not directly signed by the same.


'lli.e credits shall be used for the financing of the contract

concluded between the french suppliers arrl the buyer subject to approval of the carpetent French and Indonesian authorities.

French franc will be used as currency of account and currency of pa.yment of the contract.

A do.vn-payment equal to at least 10 % of the arrount of the

contract as a minirm.nn, will be paid When placing the order by drawing under the Treasury loan and the balance will be settled between the order and the cnmris-sioning or the deliveries, in confonnity with the tenrs arrl conditions of the contract, by jointly and proportionally using the means of financing foreseen in Article 2 in accordance with the modalities of Article 3 of the present agreement.



The ultimate date for the signature of the contract to be financed under the present agreement is set at Decenber 31th 1985 unless otherwise agreed upon by roth Governments.

No drawing m:i.y be nade fran the Treasury loan allocated under the present protocol after Decenber 31th 1987.

Any anount which will not be used for financing the project according to the provisions of the present protocol will be cancelled.


The present agreement enters into force on the date of its signing.

For the Government of the Republic of Indonesia,



IN WITNESS 'IHERE'I'O, the undersigned, duly

authorised for this purpose by their respective Governments, have signed this agreement and have affixed thereto their seals.

Done in PARIS, the


(in t\4.0 original documents, each in

French and English languages, the t\4.0 texts bei03 equally authoritative).

For the Government of the Republic of France,




relatif aux credits ヲイ。ョセ。ゥウ@ destines au financement


Le Gouvernement de la Republique de l'Indonesie et le

Gouvernement de la Republique Franc;aise sont convenus des dispositions sui-vantes en vue de faciliter l'effort de develoi::pement econanique de l'Indonesie.



a) Une sanne rraximum de TROIS CENI'S MILLIONS DE FRAOCS (300 MF) est mise


la disposition du Gouvernement indonesien pour financer LE CENTRE DE MAINTENANCE DE GARUDA qui seront designes ci-apres ccmne "le projet".

b) Les noyens de financement rrentionnes ci-dessus seront utilises pour le financernent des equipements, de l'ingenierie et des services franc;ais, y canpris le fret, necessaires


la realisa-tion du projet.

Les concours financiers prevus


l'Article 1 ci-dessus sont

OJnS-titues d'un pret du Tresor franc;ais au Ministere des Finances, agissant pour le canpte de l'Etat indonesien, d'un rrontant naximum de CENT TRENTE DEUX MILLIONS DE FRANCS (132 MF) et de credits bancaires garantis par le Tresor franc;ais, d'un montant naximum de CENT OOIXANI'E HUIT MILLIONS DE FRANCS (168 MF) I destines


financer les biens et services mentionnes


l'Article 1 du present protocole.


Le pret du Tresor et les credits ba.ncaires garantis qui l'accarrpa-gnent seront utilises respectivement dans les proportions de 44 % et 56 % du contrat.



Le pret du Tresor ヲイ。ョセ。ゥウ@ mentionne


l'Article 2 ci-dessus est arrortissable en 33 ans par semestrialites egales et successives


canpter de la date du pranier tirage, et porte interet au taux de 1,5 % l'an. Cette duree inclut un differe d'arrortissement de 13 ans.

Les interets sur le solde du sont payables


la fin de chaque semestre. Une convention d'application entre le Ministere des Finances, agis-sant pour le canpte du Gouvernement indonesien et le Credit National, agisagis-sant pour le carrpte du Gouvernement ヲイ。ョセ。ゥウL@ precisera les rrodalites d'utilisation et de ranboursement de ce pret.


Les credits bancaires garantis mentionnes


l'Article 2 ci-dessus sont arrortissables en dix (10) ans par vingt (20) semestrialites egales et suc-cessives, la praniere echeant six nois apres la reception provisoire du projet ou les dates de livraison, selon les stipulations du oo des contrat(s) ccmner-ciaux ou de la convention de credit bancaire. Leur taux d'interet est le taux usuel des credits


l'exportation auquel s'ajoute le coUt de l'assurance-credit de la COF7\CE.

Un accord financier entre le Ministere indonesien des Finances et les etablissements bancaires ヲイ。ョセ。ゥウ@ precisera, si necessaire, les rrodalites de l'utilisation et du remboursement de ces credits bancaires garantis.

Les accords relatifs aux credits bancaires seront approuves par le Ministere des Finances s'ils ne sont pas signes directement par lui.


Les credits seront utilises pour financer le contrat passe entre le fournisseur ヲイ。ョセゥウ@ et le client apres approbation par les autorites

ヲイ。ョセ。ゥウ・ウ@ et indonesiennes canpetentes.

La nonnaie de cx:mpte et la :rronnaie de paiement du contrat sont le franc ヲイ。ョセ。ゥウN@

Un acanpte egal


10 % au :rroins du nontant du contrat est pa.ye


la carrnande par tirage sur pret du Tresor. Le solde du prix est regle entre la carmande et la reception confonnement


l'echeancier prevu au contrat le tout par utilisation conjointe et proportionnelle des :rroyens de financement prevus


l'Article 2 selon les rrodalites definies


l'Article 3 du present protocole.


La dat limitW di passation du oontrat financj In application du piislnt protocoll 1st fixj• au 31 、セ」@ mbrf 1985


rcoins qu'unl nouVllll datl limitlf n'ait ftj ヲゥセ@ d'un ccmnun accord lntrl I.ls dlux Gouv1rnlrrlnts. Aucun tiragl nl pourra


wヲZヲヲ」エセ@ sur 1 prit du Trfsor ouvlrt par 1 p:rislnt protocoll apris 1 31 dic•mbrw 1987.

L s rrontants qui n' auront pas j t j utilisjs pour 11 financ セョ エ@

du proj t confonr4rrlnt aux dispositions du prislnt protocoll slront annul•s.


LI pdslnt protocoll ntrt n vigulur


la dat di sa signaturt.



Gouvlrnlmlnt セ@ la

セーオ「ャゥアオャ@ Inddnfsilnnl,



EN FOI DE QOOI, lls rlpdslntants dis dlux

GoUVlrn rrl!lnts, dfurlnt autorisjs


dlt fflt t ffit

signj 11 pd s nt accord It y ont apposl 11 ur sc.ilau.

Fait a PARIS, 1


'7J: __

' ... .t11 LU1--

/5i't-(In doubl lxlmplairl , n langu!ls

franc;ais. t anglais , lls dlux tlxtls faisant •gal mint foi ).

Pour 1 Gouvlrnlmlnt di la Rjpubliqul Franc;aisl,



Jakarta, May 26th, 1983

Mr. Chairman,

IA.Iring our conversation of today I have indicated to you the

in-terest of my authorities for the Garuda Maintenance Center in

Ceng-kareng and have asked you about the possible contribution of France

to the financing of this project.

You have informed me that you will give a favorable

considerati-on to the financing, through the next normal protocol to be signed

between Indonesia and France, of the most sophisticated equipment

and of the services relating to this project for a maximum amount of

70 MF (Seventy Million Francs).

I would be grateful if you could confirm the agreement of your

government of what is stated above.

Please accept, Mr. Chairman, the assurances of my highest


lhe Chairman of the French


Director of Investment and Financial


Department of Foreign Affairs


Jakarta, May 26th, 1983

Mr. Director,

You have been kind enough to send me today a letter which reads

as follows :



''During our conversation of today I have indicated to you the

interest of


authorities for the Garuda Maintenance Center in

Cengkareng and have asked you about the possible contribution of

France to the financing of this project.

You have informed me that you will give a favorable

considerati-on to the financing, through the next normal protocol to be signed

between Indonesia and France, of the most sophisticated equipment_s

and of the services relating to this project for a maximum amount of

70 MF (Seventy Million Francs).

I would be grateful if you could confirm the agreement of your

government of what is stated above."

I have the honor to confirm you the agreement of my government

of what is stated above.

Please accept, Mr. Director, the assurances of my highest


The Chairman of the French



Director of Investment and Financial Cooperation

Department of Foreign Affairs



Jakarta, le 26 Mai 1983

Monsieur le President,


cours de nos discussions de ce jour, je vous ai fait part de

l'interet que portaient mes autorites au centre de maintenance de

Garuda a Cengkareng et vous ai interroge sur la contribution que la

France pourrait apporter au financement de ce projet.

Vous m'avez indique que vous considereriez avec faveur le

f inancement sur le prochain protocole normal qui sera signe entre

l'Indonesie et la France, des equipements les plus sophistiques et

des services afferant ace projet a concurrence d'un montant maximum

de 70 MF (soixante dix millions de francs).

Je vous serais reconnaissant de bien vouloir confirmer l'accord

de votre gouvernement sur ce qui precede.

Je vous prie de croire, Monsieur le President, en l'assurance de

ma haute consideration.

M.le President de la

Delegation Francaise

Le Directeur des Investissements et de la

Cooperation Financiere

Ministere des Aff aires Etrangeres de la

Republique d'Indonesie


Jakarta, le 26 Mai 1983

Monsieur le Directeur,

Vous avez bien voulu m'adresser aujourd'hui une lettre dont le

texte est le suivant


cours de nos discussions de ce jour, je vous ai fait part de

l'interet que portaient mes autorites au centre de maintenance de

Garuda a Cengkareng et vous ai interroge sur la contribution que la

France pourrait apporter au financement de ce projet.

Vous m'avez indique que vous considereriez avec faveur le

f inancement sur le prochain protocole normal qui sera signe entre

l'Indonesie et la France, des equipements les plus sophistiques et

des services afferant a ce projet a concurrence d'un montant maxinrum

de 70 MF (soixante dix millions de francs).

Je vous serais reconnaissant de bien vouloir confirmer !'accord

de votre gouvernement sur ce qui precede."

J'ai l'honneur de vous confirmer l'accord demon gouvernement

sur ce qui precede.

Je vous prie de croire, Monsieur le Directeur, en !'assurance de

ma haute consideration.


President de la Delegation



M. Le Directeur des



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