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(A Descriptive Qualitative Research at the Third Semester Students of English Department Muhammadiyah University of Makassar)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fullfillment of Recgruitment for the Degree

of Education in English Department






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Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

Nama : Istiqama Mangalia

Nim : 105351111216

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : Analyzing Students‟ Errors in Using Infinitive in Writing Paragraph at the Third Semester Students of English Department Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

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Makassar, Februari 2021 Yang membuat pernyataan




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Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

Nama :Istiqama Mangalia

Nim: 105351111216

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi :Analyzing Students‟ Errors in Using Infinitive in Writing Paragraph at the Third Semester Students of English Department Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

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Makassar, February 2021

Yang membuat perjanjian




“I want it, I Get It.”

“Keep Walking In Your Pain While You Are Still Able.” By: Ali Bin Abu Thalib


This thesis I dedicated for my beloved parents, My Sisters, my family, my



Istiqama Mangalia. 2021, “Analyzing Students’ Errors in Using Infinitive

in Writing Paragraph at the Third Semester Students of English Department Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.” Thesis of English Education

Department, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. Supervised: Nur Qalby, and Junaid.

The purpose of this research is to analyze the types of errors of the third semester students of the English department at Muhammadiyah Makassar University in using the infinitive and also to find out the cause of the error. In this study, researchers used a descriptive qualitative method in terms of percentages. In collecting data, the researcher used writing test and interview method as the research instrument.

The results of the study to determine the types of errors of students in using the infinitive showed that the total errors of the students in using the infinitive were 63 errors. This error consists of two types of errors, namely omission and addition, where in omission there are 33 errors or 50.77%, while in addition there are 30 errors or 46.16% percent. As for the causes of students' errors in using the infinitive, that is, some students do not understand and do not even know what the infinitive means and also the function of the infinitive itself. Keywords: Analysis, Infinitive, descriptive paragraph




Istiqama Mangalia. 2021. Analyzing Student’s Errors in Using Infinitive in Writing Paragraph at the Third Semester Students of English Department Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. Skripsi dari jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa

Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Dibimbing oleh Nur Qalby dan Junaid.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis jenis-jenis kesalahan mahasiswa semester tiga jurusan bahasa inggris di universitas muhammadiyah makassar dalam menggunakan infinitif serta untuk mengetahui penyebab kesalahannya. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif ditinjau dari persentase. Dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan tes menulis dan metode wawancara sebagai instrumen penelitian.

Hasil penelitian untuk mengetahui jenis kesalahan siswa dalam menggunakan infinitif menunjukkan bahwa total kesalahan siswa dalam menggunakan infinitif adalah 63 kesalahan. Kesalahan ini terdiri dari dua jenis kesalahan yaitu penghilangan dan penjumlahan dimana pada kelalaian terdapat 33 kesalahan atau 50,77%, sedangkan kesalahan tambahan terdapat 30 kesalahan atau 46,16% persen. Adapun penyebab kesalahan siswa dalam menggunakan infinitif, yaitu sebagian siswa tidak memahami bahkan tidak mengetahui apa artinya infinitif dan juga fungsi dari infinitif itu sendiri.




Alhamdulillahirabil 'alamin, the researcher expresses the highest gratitude to Allah subhanahuwata'ala for blessings, love, opportunity, health, and grace for completing this thesis. This thesis entitled "Analyzing the Students‟ Errors in Using Infinitive in Writing Paragraph at the Third Semester Students of English Department Muhammadiyah University of Makassar" was submitted as the final requirement in completing a bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

In arranging this thesis, a lot of people have provided motivation, advice, and support for the researcher. In this valuable chance, the researcher intended to express his gratitude and appreciation to all of them. This goes to :

1. Prof. Dr. H. Ambo Asse, M.Ag. The Rector of the Muhammadiyah University of Makassar for his advices during the researcher studies at the University. 2. Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D, the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training

and Education.

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd, the Head of English Education Department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.

4. Dr. Nur Qalby, SS., M.Hum as the first consultant who gave her valuable time and suggestion in doing this thesis and Junaid, S.Pd., M.Pd as the second consultant who has provided valuable guidance, motivation, correction and helping to revise mistakes during the entire process of writing this thesis.



5. All English lectures of FKIP UNISMUH who cannot be mentioned one by one because due to limited space. Thanks for all knowledge and advice that given to the researcher, may Allah bless you forever.

6. Thanks for my beloved parents Ayun Mangalia and Hasnatang Salamin who have given her support, motivation and prayer and working hard to see their daughter success to finish her study. And her favorite sisters Suhaida Mangalia, Hartati Mangalia and Nurhaliza Mangalia who supported her to complete this thesis.

7. The third semester students of English department Muhammadiyah University of Makassar at who have helped her to conduct the research in their class. 8. For her beloved friends, Ulfaminingsih, Jannatul Uyun, Muslih, Revi, and all

members of the D'mbredets class who have supported her in completing the thesis.

Finally, for all everybody who gave valuable suggestion, guidance, assistance, and advice to support this thesis may almighty.

May Allah SWT always be with us and gives power guidance in our life, Aamin.

Makassar, February 2021
















A. Background ... 1

B. Problem Statement ... 3

C. Objective of the Study ... 4

D. Significance of the Study ... 4

E. Scope of the Study ... 5

CHAPTER II THE LITERATURE REVIEW ... A. Pervious Related Research Findings ... 6

B. The Concept of Writing ... 8

1. The Definition of Writing ... 8

2. Writing Process ... 9

3. Types of Writing ... 11



1. The Definition of Descriptive Paragraph ... 12

2. Generic Structure ... 13

3. Language Features of Descriptive Paragraph ... 13

D. The Concept of Infinitive ... 14

1. To Infinitive ... 14

2. Bare Infinitive ... 17

E. Error and Error Analysis ... 19

F. Errors Based on the Surface Strategy Taxonomy ... 20

G. The Conceptual Framework ... 21


A. Research Design ... 23

B. Research Subject ... 24

C. Research Instrument ... 25

D. Data Collection ... 26

E. Data Analysis ... 26


A. Research Findings ... 28

B. Discussion ... 48


A. Conclusion ... 50

B. Suggestion ... 51






Table 1. 2 The Identification of the Errors of Students 1. ... 29

Table 1. 3 The Identification of the Errors of Students 2. ... 30

Table 1. 4 The Identification of the Errors of Students 3. ... 31

Table 1. 5 The Identification of the Errors of Students 4. ... 32

Table 1. 6 The Identification of the Errors of Students 5. ... 33

Table 1. 7 The Identification of the Errors of Students 6. ... 34

Table 1. 8 The Identification of the Errors of Students 7. ... 36

Table 1. 9 The Identification of the Errors of Students 8. ... 37

Table 1. 10 The Identification of the Errors of Students 9. ... 37

Table 1. 11 The Identification of the Errors of Students 10. ... 38

Table 1. 12 The Identification of the Errors of Students 11. ... 39

Table 1. 13 The Identification of the Errors of Students 12. ... 41

Table 1. 14 The Identification of the Errors of Students 13. ... 41




Writing test

Interview with Students Documentation



A. Background

English is the second language used by some Indonesians to communicate with other people in various aspects such as speech, culture, science, and many more. In Indonesia, English has become the second language that students from elementary to high school and even college students must learn. As for the purpose of learning English itself is to increase the knowledge and skills of students in using English or commonly known as foreign language terms. Launder (2008). Saleh in Arjuninengsih (2012) states that English has an important role in the world of education in Indonesia. It can be seen from the curriculum where English is a compulsory subject for elementary, junior high and senior high school, even universities.

In English lessons there are four skills that students must have. The four skills are listening, reading, speaking and writing. Listening and reading lead to students' input ability in listening as well as reading. Different from speaking and writing, speaking and writing skills lead to student skills related to the output or product produced. However, as we can see that to master these four skills is not easy for a student.

Of the four skills in English lessons, writing is a skill that is fairly difficult. the proof is that not a few students say that writing skills are quite difficult. But in fact the importance, writing is a very important skill in learning English. As


quoted in Alfiyani (2013) states that writing skills are one of the skills that are not easy to learn because of the writer it is difficult to learn because the writer has to combine a word or sentence to become a paragraph which has meaning and is easy to understand. At the time of writing, we must pay attention vocabulary and also the grammar used. Grammar has an important role in terms of writing because grammar is the rule of arranging words between words that will become a sentence that is easy to understand. Not only that, "Grammar generally refers to how to combine, arrange and change parts of words and groups of words to make meaning" (Spratt, Pulverness, and Williams, 2011). Infinitives are a part of grammar, so making infinitives is something that needs to be learned.

To-infinitive is a root added to. There are two types of to infinitive, namely the infinitive with to and the infinitive without to, or commonly known as the bare infinitive. This material can be said to be easy, but not a few of them make errors.

To infinitive is learned by students since they started learning English. In Indonesia, English is taught as a compulsory subject in higher education. In fact, third semester students still have difficulty writing English grammatically. Even though they have studied English for many years and are good at grammar, they still make many mistakes when writing. That is, it takes grammatical knowledge to write. As in infinitive use.

In this study, the researcher chose third semester students of English Department at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar as research objects. The third semester students consist of six classes, namely class A to class F. From the


six classes the researcher chooses four classes, namely classes A, B, C, E, F, as subjects in this study.

This research was conducted on third semester students because researchers saw that third semester students still made grammatical errors in using infinitives. Another thing that is of concern is that infinitives are part of grammar and also infinitives that are often used when writing, so that researcher feel that infinitives are important to learn. In addition, research to infinitive itself is still very little in the realm of the Unismuh Makassar campus so that it makes researcher interested in researching the use of student infinitives.

In this study, researcher analyzed the errors of students in learning English. Researchers try to find the most common errors students make in using infinitives. This can help teacher to minimize student errors in using infinitives.

Based on the explanation from the background above, the researcher is interested in analyzing errors in paragraph writing by paying attention to the background entitled Analyzing Student Errors in Using Infinitives in Paragraph Writing. This research was conducted on third semester students of the English Department.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the explanation on the background above, the researcher formulated the following research questions;

1. What kinds of the students‟ errors in using to infinitive? 2. What cause of the students‟ errors in using infinitive?


C. Objective of the Study

In relating to the problem statement above, the objectives of the research are to find out;

1. The kinds of the students‟ errors in using to infinitive. 2. The cause of the students‟ errors in using infinitive. D. Significance of the Study

The researcher expect in this research can distribute some significance, both theoretically and practically.

1. Theorytically

a. The results of this study are expected to provide useful knowledge and information related to the use of infinitives in writing a descriptive paragraph.

b. The results of this study are expected to provide additional information for future researcher who will conduct the same research.

2. Practically

a. The results of this study are expected to increase useful knowledge and information regarding the use of infinitives in writing a descriptive paragraph.

b. The results of this study are expected to provide additional information for future researcher who will conduct the same research.


E. Scope of The Study

In this study, the researcher focuses on analyzing students' errors in using infinitive in writing descriptive paragraphs. This research conducted on the third semester students of English Department Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. And the researcher used the error analysis based on the surface strategy taxonomy namely omission, addition, misinformation, and disordering.




A. Previous Related Research Findings

Grace Mekaria (2017). An Analysis of Gerund and To Infinitive in

Argumentative Essays. This article describes the gerunds and infinitive uses made

by students on their argumentative essays. The researcher introduces the problems related to grammatical problems that occur in argumentative essays. Dulay and Harmer's theory of errors and grammar. In this study, the author uses a taxonomic strategy to classify errors into four types, namely omission, addition, misformation and misordering. In data collection, researcher used students‟ papers taken from two classes at a university. The writer concludes that the most common problem in using gerund and to infinitive is misformation. This indicates that guidance and practice are needed to help solve students' grammar problems.

Rina Husnaini Febriyanti (2019). Student’s Ability and Factors to Use

Gerund and to Infinitive Case Study: Indonesian EFL Learners in University Level. The purpose of this research is to explain the competence in mastery of the

gerund and the infinitive and to investigate the factors that influence it in studying its form. The research method used is a descriptive method with students taking the English course of the Structure of the Indraprasta University PGRI Jakarta as an object. Data collection is done through tests and questionnaires, analyzed, tabulated, calculated and then presented in the form of percent. The results of the study prove that the students' skills in mastery of the gerund are very bad. 41.82% of respondents have a low understanding of the gerund. Not only that, the skills in


using the to-infinitive form are also very lacking where 36.36% of respondents have a low understanding of the infinitive. In previous studies linking usage problems (Gerund and Infinitive), in this study, researcher analyzed student errors that focused on using the infinitive. This study also selects students majoring in English to be the object of this research.

Wiwi Wardiyanti (2015). Error Analysis On The Students’ Mastery On

The Use Of Gerund, To Infinitive and Infinitive Without To. In this study, the

researcher used qualitative methods in the form of proportion descriptive analysis. In previous research and research that now has similarities in the research method, namely descriptive qualitative. However in data studies, previous researcher used student tests, questionnaires and interviews as instruments. Meanwhile, the current research uses interview and writing test as research instruments.

Based on the explanation there regarding previous research related to this study, the researcher can conclude that this study is more interesting and different from previous studies. In this study, the researcher focused more on the use of the infinitive, and the interesting thing was that this study used a writing test instrument and also an interview, where most of the previous studies often used instruments such as multiple choices, fills the blank, or a questionnaire. Likewise, the sampling technique was slightly different from the previous research. In this study, researcher used the Solvin technique in sampling and used a qualitative descriptive method to describe the results of this study.


B. The Concept of Writing

1. The Definition of Writing

Writing is an activity to describe someone's ideas or ideas through writing. Writing is very useful in expressing ideas and ideas silently. However, students can make the desired outline by writing. In creating in writing, individuals learn how to communicate with other individuals without having to meet in person. In writing, practice is a must to improve the quality of the writing.

According to Winterrowd and Murphy, as quoted in Kurniawan and Fitrawati (2014: 160) writing is interpreted as the stage of changing an idea or idea into a written work. Writing can also be defined as a skill to find words and ideas, as well as the ability to criticize in deciding which ones to use (Elbow, 1998, pp. 7-8).

Jurninengsih (2012: 5) explains that writing is one of the fields in language that can be a design in communication, starting from considerations in thought patterns to the results of thought patterns in printed or written form. According to Siburia in Nurwahida. (2018: 9) writing is an opportunity that allows students to describe something about themselves, analyze and clarify thoughts. Students can express their ideas and ideas through wordings and sentences that are good so that people are easy to understand.

Nunan (in Hafizh, 2014) writing is an activity to look for ideas, then designing to think about how to express and make it a clear and easy to understand sentence or paragraph. Meanwhile, Oshima and Hogue in Nurwahidah


(2018) define writing as like painting. This is because, the author has ideas, opinions, thoughts, feelings, and desires to be written.

Writing is one of the language skills that play an important role in human communication. It is used to communicate with other people in society and also to express our opinion in writing form (Syam, U. K., Sangkala, I. (2014). While Celse in Batubara (2017) stated that writing is one of productive skills, which contains a symbol (orthographic) and involves a complex process.

From the results of the explanation above, the researcher concluded that writing is an activity of how the brain works in searching for and finding ideas, which are then arranged systematically, and put in writing on a paper that has meaning and is easy to understand for readers.

2. Writing Process

Generally the writing process consists of five stages: Prewriting, drafting / writing, revising, editing, and publishing. Five the writing process stages are a framework for writing well and easily.

a) Prewriting

Prewriting is the activity of a writer in finding and finding topics, goals, looking for key ideas, and analyzing before writing. There are several attempts before writing:

1. Brainstorming

Brainstorming is one technique in gathering related ideas about a subject and list as many ideas as possible. The list of ideas can be words, phrases, sentences, or it could be questions.


2. Grouping

Grouping is a technique in which the writer connects one idea with another related idea by using a circle and a line. The point of grouping is an activity in drawing an idea.

b) Drafting / Writing

After thinking about the subject and doing any necessary pre-writing, the next step is to write. When writing, the results of pre-writing are used as a direction or benchmark in writing.

c) Revise

After completing writing, a writer must pay attention to the results of the writing that has been made and then revise it so that there are no errors.

d) Editing

The editing stage is different from revision, and needs to be done after revision. Editing involves looking at individual sentences and words. This need to be done after the author has made a large-scale revision: or the writer could suffer from a perfect sentence, only to cut a whole paragraph out of your work.

e) Publishing

Publishing is more than just getting a magazine or newspaper. Publishing means getting a piece into the hands of any reader. That means asking a friend or teacher or parent to read you the publication of your work. By knowing the number of people who read someone's written work, it can be said that his writing was successful.


3. Types of Writing Text

There are a few types of writing content: narration, description, definition, comparison, influence, composition, and prepare analysis.

1). Narration

A narrative paragraph is a paragraph that usually tells a chronology of events that include the story. This type of section contains characters, settings, struggles and resolutions.

2). Description

Descriptive paragraph is a paragraph that describes an object to make it look more real. Such as describing people, things, places, and so on in detail.

3). Definition

Paragraph definition is one form of exposition paragraph which is the main idea delivered in elaborated manner become explanatory ideas in the form the meaning or definition of an object.

4). Comparison

Comparison paragraph is a paragraph comparing two or more objects, characters, events, etc.

5). Persuasion

Persuasion paragraph is a paragraph that contains an invitation or persuasion to the reader to follow the instructions in the writing in the paragraph.


6). Expository

An expository paragraph is a type of written work that contains an explanation, an explanation of a topic in the form of sequential, clear and detailed information with the aim of providing information as clearly as possible to readers.

7). Process Analysis

The process analysis paragraph describes how a process occurs, through various actions. The actions are made sequentially. This type of paragraph is usually followed by an illustration, as it helps in better understanding the process.

Based on the type of paragraph writing above, the researcher chose descriptive paragraphs in this study to find out students' mistakes in using infinitives. This is because the descriptive paragraphs are most appropriate to be used to analyze student error data.

C. Descriptive paragraph

1. The Definition of Descriptive paragraph

Astutik (2015) defines a descriptive paragraph as a paragraph that describes a certain object in detail so that readers can describe and narrate the object as if it were real. The purpose of a descriptive paragraph is to provide detailed information about the characteristics of a person, object, etc. as objects which is described.

Kimberly McGee (2018) is defined. Descriptive paragraphs are sentences to provide different descriptions of people, places, or things. In writing descriptive


paragraphs it involves the reader's five senses, namely from smell, sight, touch, sound, and taste through expressions that captivate readers at various levels.

Based on the previous explanation above, the researcher concluded that a descriptive paragraph is a paragraph that describes an object in detail through visuals. Its function is to make visual images of people, places, objects, even days or seasons look real.

2. Generic Structure

Hidayat (2015) stated that there is two generic structure of descriptive paragraph. They are:

1. Identification, namely recognizing events or facts to be described. For example the character of a particular person, place or thing will be described.

2. Description, which describes the characteristics of a person, object or place. For example: shape, size, origin, and other special characteristics.

3. Language Features of Descriptive paragraph

According to Kurniawati and Yuliani (2012). states that there are nine characteristics of a descriptive paragraph, namely using certain nouns, using adjectives, using the simple present tense, using the phrase object are detail to provide information about the subject, using verbs about thoughts and feelings to express the author's personal views on the subject, using verbs actions, using description words for additional member information, and using figures of speech.


Knapp and Watkins (2005: 98-99) write that there are several grammatical. The characteristics of descriptive writing are as follows:

a) Present tense is used predominantly

b) Although the present form can be used in literary description, the past tended to dominate

c) Relational verbs are used when classifying and explaining appearance / quality and part / function phenomena.

d) Action verbs are used when describing behavior / users.

e) Verbs mental is used when describing feelings in literary descriptions. f) Adjectives are used to add additional information to everyday and

technical nouns, depending on the text.

g) Personal and literary descriptions generally deal with individual problems.

D. The Concept of Infinitive

There are 2 types of infinitive, the first is called the infinitive without to and the second is called the infinitive with to. The infinitive with is the simplest form of the verb for example: sleep, eat, run, while the infinitive is often preceded by, for example, to sleep, to eat, to run.

1. To Infinitive

One thing to remember about infinitives is never to change the location of the verb into a predicate sentence. The infinitive has many types of verbs so it's not easy to remember in its entirety. The infinitive also has a function as a noun, adjective, or adverb. The infinitive used as a noun has several functions. It can


serve as a subject, direct object, and complement to goals. For the infinitive it is used as an adjective, modifying the noun and being the infinitive is used as an adverb, modifying the verb, adjective, and adverb.

The infinitive is similar to a verb in many ways, but also serves as part of other speech. Like verbs, they combine "to be" and have as helpers to form sentence structure, even though they never use the main verb of the sentence.

a. Function of To Infinitive

The to-infinitive is used to express the purpose of something or someone's opinion about something. The to-infinitive is used to follow many different verb vocabularies as well.

1) The to-infinitive to indicate the purpose or intention of an action. Examples

a) She came to collect her pay debt. b) The three bears went to find honey. c) I am calling to ask you about mommy. 2) The to-infinitive as the subject of the sentence.

This is a formal usage and is far more common in written English than spoken.


a) To know he is to respect her. b) To visit the Madinah is my dream.


3) The to-infinitive to indicate what something can or will be used for. In this pattern, the to-infinitive follows a noun or pronoun.


a) I would like a fried chicken to eat. b) I don't have anything to wear. c) Would you like something to eat? 4) The to-infinitive after adjectives

There is a common pattern using the to-infinitive with an adjective. These phrases are formed: subject + to be + adjective + (for/of someone) +

to-infinitive + (a rest of the sentence) Example

a) It is good of you to talk to them. b) It is important to be patient.

c) It is important for Jake to be honest with his little brother. d) I am happy to be here.

5) The to-infinitive to make a comment or judgement

To use the to-infinitive when making a comment or judgement about a noun, the pattern is: Subject + to be + noun phrase + to-infinitive.


a) That is a dangerous way to behave.

b) This is the right thing to do. c) Jim is the best person to hire.


6) The to-infinitive with adverbs

Infinitives are often used with adverbs to convey the reasons behind our satisfaction or dissatisfaction. its feature is that it is often placed before or after an adverb, or a noun that is modified in the same way as without the infinitive. Usually the infinitive and everything that follows can be removed by leaving a sentence that still functions grammatically.


a) I had too many books to carry. b) This soup is too hot to eat.

c) She was too tired to work.

7) The to-infinitive with question words

The verbs ask, decide, explain, forget, show, tell, & understand can be followed by a question word such as where, how, what, who, & when + the to-infinitive.


a) She asked me how to use the washing machine.

b) Do you understand what to do?

c) Tell me when to press the button. 2. Bare Infinitive

To infinitive include particles to, some of the examples shown above; but after a certain verb we use the infinitive without to. We call these naked infinitive use after modal verbs like can, may, must, will, should, might, etc .; after the verb causes like let, help,


1. The Function of Bare Infinitive (Infinitive without To)

a) Bare infinitive after auxiliaries Examples

1). She can’t speak to you.

2). Would you like a cup of coffee? 3). They must leave before 10.00 A.M. b) Bare infinitive after verbs of perception

The verb of perception, the pattern is verb + object + bare infinitive. Example

1). He saw her fall from the cliff. 2). We heard them close the window. 3). They saw us walk toward the lake. 4). She left the spider crawl up her leg. c) Bare infinitive after the verb „make‟ and „let‟


1). Let’s go to the beach today. 2). You made me come with them.

3). Don‟t make me study that boring grammar book! d) Bare infinitive after the expression „had better‟


1). We had better take some warm clothing. 2). She had better ask him not to come. 3). We had better reserve a room in the hotel.


e) “Why” by the Bare infinitive

The questions word “why” followed by the bare infinitive when making suggestion.


1). Why wait until tomorrow? 2). Why not ask him now?

3). Why leave before the end of the game? 4). Why walk when we can go in the car? E. Error and Error Analysis

It is impossible for learners to never make errors in language learning process. Students can make errors when they write or speak and that‟s normal. That the errors they make are even potentially important to understand language and it is part of the learning process.

Learning the target language (English) is different from learning someone‟s native language tongue. There are several opinions regarding error analysis. Brown in his book says that “Errors can be observed, analyzed, and classified to reveal something from operating systems in learners, causing a wave of students‟ errors studies, is called error analysis. It seems that this concept is the same as that proposed by Crystal defined the Error Analysis is technique to identify, classify, and interpret systematically the unacceptable forms produced by one‟s learning foreign language, using one of the principles and procedures provided by linguistics.


F. Errors Based on the Surface Strategy Taxonomy

The taxonomy of surface strategies highlights the ways a surface is structured: students can omit necessary items (omissions) or add unnecessary items (additions), they can provide wrong information (selection) or misorder them (misordering).

According to Dulay et al, (1982) to analysis the data. They are classified the error in four types, like omission, addition, misinformation, and misordering.

2. Omission is a writing error in which one item is missing in a sentence. 3. Addition is a type of error where an item is added that should not be in the


4. Misinformation is a type of error where students misuse the sentence structure which causes misunderstanding.

5. Misordering is one of the errors indicated by the wrong placement of morphemes in a sentence.

From the preliminary description above, it is clear that error analysis is an activity to identify, classify and interpret or describe the error made by someone both orally and in writing and are carried out to obtain general information about the difficulties someone faces in writing paragraphs in English. In this study the researcher chose to use a surface strategy taxonomy analysis to assist researcher in analyzing the results of interviews and students' writing tests.


G. The Conceptual Framework

A conceptual framework is used in research to outline possible courses of action or to present a preferred approach to an idea or though. The conceptual framework underline the research is given in the following diagram below:

Figure 1.1 Conceptual Frameworks

Based on the concept above, it is explained that the focus of this research is the students' ability to write. In this case, the researcher focuses on the use of the infinitive in the descriptive paragraphs made by the third semester students.

From the test results, the researcher analyzed the students' errors in using infinitives in descriptive paragraphs using the surface strategy taxonomy method, namely Omission, Addition, Misinformation, and Misordering. The method used


Error Analysis

Surface Strategy Taxonomy

The Students‟ Errors in Using Infinitive


in this research is descriptive qualitative method. By using the descriptive qualitative method, the researcher collected data from the student test results to finds the students' errors in using infinitive in writing paragraph.




A. Research Design

This research design is descriptive qualitative research. The qualitative research design aims to find, describe, classify, analyze, and explain the research data. This is because this study tries to determine the phenomenon of infinitive misuse by students. In this study, researcher used the surface strategy taxonomy method, which is divided into four types, namely omission, addition, misinformation, and misordering. Of the four types of errors, the researcher used two types of errors, namely Omission and Addition.

In this study, the first thing the researcher was conducting a writing test, where the researcher gave six topics where students would choose one of the six topics that had been provided. This writing test aims to determine the extent of students' knowledge or understanding in the application or use of infinitives, as well as to find out the types of student errors in using infinitives. After conducting the writing test, the researcher also collected data from the results of interviews with students, and then analyzed the errors and what caused the errors. In the interview test, researcher conducted interviews indirectly, namely via chat, which was due to conditions and situations during the Covid-19 pandemic. This interview stage aims to find out more about the causes of student errors in using infinitives.


The final step is to analyze all the test results from the writing test results and also the interview results. After that the researcher classifies the errors and also calculates the types of errors made by students. In calculating the errors generated by the students, the researcher used the percentage technique to analyze the data. After the steps above are carried out, illustrations of students' mistakes can be obtained and conclusions can be met in an effort to answer the problem statement.

B. Research Subject

Subjects in this research are required to obtain the required information.

The researcher chose third semester students of the English Department of the Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. In addition, every student is expected to be able to write in English. This supports researcher to find student errors in using infinitives in descriptive paragraphs. Based on the preliminary study, writing is a difficult subject for students to do.

In this study, researcher used a random sampling technique. Random sampling is a type of probability sampling in which everyone in the entire target population has an equal chance of being selected.

The number of students in the third semester was 135 students consisting of 6 classes. Class 3A consists of 21 people, 3B 24 people, 3C 24 people, 3D 24 people, 3E 23 people, and class 3F 19 people. Of the six classes, the researcher chose five classes to be the research subjects, namely classes A, B, C, E, and F. The total subject in this research is 13 students.


C. Research Instrument

To collect research data, the researcher conducted two stages, namely interview and writing test.

a. Writing Test

The first stage the researcher took was a writing test. Researcher provide a writing test by preparing several topics that will be selected by students and used as writing material in writing descriptive paragraphs. The researcher asked students to write descriptive paragraphs of English that involved the infinitive. Then, the researcher collected all the students 'writing test results and analyzed the types of students' errors in using the to infinitive.

b. Interview

In this study researcher also used the interview method, this is because the interview method has several excellence, namely researcher get more detailed information, and properties of the interview is also flexible (appropriate with the respondent's condition), the results are got more accurate. This study aims to determine in more detail the causes of the errors made by students in the use of the infinitive. In addition to knowing students' errors in using the infinitive, interviews were also conducted to find out the types of errors made by students related to the infinitive.

In the interview session, researcher used interviews. Which is semi-structured interview is one type of interview in which the interviewer only provides a number of predetermined questions while other questions are new


questions that arise from students' answers where these questions were not planned beforehand.

D. Data Collection

Data collection is carried out to collect information about how to use the infinitive properly and correctly. To collect data, researcher carried out two stages, namely:

1. Writing test

In the writing test, the researcher prepares several topics that will be chosen by students. Then the students wrote several descriptive paragraphs according to the topic given by the researcher. After that, the researcher collected the student test results then analyzed the students' errors using a marker.

2. Interview

Researcher conducted interviews with students indirectly, namely through WhatsApp.

E. Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher collected all test results from students, namely from the interview test and descriptive paragraph writing test. Researcher used data from interviews and writing tests to analyze the causes and types of students' errors in using infinitives in writing descriptive paragraphs. Then the researcher made conclusions based on the data that had been analyzed. Researcher used descriptive analysis techniques (percentage) to analyze the data.


The formula is as follows:

P = % P = Percentage

F = frequency of error made

N = Number of sample which is observe/case




This chapter describes the analysis of the data collected to answer the researcher's questions in this study. Data collection was carried out by conducting interviews and writing test with the research participants is the third semester students of English department Muhammadiyah university of Makassar, about analyzing the students' errors in using infinitive in writing paragraph.

a. Research Findings

As explained in the previous chapter, this research has a research instrument, namely writing tests and interviews that focus on infinitive paragraph descriptive writing conducted by third semester students of the English department of Muhammadiyah Makassar University. On the first instrument, namely the writing test. From the results of writing tests collected and analyzed, the researcher found 63 students' errors in using the infinitive in the descriptive paragraph. Of 63 errors are divided into 30 errors or 46.16% in addition and 33 errors or 50.77% in omissions.

Apart from collecting data from writing tests, researcher also collected data from interviews. At the interview stage, the researcher did this through interviews with the type of conversation via the WhatsApp application, this was due to the conditions and situations that were in the PSBB period which did not allow direct or face-to-face interviews with students. From the results of the interview, it was found that most students did not understand the use of the infinitive, for various reasons. There are those who say that they have not received


material on the infinitive, and there are also those who say that they have received the material but still do not understand the rules for using to in a sentence or paragraph. That is one of the causes of the students‟ errors in using the infinitive.

1. The Results of the Writing Test

In the first stage, the researcher gave a writing test to the third semester students majoring in English. This writing test aims to analyze students' errors in using infinitives. And from the students' writing, the researcher can find out the kinds of errors that students make in using the infinitive.

To find out the types of the students errors make in the use of the infinitive, the researcher explains in table form as below.

Table 1.2

The Identification of the errors of Students 1

Paragraph Identification of Error Description of Error Correction I My family and I love white, so we decide paint the wall all white.”


My family and I love white, so we decide to paint the wall all white.”


“When we enter the house we can see to our small living room in front”


“When we enter the house we can see our small living room in front”


We welcome our close friends, families, and relatives in there.”


We welcome to our close friends, families, and relatives in there.”


II “We often to get along,”

Addition “We often get



“or just to enjoy the drinks and chips on the sofa or carpet.”


“or just enjoy the drinks and chips on the sofa or carpet.”

In table 1.2 above shows that student 1 has several errors, namely 2 on omission, where students omit the word to in a sentence that should use to. Like "My family and I love white, so we decide paint the wall all white." While the real sentence is "My family and I love white, so we decide to paint the wall all white." Because to should come after the adjective. Where as in addition, students have 3 errors where students add the word to to a sentence that should not use to.

Table 1.3

The Identification of the errors of Students 2

Paragraph Identification of Error Description of Error Correction II “Than I wash prepare online classes.” Omission “Than I wash to prepare online classes III

“At the night I never miss dinner with my parents and my brother.”


“At the night I never miss to dinner with my parents and my brother.”


“Then I also didn‟t forget complete my homework.”

Omission “Then I also didn‟t forget to complete my homework.” III “Right now only that

to my daily activity

Addition “Right now only that my daily activity in


in my house” my house”

Table 1.3 shows that the errors made by students 2 are more dominant in omission, where the error is omitting the word to in sentences that should use to. Such as "Than I wash prepare online classes." The actual sentence is "Than I wash to prepare online classes." This is because the “to” function in the sentence is to indicate the purpose or intention of an action. Meanwhile, in addition, students 2 added the word to in sentences which should not have used to. Like "Right now only that to my daily activity in my house". The truth is "Right now only that my daily activity in my house".

Table 1.4

The Identification of the errors of Students 3

Paragraph Identification of Error Description of Error Correction I

“famous for its beautiful to sunset views.”


“famous for its beautiful sunset views.”


“Many people spend

the afternoon

enjoying the

beautiful view”


“Many people spend the afternoon to

enjoying the

beautiful view”


“The view of the

beach is very

beautiful and its to various culinary”


“The view of the

beach is very

beautiful and its various culinary” II “It will be more to

comfortable if you

Addition “It will be more comfortable if you


use a motorbike” use a motorbike”


“This beach can also be to entered for free.”


“This beach can also be entered for free.”


“that you have

participate in

keeping the beach clean.”


“that you have to

participate in

keeping the beach clean.”

Table 1.4 shows that students' error 3 is more dominant in addition, where students add the word to which should not use to. As in the sentence "The view of the beach is very beautiful and it‟s to various culinary" which is actually "The view of the beach is very beautiful and it‟s various culinary". Because after the word "its" there doesn't have to be the word to. Whereas in the omission table there were two errors where student 3 omitted the word to which should have been in the sentence. Like "that you have participated in keeping the beach clean." What should be is "that you have to participate in keeping the beach clean." Because a word like from the to infinitive function followed by an adverb

Table 1.5

The Identification of the errors of Students 4

Paragraph Identification of Error

Description of Error


II “I really like hug him because his fur was soft,”


“I really like to hug him because his fur was soft,”


around the house.” around the house.”


“He likes chasing everyone in my house.” Omission He likes to chasing everyone in my house.”

Table 1.5 shows that student 4 has 3 errors, namely omission, where students omit the word to in sentences that should use to. Like "I really like hug him because his fur was soft," the correct sentence is "I really like to hug him because his fur was soft," because to must be after the adjective.

Table 1.6

The Identification of the errors of Students 5

Paragraph Identification of Error Description of Error Correction II

“surely it will sound familiar to the ears of local and foreign tourists”


“surely it will sound familiar to the ears of to local and foreign tourists”


“excellent spots that will increase its attractiveness and charm.”


“excellent spots that will increase its to attractiveness and charm.”


“of the beauties that to make this beach

attractive.” Addition

“of the beauties that make this beach attractive.”


“that will make visitors want to come back to this place.”


“that will make visitors want to come back this place.”


Table 1.6 shows that students 5 had 4 errors, namely 2 omissions and 2 addition. The error in omission is that students do not use the word to in sentences which should use the word to. Like "surely it will sound familiar to the ears of local and foreign tourists" which is actually "surely it will sound familiar to the ears of to local and foreign tourists" because the to function is to indicate the purpose or the intention of an action. Meanwhile, in addition, students added the word to in sentences that should not use to, such as "that will make visitors want to come back to this place." The truth is "that will make visitors want to come back this place." Because the sentence already contains the word to this emphasizes or explains the meaning or purpose of the sentence.

Table 1.7

Identification of the errors of Students 6

Paragraph Identification of Error

Description of Error


I “the first thing that I

do is thank God” Omission

“the first thing that I do is to thank God”


“letting me see this

beautiful morning.” Omission

“letting me to see this beautiful morning.” II “Because exercise is very necessary to keep our body fit”


Because exercise is very necessary keep our body fit


“I start to studying for at minimum 1 hour.”


“I start studying for at minimum 1 hour.”



“we can remember our lessons quickly

and our brain

remains fresh at that time.”


“we can remember our lessons quickly

and our brain

remains fresh at that time.”

III “I go out play with

my sisters.” Omission

“I go out to play with my sisters.”


“and then wash my hands, face and legs

and start to



“and then wash my hands, face and legs and start studying”

Table 1.7 shows that students 6 had seven errors, namely 4 omissions and 3 additions. In omission, students omit the word to which should use to. As in the sentence "I go out and play with my sisters." The real sentence is "I go out to play with my sisters." This is because to serves to indicate the purpose of an action. Meanwhile, in addition, students added the word to to a sentence which should no longer use the word to. Like "I start to studying for at least 1 hour." Which should be "I start studying for at least 1 hour." Because to be followed by the verb 1.

Table 1.8

The Identification of the errors of Students 7

Paragraph Identification of Error Description of Error Correction I

“He always make me happy when I am feeling blue.”


“He always to make me happy when I am


feeling blue.”


“I used to have problems because I wanted be a part of them.”


“I used to have problems because I wanted to be a part of them”

III “I am sure to I can do more,”

Addition “I am sureI can do more,”

In table 1.8, it shows that students 7 had 3 errors, namely 2 omissions and 1 addition. The omission error is where students omit the word to in a sentence that should use the word to. Like "I used to have problems because I wanted to be a part of them." Which should be "I used to have problems because I wanted to be a part of them." Because to with adverb. Meanwhile, in addition, there is the addition of the word to which should not be used to. "I am sure I can do more," which should be "I am sure I can do more,"

Table 1.9

The Identification of the errors of Students 8

Paragraph Identification of Error Description of Error Correction I “. I really need to prepare to for an online lecture.” Addition . I really need to prepare for an online lecture.


“I have clean my

bed so neatly,” Omission

“I have to clean my bed so neatly,”

II “so I cleaned all the chores like to doing

Addition “so I cleaned all the chores likedoing the


the dishes,” dishes,”


“my second activity of helping to my

mother prepare



“my second activity

of helping my

mother prepare



“I would to prepare a dish that was both very typical of my family”


“I would prepare a dish that was both very typical of my family”

Table 1.9 shows that Student 8 has 5 errors which are more dominant in addition. One example is "my second activity of helping to my mother prepare breakfast", the error is in the use of verbs that are not quite right. Meanwhile, the omission is “I have clean my bed so neatly,” which should be “I have to clean my bed so neatly,” because after before the first verb there should be to.

Table 1.10

The Identification of the errors of Students 9

Paragraph Identification of Error Description of Error Correction I

“of course I have a daughter in the family according my people.”


“of course I have a daughter in the family according to my people.”


so that she can still look good in all of to her dresses.”

Addition so that she can still look good in all of her dresses.”


Even though she is no to longer young,”

Addition Even though she is nolonger young,”



I like his social advice especially his patient nature.”


I like his social advice especially to his patient nature.”


Just to like my parents, my brother also has black eyes”


Just like my parents, my brother also has black eyes”

Table 1.10 shows that student 9 has 5 errors, namely 3 from additions such as "Just to like my parents, my brother also has black eyes" which should be "Just like my parents, my brother also has black eyes". Meanwhile, the omission is "I like his social advice especially his patient nature." What should be "I like his social advice especially to his patient nature." Because to comes after the adjective.

Table 1.11

The Identification of the errors of Students 10

Paragraph Identification of Error Description of Error Correction II

“He always to make me happy when I am feeling blue.”


“He always make me happy when I am feeling blue.”


“I am very grateful to have friends like Ivan.”


“I am very grateful have friends like Ivan.”


“But we often spend

time together.” Omission

“But we often to

spend time



about our activities in our campus”

about our activities in our campus”


“I like if he cares to me, he is like to my brother”


“I like if he cares to me, he is like my brother”

Table 1.11 shows that student 10 has 5 errors, namely 3 in addition, such as "He always makes me happy when I am feeling blue." What should be is "He always make me happy when I am feeling blue." And the omission error is "But we often spend time together." What should be is "But we often spend time together." Because to serves to indicate the purpose of an action.

Table 1.12

The Identification of the errors of Students 11

Paragraph Identification of Error Description of Error Correction I “This is because after Covid and having keep my daily distance, it became a little boring.” Omission “This is because after Covid and having to keep my daily distance, it became a little boring.” I Therefore I will to share my daily life before the Covid-19”


Therefore I

willshare my daily life before the Covid-19”

II “On the way


Omission “On the way to



“We love to talk about funny things that make us laugh and feel very happy.


„We love talk about funny things that make us laugh and feel very happy.”


„I wait on campus while to doing some assignments.”


„I wait on campus whiledoing some assignments.”


“I just need manage my time really well”


“I just need to manage my time really well”

Table 1.12 shows that student 11 has 6 errors consisting of 4 omissions, where students omit the word to in sentences which should use to, for example "I just need to manage my time really well" which should be "I just need to manage my time really well ”because to always follows the first verb. Meanwhile, in addition, 'I wait on campus while to do some assignments. ” What should be 'I wait on campus while doing some assignments." Because there is already a gerund in the sentence above.

Table 1.13

The Identification of the errors of Students 12

Paragraph Identification of Error

Description of Error


I “The first is that I am interested in to

Addition “The first is that I am interested in


learning Islam” learning Islam” I I am interested in to learning many languages” Addition I am interested in learning many languages”

Table 1.13 shows that student 12 has 2 errors, namely addition where students add the word to in the sentence which should not use the word to. For example, "I am interested in learning many languages" which should be "I am interested in learning many languages" because there is a gerund in that sentence.

Table 1.14

The Identification of the errors of Students 13

Paragraph Identification of Error Description of Error Correction I

“she talked too

much then we

became to closer.”


“she talked too

much then we

became closer.”


“I just feel to more comfort when we

were hangout



I just feel more comfort when we

were hangout



„she had become a Chairman of the Student Council”


„she had to become a Chairman of the Student Council.”


“she always to respond it and she is wise”


”she always respond it and she is wise”


pictures or wore the same things together we just enjoyed our time together.”

pictures or wore the same things together we just to enjoyed our time together.”

Table 1.14 shows that students 13 have 5 errors, namely addition, for example "I just feel to be more comfort when we were hangout together." Which should be "I just feel more comfort when we were hangout together." And in omission it is 'she had become a Chairman of the Student Council "which should be' she had to become a Chairman of the Student Council".

Table 1.15

Table Recapitulation of Students

Respondent Classification of Errors Addition Omission Students 1 3 2 Students 2 1 3 Students 3 4 2 Students 4 - 3 Students 5 2 2 Students 6 3 4 Students 7 1 2 Students 8 2 4


Figure 1.1 Conceptual Frameworks
Table 1.3 shows that the errors made by students 2 are more dominant in  omission, where the error is omitting the word to in sentences that should use to
Table 1.4 shows that students' error 3 is more dominant in addition, where  students add the word to which should not use to
Table  1.5  shows  that  student  4  has  3  errors,  namely  omission,  where  students omit the  word to in sentences that should use to


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