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BAHASA INGGRIS SMALB Tunadaksa Kelas x-2013


Academic year: 2017

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Bahasa Inggris

SMALB Tunadaksa

Kelas X

Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Republik Indonesia




Buku Siswa

Bahasa Inggris





Buku Siswa

Bahasa Inggris

SMALB/D - Tunadaksa

Hak Cipta pada Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Dilindungi Undang – Undang

Buku ini merupakan buku siswa yang dipersiapkan Pemerintah dalam rangka implementasi kurikulum 2013. Buku guru ini disusun dan ditelaah oleh berbagai pihak di bawah koordinasi

Kementerian Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan, dan dipergunakan dalam tahap awal penerapan kurikulum 2013.

Buku ini merupakan “dokumen hidup”


Penulis : Meita L. Sujatna Penyunting materi : Diyantari

Penyunting Bahasa : Balai Bahasa Perancang Sampul : Alvii T.B. Siregar

Kotak katalog dalam terbitan (KDT)

Cetakan ke-1, 2016

Disusun dengan huruf Bookman Old Style,12 pt

Indonesia. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Bahasa Inggris SMALB/D ~Tunadaksa : Buku Siswa/Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. –Jakarta : Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2016.

xi, 109 hal.

Untuk SMALB/D Kelas X

ISBN 978-602-358-493-2 (jilid lengkap) ISBN 978-602-358-494-9 (jilid I)



Pemerintah Republik Indonesia telah menerbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 32 Tahun 2013 tentang perubahan atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Berdasarkan peraturan ini telah ditetapkan kebijakan baru pendidikan khususnya yang berkaitan dengan kurikulum yang berlanjut dengan penerapan kurikulum 2013. Menurut peraturan ini struktur kurikulum merupakan pengorganisasian Kompetensi Inti, Kompetensi Dasar, Muatan Pembelajaran, Mata Pelajaran, dan Beban Belajar pada setiap satuan pendidikan dan program pendidikan. Khusus struktur Kurikulum untuk satuan pendidikan menengah termasuk untuk SMALB terdiri atas. (a) muatan umum; (b) muatan peminatan akademik; (c) muatan peminatan kejuruan; dan (d) muatan pilihan lintas minat/pendalaman minat. Kompetensi inti yang mencakup: sikap spiritual, sikap sosial, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan, merupakan tingkat kemampuan untuk mencapai Standar Kompetensi Lulusan yang harus dimiliki seorang Peserta Didik pada setiap tingkat kelas atau program yang menjadi landasan Pengembangan Kompetensi dasar. Kompetensi inti berfungsi sebagai pengintegrasi muatan Pembelajaran, mata pelajaran atau program pembelajaran dalam mencapai Standar Kompetensi Lulusan. Penetapan standar kompetensi lulusan sekolah dan kompetensi inti ini tentu akan berimplikasi pada manajemen pembelajaran dan pengembangan bahan ajar Pengembangan Kurikulum 2013 dilaksanakan atas dasar beberapa prinsip utama. Pertama, standar kompetensi lulusan diturunkan dari kebutuhan. Kedua, standar isi diturunkan dari standar kompetensi lulusan melalui kompetensi inti yang bebas mata pelajaran.

Ketiga, semua mata pelajaran harus berkontribusi terhadap pembentukan sikap, keterampilan, dan pengetahuan peserta didik.

Keempat, mata pelajaran diturunkan dari kompetensi yang ingin dicapai.


Dengan diberlakukannya implementasi kurikulum 2013 mulai tahun ajaran 2014/ 2015 di SMALB, Direktorat Pembinaan Pendidikan Khusus dan Layanan Khusus Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Menengah mengembangkan kurikulum pendidikan khusus. Kegiatan ini telah berhasil merumuskan Kompetensi Inti (KI) dan Kompetensi Dasar (KD) sejumlahmata pelajaran bagi peserta didik/siswa SMALB. Merujuk pada kurikulum tersebut, Direktorat Pembinaan Pendidikan Khusus dan Layanan Khusus Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Menengah mengembangkan bahan ajar pendidikan khusus. Dari kegiatan pengembangan tersebut telah diterbitkan sebanyak 54 jenis bahan ajar pendidikan khusus untuk peserta didik/siswa SMALB kelas X Tunanetra, Tunarungu, Tunagrahita Ringan, Tunagrahita Sedang, Tunadaksa Ringan, Tunadaksa Sedang, dan Autis, yang terdiri dari 27 bahan ajar untuk peserta didik/siswa dan 27 bahan ajar untuk guru yang mencakup mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, Matematika, dan Seni Budaya.

Buku siswa ini berisi kegiatan pembelajaran yang variatif yang memungkinkan siswa untuk menggali potensi akademiknya dengan optimal. Buku siswa ini diharapkan akan mendorong semua siswa SMALB/D untuk meningkatkan pemahamannya terhadap pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris berdasarkan kurikulum 2013. Keterlibatan siswa secara aktif dalam proses pembelajaran akan mendorong siswa menjadi pribadi yang yang kreatif, produktif, inovatif, dan mandiri serta memiliki sikap ilmiah.



FOREWORD…………..……… i

CONTENTS ……….. iii

LIST of PICTURES ………. vi

Chapter 1: Tell Me about You! Conceptual Map ……… 2

Introduction ……… 2

Material and Learning Process ………. 2

Summary ………. 13

Evaluation ……… 13

Reflection ………. 15

Chapter 2: Give a Description, Please! Conceptual Map ……… 18

Introduction ……… 18

Material and Learning Process ………. 19

Summary ………. 30

Evaluation ……… 31


Introduction ……… 35

Material and Learning Process ………. 36

Summary ………. 45

Evaluation ……… 46

Reflection ………. 47

Chapter 4: Attention, Please! Conceptual Map ……… 50

Introduction ……… 51

Material and Learning Process ………. 52

Summary ………. 65

Evaluation ……… 66

Reflection ………. 67

Chapter 5: Follow the Steps, Please! Conceptual Map ……… 70

Introduction ……… 70

Material and Learning Process ………. 71

Summary ………. 83

Evaluation ……… 83

Reflection ………. 86


Introduction ……… 89

Material and Learning Process ………. 90

Summary ………. 100

Evaluation ……… 101

Reflection ………. 103

GLOSSARY …………..105

REFERENCE ……….………..108


Chapter 1: Tell me about you

In this chapter, I will learn:

 to tell other people my personal details

 to ask my friends about their personal details

 to share my friends’ personal details

Once you have finished the lesson, go back to your learning goals and see whether you have mastered all of them.


A. Concept Map

B. Introduction

People meet new people every day. It can be at school, in the

neigh-borhood, at someone’s house, at the mall, or even in public transport.

To get acquainted, they usually introduce themselves in many ways and different amount of details. If we are comfortable with the new acquaintances, we usually give more details about ourselves. If we are not sure, we usually give less details.

In this chapter, we will learn how to give, ask, and the personal de-tails of ourselves and our friends.

C. Materials and Learning Process

Observing and Questioning


Good morning students.

My name is Ms. Vina Meliani. You can call me Ms. Vina.

We say “How do you do? When

we first meet someone.

The response to this is, “How do you do?”

Repeat after me.

Picture 1.2

Observing and Questioning

Activity 2

Now, study the dialogs below, listen and repeat after me. Afterwards, practice with your friend.

How do you do?

How do you do? My na e is Dian. What is your na e? My na e is Sarah.


How do you do?

How do you do?

I a Rio. May I know your na e?

I a Ar an. Ni e to eet you, Rio.

Picture 1.4

Observing and Questioning

Activity 3

Study the conversations, listen and repeat after me. Afterwards, practice with your friend telling about your age.

Ar an, how old are you?

I’ . And you?


I was orn years

Fill in the incomplete sentences by using the ex-pressions given in the previous activities.

1. When we meet a person for the first time, we say:

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 2. To introduce yourself, you say:

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 3. To ask someone’s name, you say:


Collecting Information

Activity 5

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate expres-sions in the conversation, asking and telling

someone’s details below:

Sarah: What’s your name?

Rio: __________________ May I ______________________________? Arman: I’m Arman ____________________________________________? Dian: I’m Dian, nice to meet you Arman.

Arman: __________________________________________________ Dian. Rio: How ___________________________________________ Arman? Arman: ______________________________________. What is your age? Rio: I’m 15, too.

Observing and Questioning

Activity 6


Collecting Information

Activity 7

Study the conversation, listen and repeat after me. Later, Practice the conversation with your friends. Take turns to tell your age to your friends.

I live at jalan Cikutra no 14. Where do you live?

Really? I live at Jalan Cikutra no. 34. We are neighbors!

We should study together.

Picture 1.7

My hobbies are playing the pi-ano and the violin. What are yours?

My hobby is playing football. How about you, Arman?


I watch movies and listen to music. What do you do in your spare time, Sarah?

My hobbies are singing and reading a novel.

Picture 1.9

Collecting Information

Activity 8

Fill in the incomplete sentences on by using the expressions given in the previous activities.

1. To say my address, I say:

I live in __________________________________ (name of the street). 2. To ask someone’s address, we say:

Where do you live?

What is _____________________________________________________? 3. To say my hobby, I say:

My hobby is ____________________________________ (your hobby) I like ___________________________________________(your hobby) 4. To ask someone’s hobby, we say:


Sarah: Hi! My name is Sarah. And this my friend Dian.

What ___________________________________________________? Arman: Hi Sarah! Hi Dian! My____________ Arman. And this is Rio. Rio: Hi Sarah and Dian! Nice to meet you.

Dian: Nice to meet you. Sarah: Nice to meet you.

Sarah: My hobby is ___________________________________________. What is ___________________________________________ Rio? Rio: My hobby is ___________________________________________.

What do you ___________________________________Arman? Arman: I ______________________________________________________.

How about you, Dian?

Dian: ______________________________________________________

Collecting Information

Activity 9

Fill in the blanks in the sentences by using some expressions about asking and telling

someone’s details below.


Activity 10


Hello, My name is Arman, I’m 15 years

old. I live at jalan Bumi Asri V no. 12, Bandung. My hobby is playing football. How about you?


What is your name? How old are you? Where do you live? What is your hobby?

Student Name Address Age Hobby





Activity 11

Complete the table by asking four friends using the questions from list. Later, present your

friends’ details in front of your classroom.


My Family

Hello everybody. My name is Arman. I am 15 years old. I want to tell you about my family. I live with my father, my mother, a sister, and two brothers.

My father’s name is Hasan. He works for a

com-puter company in Jakarta. He comes home on Sat-urdays and Sundays. He is 40 years old. My moth-er works too. She is a junior high school teachmoth-er. She teaches from Monday to Friday. Her name is Bunga. She is 35 years old. My oldest sister is a college student. She studies English at Bandung University. Her name is Fanny. My older brother is a high school student. He is 18 years old. His name is Iwan. My youngest brother is still 5 years old. His name is Boris.

Observing and Questioning

Activity 12

Observe the text below. Listen to me when I am reading it. Repeat after me on the second read-ing.


Collecting Information

Activity 13

Study the text again. Answer the questions be-low based on the text.

1. What is the name of Arman’s father? ___________________________. 2. What does he do? _____________________________________________. 3. How old is he? ________________________________________________. 4. What is the name of Arman’s mother? _________________________. 5. How old is she? _______________________________________________. 6. Does Arman have brother or sister? ____________________________. 7. What are their names? _________________________________________. 8. How old are his brothers? ______________________________________.

Collecting Information

Activity 14

Complete the table by asking your friends using the guiding questions above.


member Name Age Occupation School




Activity 15

Read below the expressions discussed. Re-member to use them.

D. Summary

 An expression that is used to ask someone’s name is:

 What is your name?

 Some expressions that are used to ask someone’s address are:

 Where do you live?

 What is your address?

 Some expressions that are used to ask someone’s family

mem-bers are:

 Do you live with your parents?

 Whom do you live with?

 Is your aunt/uncle living with you?

Activity 16

Choose the best answer for each question.

E. Evaluation

1. To introduce yourself, you say….. A. My name is Sarah


2. To introduce yourself, you say….


8. To ask someone’s address, I say…. A. Where do you live?

B. Do you live with your parents? C. Where are you live?

9. To ask someone’s address, I say…. A. Do you live?

11. To ask family members, I say…. A. Do you live with your parents? B. Where do you live?

C. Where are you live?

12. To ask family members, I say….

A. How many brothers or sisters are you? B. How many brothers or sisters do you have? C. How many brothers do you live?

F. Reflection

Activity 16


In this chapter I have learnt about….

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

The parts that I enjoyed the most were ….

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

The difficulties that I had were…

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

What I have to do to be better are...

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

From now on, I will try use the expressions I’ve learnt in my daily

conversation. My teacher will help me if I find some difficulties.


In this chapter, I will learn:

 to describe people, animals, and things based on their general and specific categories

 to identify and discuss features of people, animals, and things

 to discuss the functions/the use/the action, and the habits of people/animals/things

Once you have finished the lesson, go back to the goals and see whether you have mastered all of them.

Chapter 2: Give a





A. Concept Map

B. Introduction

People, animals, and things share some general features. Some fea-tures depend on the way they are used or the actions needed to use them. For example, people, animals, and things have legs, but they are used for different reasons.

They also have unique details. Humans can be very different from an-imals and things. Even people individually are different from each other.


fea-He has black hair He has

brown hair

She has light brown hair, blue eyes,and

she is tall

She has dark brown hair,brown eyes, and she is short

Picture 2.2

C. Materials and Learning Process

Observing and Questioning

Activity 1


Observing and Questioning

white suit and a red tie.

Picture 2.3

Activity 2

Look at the pictures, pay attention to people characteristics. Listen and repeat after me.


1. To describe people’s hair, I say….

 He has black hair

 He has brown

 He has grey hair

 She has grey hair.

2. To describe people’s eyes, I say….

 She has dark brown eyes.

 She ______________________________________

3. To describe people’s height, I say….

 She is tall

 She ______________________________________

4. To describe ‘the color of people’s clothes, I say….

 She is wearing purple dress

 She ______________________________________

 He is wearing white shirt and red tie

 He ______________________________________

Collecting Information

Activity 3



1. To describe the man’s hair, I say….

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

2. To describe the woman’s hair, I say….

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

3. To describe the man’s eyes, I say….

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

4. To describe the man’s eyes, I say….

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Activity 4


5. To describe people’s height, I say….

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

6. To describe ‘the color of people’s clothes, I say…. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Activity 5

Listen to me read the dialog. Practice with your friends afterwards.

Observing and Questioning

Have you met Lia? She is a new student in our class.

Yes, I have. Have you met her too?

No, I have not. Please describe her.

I will show you her photo.


Collecting Information

1. Lia _______________________________________ 2. Lia _______________________________________ 3. Lia _______________________________________ 4. Lia _______________________________________ 5. Lia _______________________________________

Activity 6

Arman showed Sarah the photo of Lia. Com-plete the sentences below to give her descrip-tion.

Picture 2.5

Observing and Questioning

Activity 7


Sarah, Do you

There are books. Next are pens, and the last one is a bag.

What color is your pen? My pen is blue.

My pen is red. My bag is green.

What’s yours?

Mine is brown, and it’s very



Observing and Questioning

Hi Dian. Your bag looks

heavy, doesn’t it?

Hi Arman. Yes, it does. It is

very heavy. I almost can’t lift

it. I bring all the books. Do you bring yours?

No, I don’t. It is really

light. I only bring some. You should do it too.


Activity 8

Study the conversation, listen and repeat after me. Afterwards, practice with your friend.

Activity 9

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate expres-sions.


1. To describe things, I say…. A. This/that is a table.

B. This ______________________________________________. C. ___________________________________________________. D. What color ________________________________________? E. ___________________________________________________? F. My pen is blue.

G. _________________________________________________________. H. My bag is heavy.

I. _________________________________________________________.

Observing and Questioning

Activity 10


1. Where is the photo taken? _____________________________________. 2. Have you been to a place like this? _____________________________. 3. What can people do there? ____________________________________.

Observing and Questioning

Activity 11

Now, study the conversation, listen and repeat after me. Now practice the conversation with your friends.

They are all wild animals. I saw a peacock too. It is very beautiful, espe-cially the male peacock. It has beau-Me too. I love animals. Did you see the lion? It is very big and strong.


Activity 12

Based on the picture in Picture 2.8, mention the animals, the size and the colors.

Collecting Information

Animals Sizes Colors

Elephant Grey


Activity 13

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate expressions.

To describe animals, I say

A. It is big _______________________________________________________

B. _______________________________________________________________

C. _______________________________________________________________

D. _______________________________________________________________

E. _______________________________________________________________



 Some expressions that are used to describe people are:

 He has black hair

 She has blue eyes

 She is tall

 She is short

 Some expressions that are used to describe things are:

 This is a table

 My pen is blue

 My bag is very heavy

 Some expressions that are used to describe animals are:

 The elephant is extremely big

Activity 14

Now it’s your turn to tell your friends about

your pet or your favorite animal in front of the class.

Activity 15

Read the text below to help you remember the lesson.


1. To describe person, I say

C. She has four strong eyes

3. To describe a person, I say


6. To describe a thing, I say A. My pen is strong B. My pen is blue C. My pen is alive

7. To describe thing, I say

A. The calculator is smart B. The computer has grey hair C. The oven has fur

8. To describe an animal, I say A. The lion is tiny

B. The elephant is tall C. The rabbit is high

9. To describe an animal, I say

A. The peacock’s hair is beautiful B. The turtle is wild

C. My pet is wild

10. To describe an animal, I say A. The cat is dangerous B. The mouse is poisonous C. The snake is long

F. Reflection


In this chapter I have learnt about….

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

The parts that I enjoyed the most were ….

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

The difficulties that I had were…

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

What I have to do to be better are...

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

From now on, I will try use the expressions I’ve learnt in my daily

co-versation. My teacher will help me if I find some difficulties.


Chapter 3: Follow The Rules, Please!

In this chapter, I will learn:

 to ask for permission,

 to use the expressions to give instruction,

 to invite someone to do something

 to respond to instruction, persuasion, prohibition, and permis-sion.

 To respond to questions regarding instruction, persuasion, pro-hibition, and permission.


A. Concept Map

B. Introduction


C. Materials and Learning Process

Observing and Questioning

Activity 1

Study the picture. Listen and repeat after me.


I was here first!


Aaargh! Where

should I go?

Imagine if we don’t have rules and

regu-lations on the street. People cannot go anywhere because there is nothing to or-ganize them. We will be late for school all


Observing and Questioning

Activity 3

Listen and follow me while I read the notice on the next page. You can practice afterwards.

Observing and Questioning

Activity 2

Listen and repeat after me. Practice the dialog with your partner while I listen.


Yes, Ma’am?

Do you know about the new regulations about the uni-form for Mondays?

I’m sorry Ma’am. I don’t.

Well, you have to wear the white shirt and white trousers or skirts on Mondays. Here are the regula-tions. Please read them.


Collecting Information

Activity 4

Observe the picture below. Can you describe it by answering the questions below the picture?

1. What is the notice about? _____________________________________. 2. Who is the notice for? _________________________________________. 3. What should the students wear on Tuesdays?

_______________________________________________________________. What should the students wear on Wednesdays?



There is a new regulation for school uniforms. The new regulation starts on Monday. All students must use the different uniforms following the schedule:

Mondays– white shirt and white trousers/skirts

Tuesdays – white shirt and grey trousers/skirts

Wednesdays – Gym attire

Thursdays – light brown shirt and dark brown trousers/skirts

Fridays - the school batik

The uniforms are available at the Student Center.

The Principal


Observing and Questioning

Oh yes. You must wear the white and white uniform today. Have you taken your uniforms, Arman? Hey, Dian. Did you hear about the new regulation? You know, about the uniform for different days.

Activity 5

Listen to me for the first reading. Follow the dia-logue as it is read by your classmates. You can practice with your friends afterwards. Use the

Not yet. The notice said I must go to the Student Centre. Can you go with me there, please?

It’s 12 o’clock, Arman. Let’s go

there after the break. Before it,

Let’s get the order form to fill. It’s

available outside the locker. You must also pay for it first. Then, you should wait for the order.


Activity 6

Do you see how Arman and Dian used the ex-pressions for instruction, persuasion, prohibi-tion, and permission? Here are ways to do them.

Observing and Questioning

1. To give an instruction, we can use these expressions:

 Wear the white and white uniform today.

 Go to the Student Centre.

 Fill an order form.

2. To invite someone to do something, we can use these expres-sions:

 Let’s go there after the break.

 Let’s get the order form to fill.

 You should wait for the order.

3. To give a prohibition, we can use these expressions:

 They mustn’t be late for school.

 You are not allowed to swim in this area.

 Smoking is prohibited.

4. To give a permission, we can use these expressions:

 You may go home early.

 She can use the tablet.


Observing and Questioning

Activity 7

Listen to the dialog. Practice the dialog with your friend afterwards.

Excuse me, Ma’am, can I ask

some questions?

What can I do for you, Arman?

Do I have to complete the order form and pay today?

Yes. As a matter of fact, you are late as it is.

But I don’t have it with me. May I go home and get it? I don’t

want to be in any trouble.

You may not because you still have classes to go to. You may pay tomorrow. Just complete the form today.

Yes, Ma’am. Thank you.


1. To ask permission, Arman says…..

“May I ______________________________________________________”

2. To give a prohibition, the teacher says….

”You may not ________________________________________________”

3. To give permission, the teacher says…..


4. To give instruction, the teacher says…..

“Just ______________________________________________________ ”

Collecting Information

Activity 8

Complete the expressions by referring to the di-alog above.

Observing and Questioning

Activity 9


Welcome to Cendikia Theme Park!

Thank you for visiting our exciting new park. Please follow the regulations below:

 Buy the entrance ticket at the ticket boxes only. Do not buy from anyone else.

 Take care when using the facilities. Please follow the instruc-tions from the operators.

 Look after your personal items. You should go to “Lost and Found” if you lose something.

 You may bring your own food and drinks. Please keep the park clean.

 Do not smoke, use drugs, or drink alcohol in the area. They are not allowed by the law.

Picture 3.7


1. You are advised to ______________________________________ at a ticket box.

2. You are not allowed to _________________________________ from anyone else.

3. You should be careful when _____________________________ the facilities.

4. You need to ________________________________________ from the operators.

5. You need to ____________________________________________ your personal items.

6. If you lose something, you ________________________________

the “Lost and Found”.

7. It is allowed to __________________________________ your own food.

8. You should ___________________________________________ clean. 9. It is prohibited to


10. It is not ____________________________________________ by the

Collecting Information

Activity 10



D. Summary

1. To give an instruction, we can use these expressions:

 Wear the white and white uniform today.

 Go to the Student Centre.

 Fill an order form.

2. To invite someone to do something, we can use these expres-sions:

 Let’s go there after the break.

 Let’s get the order form to fill.

 You should wait for the order.

3. To give a prohibition, we can use these expressions:

 They mustn’t be late for school.

 You are not allowed to swim in this area.

 Smoking is prohibited.

Activity 12

Read the text below to help you remember the les-son.

Activity 11

Now it’s your turn to make a short dialog about


4. To give a permission, we can use these expressions:

 You may go home early.

 She can use the tablet.

 They may receive the money today.

E. Evaluation

Activity 13

Choose the best answer for each question.

1. To give an instruction, we can use this expression: A. You must wear the batik uniform today. B. We should save the forest.

C. Don’t go anywhere

2. To give a prohibition, we can use this expression: A. They must come late for school.

B. You are not allowed to swim in this area. C. Please come to my house

3. To give a permission, we can use this expression: A. You may go home now.

B. Please let me go home now.

C. They may receive the money today.

4. To give an instruction, we can use this expression:


In this chapter I have learnt about….

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

The parts that I enjoyed the most were ….

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

The difficulties that I had were…

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

What I have to do to be better are...

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

F. Reflection

Activity 14


reflec-5. To give a persuasion, we can use this expression: A. You should wait for the order.

B. Alicia take this letter to the doctors. C. You shouldn’t save the forest.

6. To give a prohibition, we can use this expression: A. They must wear uniform at school.

B. Please swim in this area. C. Smoking is prohibited.

7. To give a permission, we can use this expression: A. You may go home early.


Well done! You have com-pleted Chapter 3. See you in the next chapter.

From now on, I will try use the expressions I’ve learnt in my daily


Chapter 4: Attention, Please

In this chapter, I will learn:

 to identify text structure of announcements and language features

 to comprehend announcements

 to write an announcement

Once you have finished the lesson, go back to your learning goals and see whether you have mastered all of them.


A. Concept Map

B. Introduction

People like to give information about certain things. One of the things they announce is their activity. At school, students and teachers usu-ally make announcements on the notice board. It is a way for other students to get the information


C. Materials and Learning Process

Observing and Questioning

Activity 1

Listen as I read the whole conversation. You can practice with your friend afterwards.

Good morning students. I have an announcement to make.

Good morning , Sir. What is it about?

We are going on a field trip to an airshow next week. I hope everyone can go.



Collecting Information

Activity 3

Choose True or False for each question below.

Observing and Questioning

Activity 2

Listen to me reading the announcement while you read it below. Afterwards, practice with your friend.

Field Trip for Grade X Students


Date : Wednesday, 12 March Departure : 7 AM from school Arrival : 2 PM from the airshow

Location : Husein Sastranegara airport.

Fee : Rp.150.000 (including transportation, entrance, lunch, goodie bag)

What to bring: hat, sunscreen, drink, and snack

Registration: Mr.Maman Supardi (Grade X English Teacher) no later than 3 March. Please complete and return the form signed by your parents to the registration desk.


Observing and Questioning

Activity 4

Listen as the dialog is acted out. Practice later with your friend.

1. True – False The field trip is for Grade X students.

2. True – False The students will go on Thursday, 12 March. 3. True – False They will leave at 7 AM from school.

4. True – False They will come back at 3 PM from the show.

5. True – False The airshow is at Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport. 6. True – False The students must pay Rp,150.000 to join the trip. 7. True – False They have to bring their own lunch.

8. True – False They have to bring umbrellas.

9. True – False Mr. Mahmud Suparman is the trip coordinator. 10. True – False Students must register at the principal’s office.

Hey, Arman. Are you going to the field

Yes, I am.Why?

Do you have the rundown of the trip?

Yes. You will get one after you return the form and pay the fee.

I probably forgot to take it from the


Observing and Questioning

Activity 5

Read the rundown for the airshow field trip.

No. Activity Location

1 6.15 AM – Gather at school East Parking Lot

2 7.00 AM – Depart for Airshow Bus

3 8.00 AM – Greetings from Airshow group Hangar B

4 8.15 AM – Tour around the Expo Hall Expo Hall A

5 10.00 AM – Tea break Cafeteria B

6 10.30 AM – Watch the airshow Air Field A

7 12.00 PM – Lunch, watch a documentary Theater Room

8 1.00 PM – Depart for school Bus

9 2.00 PM – Arrive at school East Parking Lot

Collecting Information

Activity 6

Answer the questions based on the rundown in Activity 5.


3. They will get ___________________________ when the group leader greets them.

4. The tour around __________________________ will start at 8.15 AM.

5. The students will have a tea break at ______________________ AM.

6. They will have the tea break at the ____________________________.

7. The airshow will start at 10.30 AM at __________________________.

Activity 7

Answer in full sentences more questions about the rundown.

Collecting Information

1. What time should we be at the East Parking Lot?

____________________________________________________________ 2. What transportation are we using?

____________________________________________________________ 3. Where do we meet the group leader?

____________________________________________________________ 4. What do we get at the greeting?


6. What time does the airshow at Field A start?

___________________________________________________________ 7. Where can we have lunch and watch a film?

___________________________________________________________ 8. When do we head back to school?


Activity 8

Listen as I read the announcement. Practice with your friend later.

Observing and Questioning

Welcome to the Airshow! Thanks for coming. Nice to have you here. My name is Herman Yanto. I am your tour leader. We will go on the tour shortly. But first, let me make a few announcements.


Observing and Questioning

Activity 9

Listen and repeat after me. Use the expressions while you practice with your friend.

To say there is information to be given, we say:

 I have an announcement to make.

 Please listen for the following announcements.

 Let me make a quick announcement.

Remember to say:

 “I have an announcement” if you have only one announcement.

 “I have two announcements” if you have exactly two


 “I have a few announcements” if you have more than one


Observing and Questioning

Activity 10


This way, everybody. As I said, My name is Herman Yanto.

I’ll be your tour leader today. We will start the tour at the

Expo Hall A. The group leaders will follow me. The stu-dents will follow the group leaders. At the Expo Hall, we will see many planes. We have old planes and new planes. I will tell you about their stories.

Picture 4.6

Collecting Information

Activity 11

Choose the best answer for the questions below.


2. Where does the tour begin? A. Parking Lot

B. Reception Desk C. Expo Hall A

3. What should students do during the tour? A. Follow the group leaders

B. Follow the tour leader C. Follow strangers

Observing and Questioning

After the Expo Hall, we will have a tea break. Make sure to drink water. The airshow will be held after the tea break. it is outdoors. Be sure to put on your sunscreen and your hat. We will see acrobatic planes and

para-Collecting Information

Activity 12


Collecting Information

Activity 13

Choose the words from the box to complete the sentences.

sun screen outdoors hat s water tea break

1. After the Expo Hall, the students will have a __________________. 2. The tour leader says they have to drink a lot of ________________. 3. The airshow is held ___________________________________________. 4. Students need to put on their _________________________________. 5. They also have to put on __________________________ lotion so

they don’t get burnt from the sun.

Observing and Questioning

Activity 14


That’s right. Can

you help me? Are you planning

an event, Rio?

I need your ideas. Sure. How can I


Ok. To help you, I will ask some questions.


Collecting Information

Activity 15

Answer the questions below.

1. What is Rio planning? _________________________________________. 2. What is Rio asking from Sarah? ________________________________. 3. What is Sarah’s response? _____________________________________. 4. How is Sarah going to help? ___________________________________.


Observing and Questioning

Activity 16

Listen to the rest of the conversation. Practice with your friend afterwards.

It’s a fundraising event. You know,

gathering money for the new li-What is your event about, Rio?

I was thinking a bazaar, game booths, and amateur talent show here on the school campus.

What are the activities?

That sounds interesting. When is

12 April.

Who are you going to invite?

The students and their families. Should I invite other people as well?


Collecting Information

Activity 17

Complete the sentences below with the infor-mation from the conversation.

1. The event is for _______________________________________________. 2. The people who are going to the event are ______________________. 3. The event is going to be held __________________________________. 4. Some activities in the event are ________________________________. 5. The theme of the event is ______________________________________.

Door prizes and best booth contest I guess.

Maybe Priangan Fest. You know, lo-cal and fun.

What is the theme?

I think you’re ready then!



Activity 18

Now it’s your turn. Work with two classmates.

Make an event. Then, make an announcement and present it to the class. Start with making sentenc-es like Activity 17. Then, make the announcement with decorations for other people to read.

D. Summary

Activity 19

Read the text below to help you remember the lesson.

An announcement gives information for people. It usually gives an-swers to the following questions:

 What is it about?

 Who is it from and who is it for?

 Where is it taking place?

 When is it taking place?

 What should people do about it?

 Why should people do it?


E. Evaluation

Activity 20

Choose the best answer for each question.

1. To say when an event will take place, you can give the ….. A. date

B. location

C. the name of the event

2. To give information about where the event will take place, you

can give the ….

A. date.

B. activity list. C. location.

3. To tell people that you want to give information for everybody,

you can say….

A. “I have a date to make.”

B. “I have an announcement to make.” C. “I have a location to make.”

4. To tell people you have more than two pieces of information to

give, you can say….

A. “I have a few announcements to make.”


5. To welcome someone, you can say... A. “Thanks for giving.”

B. “Nice to have you somewhere.” C. “Thanks for coming.”

6. A list of activities from an event is called a …. A. TV program.

B. an event rundown C. a shopping list

7. We say we have ____________________________ . A. two announcement.

B. two announcements. C. an announcements.

F. Reflection

Activity 21

Complete the sentences below with your reflec-tion of the chapter.

In this chapter I have learnt about….

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

The parts that I enjoyed the most were ….


The difficulties that I had were…

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

What I have to do to be better are...

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

Well done! You have com-pleted Chapter 4. See you in the next chapter.

From now on, I will try use the expressions I’ve learnt in my daily


In this chapter, I will learn:

 to read a recipe and a manual

 to comprehend a recipe and a manual

Once you have finished the lesson, go back to your learning goals and see whether you have mastered all of them.

Picture 5.1


A. Concept Map

B. Introduction

Who doesn’t like great food? Food tastes better when they are cooked

or served the right way. Too much herb or spice can make the wood taste bad. Put the meat or chicken too long in the pan and it will burn. It will not taste good, either.


C. Materials and Learning Process

Observing and Questioning

Activity 1

Study the pictures. Listen and repeat after me.

Now we are going to make a favorite snack from Bandung called singkong beleduk.

1 2 3

1. Peel the skin and wash the cassava. Be careful using the knife. 2. Cut the cassava into the desired size.



4. Put the cassava into the frying pan. Wait until the color is gold-en brown. Flip the cassava so that the colour is even.

5. Take the cassava fries out of the frying pan and drain the oil.

6. Place a napkin on a plate. Put the cassava fries on the napkin. The oil needs to be absorbed.

7. Sprinkle some shredded cheese on the cassava. Done! The sing-kong beleduk is ready to serve.




Observing and Questioning

Activity 2


We use imperative sentences to give instructions:

cut the cassava into medium pieces.

heat the cooking oil.

spread shredded cheese on the cassava.

The first word of an imperative sentence is a verb. It tells the reader/ listener what to do.

We also add adverbs to the imperative sentence to inform when the action takes place.

First, cut the cassava into medium pieces.

Next, heat the cooking oil.

Last, spread shredded cheese on the cassava.

The adverbs also connect sentences together:

First, cut the cassava into medium pieces. Next, heat the cooking oil.

Last, spread shredded cheese on the cassava.

Collecting Information

Activity 3






1. ____D__ Pour cooking oil into a frying pan and heat it for 3 minutes.

2. ______ Peel the skin and wash the cassava. Be careful using the knife.

3. ______ Cut the cassava into the desired size.

4. ______ Sprinkle some shredded cheese on the cassava. Done! The singkong beleduk is ready to serve.

5. ______ Place a napkin on a plate. Put the cassava fries on the napkin. The oil needs to be absorbed.

6. ______ Put the cassava into the frying pan. Wait until the colour is golden brown. Flip the cassava so that the colour is even. 7. ______ Take the cassava fries out of the frying pan and drain the



Activity 5

Can you give the steps in making mie bakso ikan (fish meatball and noodle soup)? Look at the pictures on the left. Use the appropriate words in the table below.

Collecting Information

Activity 4

Listen to the instructions again. As you listen, write the missing words below.

1. Peel the skin and ______ the cassava. Be careful using the knife.

2. ______ the cassava into the desired size.

3. Pour ______ into a frying pan and ______ it for 3 minutes. 4. Put the cassava into the frying pan. ______ until the colour is

golden brown. ______ the cassava so that the colour is even. 5. Take the cassava fries out of the frying pan and ______ the oil. 6. ______ a napkin on a plate. Put the cassava fries on

____________. The oil needs to be absorbed.

7. ______ some shredded cheese on the cassava. Done! The sing-kong beleduk is ready to serve.


Adverb Action Ingredients kitchen utensils

Instructions for Cooking Mie Bakso Ikan (Fish Meatball and Noodle Soup)










Observing and Questioning

Activity 6

Listen to me for the first reading. Follow the dialog as it is read by your classmates. You can practice with your friends afterwards. Use the notice in Ac-tivity 3 as your reference.


Observing and Questioning

Yes. What’s the matter, Dian?

Hey, Rio. Do you have the manual for your smartphone?

Activity 7

Listen as I read the dialog below. Practice with your friend afterwards.

I want to take a selfie with the front camera. How do I do it? We have the same type, you know.

Okay, let me read it to you.

Collecting Information

Activity 8

Choose True or False for each question below. Read the dialogue again to help you choose.

1. True – False Dian wants to sell her smartphone.

2. True – False Dian doesn’t have the manual for her smartphone.

3. True – False Rio can help Dian. He has the manual.


Activity 9

Listen to me read the manual. You can prac-tice reading it later.

Observing and Questioning

How to take a Selfie

1. Open the menu page. 2. Choose the “Camera” icon.

3. Choose the “camera with arrows” icon. It is at the top right cor-ner.

4. The screen should show you now. You are ready to take selfie. 5. Press the red button to take the picture.

Activity 10

Help Rio tell Dian what to do with her phone. Read the information in the manual. Then, fill in the blanks.

Observing and Questioning

First, __________ the menu page.

__________ the “Camera” icon.

Then, ___________ the the cam-era icon with arrow.

Where is the button on the screen?


Oh, Ok. I found it.

It’s at the top right corner.

Do you see it?

The screen should show you now. You are ready to take selfie. Just __________ the red button.

Thanks, Rio. Finally, I can take a selfie!


Activity 11

Now it’s your turn. Make a manual to take money

from an ATM. The words in the table below will help you. Write the step-by-step on the next page.

Adverb Action Items the amount of money the cash & the receipt


Observing and Questioning

Activity 12

Read the following explanation to help you un-derstand the lesson.

Write your short manual here.



Activity 13

Ask questions based on the statements below. Number 1 has been done as an example:

1. I want to know how to turn on the gas:

 What should I do to turn on the gas?

 What are the steps to turn on the gas?

 How can I turn on the gas?

2. I need to know how to open a bottle:

 What should I do to ___________________________________ ?

 What are the steps to __________________________________ ?

 How can I _____________________________________________ ?

3. I need to know how to iron my clothes:

 What should I do to ___________________________________ ?

 What are the steps to __________________________________ ?

 How can I _____________________________________________?

4. I need to open the Internet but I don’t know how.

 What should I do to ____________________________________?

 What steps are there to ________________________________?



D. Summary

Activity 15

Read the text below to help you remember the lesson.

Activity 14

Now it’s your turn. Present the manual you

made in Activity 11 in front of the class.

We have learned that a recipe and a manual are examples of proce-dures. They usually use command or imperative sentences. That is, they start each sentence with a verb followed by other words. They

rarely use the word “please” unless it is a suggestion rather than a necessary step. You can also use “first, second, … last” to show the

E. Evaluation

Activity 16

Choose the best answer for each question.

1. To mention the beginning of a procedure, you can say ….. A. “First...”


2. To give an instruction on how to turn on the lights, you can say ...

A. “Turn on the lights, please.”

B. “Do you know how to turn on the lights?”

5. To help someone who doesn’t know how to print, I say…. A. First, you open the File menu.

B. Are you open?

C. I don’t know how to print.


8. To help someone who doesn’t know how to print, I say….

10. To give information about fishing, I say…. A. Where do you fish?


14. To know how to order a pizza on the internet, I say…. A. How do I order a pizza on the internet?

B. How much order do I make for a pizza? C. How do I make pizza?

15. To say it’s the last step, I say…. A. “Final, ....”

B. “Finally ...” C. “It’s final.”

16. To ask for help on buying online, I say…. A. How do you do?

B. What can I say about buying online? C. What are the steps for buying online?

F. Reflection

Activity 16

Complete the sentences below with your re-flection of the chapter.

In this chapter I have learnt about….

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

The parts that I enjoyed the most were ….


The difficulties that I had were…

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ What I have to do to be better are...

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

Well done! You have com-pleted Chapter 5. See you in the next chapter.

From now on, I will try use the expressions I’ve learnt in my daily


In this chapter, I will learn:

 to listen to the lyric of a song

 to read the lyric of a song

 to talk about the lyric of a song

Once you have finished the lesson, go back to your learning goals and see whether you have mastered all of them.

Chapter 6: You’ve Got a Friend


A. Concept Map

B. Introduction

Do you have friends? What about a best friend?

It is always good to know that you have friends. They will help you go through difficult times. They will listen to you and give you ad-vice when you need them. They will also cheer you up when you are sad.

We can also be good friends for them. We can do the same like cheer them up, help them, or listen to them when they need some-one. Being a good friend is just as important as having some-one.


C. Materials and Learning Process

Observing and Questioning

Activity 1

Listen to a song by Bruno Mars. The title is

“Count on Me.”

Observing and Questioning

Activity 2

Listen as I read the lyric. Practice reading the lyric with your friends afterwards.

Collecting Information

Activity 3


Column A Column B

C. Every day I will remind you

D. I will be the light to guide you

E. You’ll be there

F. I will sail the world

Collecting Information

Activity 4

Listen again to the song. Fill in the missing words from the lyrics.

Count on Me

Bruno Mars

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea I'll sail the world to ___________________________________ If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see I'll be the light to _____________________________________

We find out what we're made of



You can count on me like 1, 2, 3

I'll ____________________________________________________ And I know when I need it

I can count on you like 4, 3, 2

And you'll ____________________________________________ 'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah Ooooooh, oooohhh yeah, yeah

[Verse 2]

If you're tossin' and you're turnin' And you just can't fall asleep

I'll sing a ____________________________________________ And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me Every day I will ______________________________________


We find out what we're made of

When we are called to help our friends in need

[Back to Chorus]

You'll always have my shoulder when you cry

I'll never ____________________ , never ______________________________ You know...


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