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Academic year: 2023



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In this part, I will describe several parts of introduction. There are research background, research question, research objective, research significance, scope of analysis, and definition of term which was explained one by one in accordance with my research.

1.1 Research Background

In this era of globalization, the government realizes the important role of foreign languages in Indonesia, especially English. English's role is learning new concepts for children in understanding new languages that are adapted to children's daily lives. Technological development has become a new concept in technology-based learning because it has contributed to community activities (Nurmantara et al., 2020). In this case, the teacher can make an innovation to teach English according to the times. Mobile learning has received increasing attention because it offers a new approach in society (Moura & Carvalho 2009).

Mobile learning affects the mobility of learners, which means that students can participate in learning activities without being limited by distance.

Presenting short conversations via cellphones is one aspect of language skills that has a very important role in efforts to make future generations smart, critical, creative, and cultured. Learning to express meaning in the form of short


environment. By learning to master these abilities, students will be able to express their thoughts and feelings intelligently according to the context and situation described in an article. Nunan (2003) argues writing is finding ideas, thinking about how to express them, and making them into a statement or paragraph that can be clearly read by the reader. There are several ways to increase students’ interest in learning English, such as using the right learning media. The teacher must know the elements in teachings, such as methods, strategies, learning models, learning objectives and materials so that teachers can convey the material well according to the child's characteristics. Evan &

Lang (2006) emphasized good techniques are useless in the hands of teachers who do not know how to use them, and good teachers will not be effective if they use bad techniques.

Currently, technology can be used for communication media, either through applications or the web. Communication in the form of writing is often used by someone who is far from his relatives, either by correspondence or through electronic media. This becomes interesting when the language used is a foreign language in this case is English. Because knowledge is needed in addition to the mother tongue as well as knowledge in the foreign language and it will be a problem if you do not master grammar, word selection (diction), and sufficient vocabulary.


Based on the pre observations in the eighth grade at SMP N 4 Purwodadi, it was found that some children were less enthusiastic in learning English and had difficulties, especially in learning short functional text. This could be caused by themselves as well as the teacher. This phenomenon occured because during covid 19, schools were required to conduct online learning and the media used by teachers only used the WhatsApp group application. It made students bored and the English learning process was not optimal. Students found difficult to write short functional text because it was difficult to organize their ideas when they already had ideas in their minds, but it was difficult to express them in written form. Besides, students also found it difficult to distinguish between greeting cards and short messages because the sentence structure was almost the same. Therefore, when learning online, teachers must facilitate students with android-based media. Android-based mobile learning media can be accessed by students anytime and anywhere. In addition, android-based mobile learning media can be accessed for free and does not require a lot of cellphone space storage. This media has several features such as those that can be used for learning, such as greeting card materials and exercises that can make students more familiar with greeting card material. In this application there are several quizzes, including a quiz to ask students to make greeting cards with the correct arrangement and sentences.


Seeing these conditions, the teacher has the task of teaching short functional text to be more fun with the right technique. Teachers must be creative and innovative in teaching so that students can be interested in learning English.

One of the examples of innovations made by teachers in learning is by creating learning media and implementing new strategies for teaching writing. The strategies should be interesting, useful, and fun to support students feel good about writing and learning some vocabularies.

In this research, I created an application to learn short functional text. The application that I developed is different from other applications. The design application used is my picture and musical instrument. The material in the application is also based on some literatures so that students can learn well in different atmosphere.

The use of Android-based media can be used in distance learning or online.

The teacher will facilitate students by using an application through a smart apps creator as a learning tool. This will make students more interested in learning, and this application can be used anytime and anywhere. So, I conduct research entitled "Developing Android-Based Mobile Learning Media in Teaching Short Functional Text for Junior High School Students."

1.2 Research Question

Based on the research background above, the question of the study are


1. How is developing Android-based mobile learning in teaching short functional text?

2. How is the effectiveness of Android-based mobile learning in teaching short functional text?

3. How are the students’ perception on applying Android-based mobile learning in teaching short functional text for eighth grade at SMP N 4 Purwodadi?

1.3 Research Objective

Based on the question of the research problem above, the objectives in this study are

1. To describe how developing Android-based mobile learning in teaching short functional text

2. To explain the effectiveness of Android-based mobile learning in teaching short functional text

3. To explain the students’ perception on applying Android-based mobile learning in teaching short functional text for eighth grade at SMP N 4 Purwodadi

1.4 Research Significance

The significances of the research has several benefits:

1. Theoretical Significance

The results of this study can support and help complement the previous


2. Practical Significance

The results of this study are expected to be useful for:

A. For Students

Students can learn short functional text of greeting card using android-based mobile learning media. In addition, this application does not require the internet and can be used for distance learning.

B. For Teachers

By using android-based mobile learning media, Teachers can use mobile learning media to teach English as an alternative medium without addresssing it directly. From the teacher's viewpoint, the teacher can know whether there are obstacles or not to the extent to which the student understands e-learning material.

C. For Other Writers (Researchers)

The results of this study hopefully useful for other writers, and can be used a reference in teaching English especially in learning short functional text using android-based mobile learning media. In addition, it is hoped that this research can provide information about the aspects of learning English using Android-based mobile learning media.


1.5 Scope of Analysis

There are subject and object investigated in the scopes of the study:

1. Subject

The subject of this study is the students of the eighth grade at SMP N 4 Purwodadi.

2. Object

The object of this study is the developing Android-Based Mobile Learning Media in teaching short functional text.

1.6 Definition of Term 1. Android

Google and the Open Handset Alliance made Android. It is a free, open- source operating system and all-inclusive platform for building intelligent mobile apps. Android is the most popular operating system for tablets in the United States and worldwide. Version 4.2.2 came out in 2013. A large number of people agree that it is easy to use. It is the platform that smart mobile terminals use (Skelton et al.; Tong, J., 2016) 2. Mobile learning

Mobile learning aims to employ communication equipment such as mobile devices and wireless connections with e-learning systems to provide learners with convenient, immediate, and relevant


from e-learning in that it involves mobile technologies and wireless networks to interact with a more significant number of devices. So, its vital portability and mobility facilitate learning processes by removing time and geographical barriers and bringing substantial convenience, immediacy, and suitability ( Chang et al., 2013).

3. Teaching

Teaching is a way to guide or assist students in learning, setting conditions for focus in learning. (Brown, 2000)

4. Short Functional Text

Short functional text is a short text that has a specific purpose and meaning, and can be used in everyday life. Short functional text can be in the form of invitations, short massages, announcements, greeting cards, and others (Badryah, 2011)

1.7 Outline of the Study

In this study there are five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction which explains the general description of the research, there are seven points contained in this chapter, namely research background, research question, research objectives, significances of research, scope of study, and definition of term.

The second chapter is a literature review which explains topics related to the developing Android-based mobile learning media in teaching short functional


text. In this chapter, there is an explanation of previous research related to topics and theories related developing Android-based mobile learning media in teaching short functional text. This chapter has the aim of explaining references related to research hypotheses.

The third chapter is the research methodology, which discusses the methods used in this research. This chapter consists of research design, research subjects, research settings, data collection techniques, data analysis, and research procedures.

The fourth chapter is finding and discussion. This chapter presents the results of the research on the developing Android-based mobile learning media in teaching short functional text

The fifth chapter is conclusions and suggestions, explaining the conclusions of this research, as well as giving suggestions to teachers or other researchers who will conduct research in the same field.


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