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13._Situational.ppt 49KB Mar 29 2010 04:55:13 AM


Academic year: 2017

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PPs – MM FE – Manajemen Universitas Muhammadiyah


Bamisha 2

Situational Influences

 Temporary conditions or settings that


Bamisha 3

Types of Situations

1. Consumption situation 2. Purchase situation


Bamisha 4

Consumption situation

 The one in which consumers use the


 Three types of situation

1. The in store purchase situation

2. Whether the purchase situation is for a gift

giving occasion

3. Whether the purchase situation is


Bamisha 5

In store situations

 Important in influencing consumer purchasing

decisions, especially for unplanned purchases

 For examples:

1. Product availability 2. Shelf position

3. Price promotions 4. Free samples

5. Displays


Bamisha 6

Gift Giving Situations

 Is whether consumers buy the product as a

gift or for themselves

 Two types of situation

1. Holiday occasion 2. Significant moment

 Three stages gift giving ritual:

1. Identifies a gift giving situation

2. Process of gift giving and possibly exchanging gifts 3. The gift is disposed of by being consumed,


Bamisha 7

Unanticipated Purchase Situation

 When the consumer can’t anticipated

their needs

 Two types of situation:

1. Unexpected situations


Bamisha 8

Communication Situation

 Is the setting in which consumers are

exposed to information

 Three types of situation:

1. The exposure situation

2. The context of the communication

3. The consumers’ mood state while receiving


Bamisha 9

Characteristic of Consumption

and Purchase Situation

1. Physical surroundings 2. Social surroundings 3. Time

4. Task definition


Bamisha 10

A Model of Situational Determinants of Consumer Behavior


Consumers Decision

Making Purchasing Behavior


Bamisha 11

Situational Influence on

Consumer Behavior

1. On product attitudes 2. On product choices


Bamisha 12

Use of Situational Variables in

marketing Strategy

1. Market segmentation

2. New product development 3. Product positioning


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