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RPH Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 6 - Sumber Pendidikan


Academic year: 2017

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Demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and non- linear texts in the form of print and non- print materials using a range of strategies to construct

apply basic dictionary skills using picture dictionaries 2.2.6. read and demonstrate understanding of: (i) linear texts

Able to listen to and respond confidently to a given stimulus by using appropriate words, phrases and expressions with the correct stress and

Able to listen to and respond to a given stimulus by using appropriate words, phrases and expressions with the correct stress, rhythm and

2 Teacher gets the pupils to read the text in groupsS. 3 Get the pupils to write the difficult words on

Pupils pick a strip of paper and write the words using cursive writing.. Give feedback to the pupils and encourage them to

Pupils read the summary of the story from their cursive writing worksheets.. VOCABULARY Cake,

Can talk about related topics with a very good level of fluency, accuracy and correct pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation.. Choose