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Submitted to the Board of Examiner In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For Literary Degree at English Literature Department

by RINALDI NIM. AI140267






The Meaning : And when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in the earth, they said: Wilt thou place therein one who will do harm therein and will shed blood, while we, we hymn Thy praise and sanctify Thee? He said: Surely I know that which ye know not. (Al Baqarah 2 :30)1

Artinya : Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para Malaikat,

“ Aku hendak menjadikan khalifah*) di bumi “ Mereka berkata, “ Apakah Engkau hendak menjadikan orang yang merusak dan menumpahkan darah di sana, sedangkan kami bertasbih memuji- Mu dan menyucikan nama-Mu?” Dia berfirman, “ Sungguh, Aku mengetahui apa yang tidak kamu ketahui. (Al Baqarah 2 :30)2

1 Terjemahan/Arti Surah Al Baqarah Dalam Bahasa Inggris. (n.d). Retrieved From http://ayatalquran.net/2015/01/surah-al-baqarah

2 Al-Quran Terjemahan. 2015. Departemen Agama RI. Bandung: CV Darus Sunnah




I dedicate this thesis to my beloved father, Edi Gunawan.

Thank you so much for being my hero.

I dedicate this thesis to my beloved mother, Yuhana.

Thank you so much for being my angel in my life, the woman that never give up to support and pray for my success and good life.

Thank you so much because of you both




Firstly, the researcher would like to thanks to Allah S.W.T because mercy and blessing that have given to him, this research completely and presented without any matters.

Secondly, shalawat and salam to the great prophet Muhammad S.A.W who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness, throught the way of Islam.

It would be the researcher‟s pleasure to complete this work by finishing this research. It is the great experience once in a lifetime. This study would not be completed without support and constributions from other people to the researcher.

For those reasons, the writer would like to say the great thanks to :

1. My beloved father and mother, Edi Gunawan and Yuhana. My beloved old sister Sunaria and my two little brother Suwendi and M. Nizam. Thank a lot for your support and pray for me.

2. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA as the respectable Rector UIN STS Jambi 3. Prof. Dr. Maisah, M.Pd. I as the dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty 4. Dr. Alfian, M.Ed as the first Dean of Academic, Dr.H. Muhammad Fadhil,

M.Ag as the second vice Dean of Finances and Dr. Raudhoh, M.Pd. I as the third vice Dean of University Student of Adab and Humanities Faculty 5. Dr. Alfian, M.Ed and Awliya Rahmi, M.Hum as my thesis supervisors.

Thank you so much for being the best consultant to finish this research, without your supervision this graduating paper will be nothing.

6. Ulfatmi Azlan, SS., MA as the chairwoman of English Literature Department and Dian Mukhlisa, MA as the Secretary of English Literature Department.

7. All the lectures and staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty, for the construbution and assistant during studying in UIN STS Jambi.



8. All my friends and students of English Literature Departement, Adab and Humanities, the State Islamic Univesity Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

9. The last but not least, to all my friends, sisters and brothers in Gerakan Pramuka Racana Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin and Sri Soedewi UIN STS Jambi. Thanks for your supports and prays.

Finally, the researcher hopes this thesis can give good constribution and additional knowledge to the readers. The critiques and suggestion are neede for this thesis and hopefully this thesis useful fo the future.

Jambi, November 05 , 2018






Rinaldi, 2018 : A Sociolinguistics Analysis of Military Jargon in Call Of Duty Video Game

Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed

Supervisor II


Awliya Rahmi, M. Hum

This research studied the sociolinguistic phenomenon, especially in terms of jargon. This study was intended to analyze the word-formation processes of jargon which occur in Call of Duty video game. In this study, the meaning and functions of military jargon which occur in Call of Duty video game were also analyzed.

Descriptive qualitative method was applied in this study. Meanwhile, the discussion was presented in a descriptive way. The researcher presented deep analysis of the data. The data were in the form of words and phrases in the transcript of the game‟s dialogue. Call of Duty video game and its transcript became the sources of the data. The data were collected by the researcher. Since it was a qualitative study, the researcher became the key instrument for collecting, measuring, and analyzing the data.

The findings of this study show that there are 56 items which are categorized as military jargons. They are categorized as conversion (16 items), compounding (8 items), borrowing (20 items), derivation (4 items), backformation, clipping and multiple process (2 items) and acronym (1 item).

Conversion becomes the most prominent form of jargon in this study. The process of conversion is easily found. It also finds that 56 items have meaning as conceptual meaning. Meanwhile the items of military jargon found are 56 items. It means all the data which are identified in this research containing conceptual meaning. In terms of function, this study reveals that jargon is not randomly conducted. Yet, it serves some functions which are used to make an economical communication and to promote in-group solidarity and to exclude out-groupers (who do not use jargon). The first function covers up to 47 items. Then, the second function covers 7 items..



Rinaldi, 2018 : Sebuah Analisis Sosiolinguistik pada Jargon Militer dalam Video Game Call of Duty

Pembimbing I : Dr. Alfian, M.Ed

Pembimbing II : Awliya Rahmi, M. Hum

Penelitian ini mempelajari fenomena sosiolinguistik, terutama dalam hal jargon. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis proses pembentukan kata pada jargon yang terjadi dalam video game Call of Duty. Dalam penelitian ini, makna dan fungsi jargon militer yang muncul dalam video game Call of Duty juga dianalisis.

Metode kualitatif deskriptif diaplikasikan dalam penelitian ini. Sementara itu, diskusi disajikan secara deskriptif. Peneliti mempresentasikan analisis data secara mendalam. Data tersebut berupa kata dan frasa pada dialog dalam transkrip game. Video game Call of Duty dan transkripnya menjadi sumber data. Data dikumpulkan oleh peneliti. Karena itu adalah penelitian kualitatif, peneliti menjadi instrumen kunci untuk mengumpulkan, mengukur, dan menganalisis data.

Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada 56 item yang dikategorikan sebagai jargon militer. Mereka dikategorikan sebagai conversion (16 item), compounding (8 item), blending (20 item), derivation (4 item), backformation, Clipping dan Multiple Process (2 item) dan acronym (1 item).

Conversion menjadi bentuk jargon yang paling menonjol dalam penelitian ini.

Proses Conversion mudah ditemukan. Peneliti juga menemukan bahwa 56 item memiliki arti sebagai makna konseptual. Sementara itu kata-kata jargon militer yang ditemukan adalah 56 item. Artinya semua data yang diidentifikasi dalam penelitian ini mengandung makna konseptual. Dalam hal fungsi, penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa jargon tidak dilakukan secara acak. Namun, ia berfungsi beberapa fungsi yang digunakan untuk membuat komunikasi lebih ekonomis dan untuk mempromosikan solidaritas dalam kelompok dan mengecualikan out- groupers (yang tidak menggunakan jargon). Fungsi pertama mencakup hingga 47 item. Kemudian, fungsi kedua mencakup 7 item ..






MOTTO ... iii




ABSTRACT ... viii



CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION Background of the Research ... 1

Formulation of the Problem ... 5

Limitation of the Research ... 5

Purpose of the Research ... 6

Significance of the Research ... 6


B. Jargon ... 10

C. Word Formation Processes ... 11

a. coinage ... 14

b. Borrowing ... 16

c. Compounding ... 17

d. Blending ... 19

e. Clipping ... 20

f. Backformation ... 21

g. Conversion ... 22

h. Acronym ... 22

i. Derivation ... 24

j. Multiple processes ... 25

D. Meaning ... 26

a. Conceptual Meaning ... 26



b. Associative Meaning ... 27

E. The Function of Jargon ... 27

F. Video Game ... 28

G. Review of Related Studies ... 29

CHAPTER III : METHOD OF RESEARCH A. Design of Research ... 32

B. Data and Source of Data ... 33

C. Technique of Data Collection ... 34

D. Technique of Data Analysis ... 35


B. Analysis... 41

a. Word Formation Procesess of Jargon ... 41

1. Borrowing ... 41

2. Conversion ... 44

3. Compounding... 46

4. Derivation ... 49

5. Clipping ... 51

6. Backformation ... 52

7. Multiple Procesess ... 54

8. Acronym ... 55

b. Meaning of Jargon... 56

c. Function of Jargon... 60

1. The First Function ... 61

2. The second Function ... 64


B. Suggestion ... 68 REFERENCES






Table 1. An Example of Coinage Based on of Dwi Astuti‟s article entitled Word Formation Processes and a Technique in Understanding Waria Slang Tulungagung on EFL Journal………16 Table 2. An Example of Borrowing based on Dwi Astuti‟s article entitled Word

Formation Processes and a Technique in Understanding Waria Slang Tulungagung on EFL Journal………18

Table 3. An Example of Blending based on Dwi Astuti‟s article entitled Word Formation Processes and a Technique in Understanding Waria Slang Tulungagung on EFL Journal………20

Table 4. An Examplle of Clipping based on Siti Zubaidah et al journal An analysis of the word formation process in everyday communication on Facebook in the International Journal of Education and Research…..22

Table 5. An Example of Acronym based on Siti Zubaidah et al journal An analysis of the word formation process in everyday communication on Facebook in the International Journal of Education and Research…..24

Table 6. An Example of Derivation based on of Dwi Astuti‟s article entitled Word Formation Processes and a Technique in Understanding Waria Slang Tulungagung on EFL Journal………26



Table 7. An Example of Multiple Processes based on of Dwi Astuti‟s article entitled Word Formation Processes and a Technique in Understanding Waria Slang Tulungagung on EFL Journal………..27

Table 8. The Function of Military jargon in Call of Duty Video Game……….40



A. Background of the Research

Language will not be able to be separated from human life. People use it as a tool to interact to another people. That is the reason why language becomes an important part for communication. Language is word that refers to way of human‟s communicating. Without using language their ideas and a communication will not be successfully delivered to listeners.

Definitely people around the world have their own languages in different country because it includes the culture from the country. Indonesian speaks Indonesian while talking to another people who is Indonesian also. Another people who is not Indonesian can not undertand what Indonesian is talking about with exception they have studied it. That is because language is communication system of speech and writing used by people of a particularly country.

As the explaination above, language and society can not be separated each other. Language becomes the characteristic for the society it self.

Becoming a culture. The particular language we learn through the process of cultural transmission provides us, at least initially, with a ready-made system of categorizing the world around us and our experience of it.3

3 Yule George. (2010). The Study of Language Fourth Edition. UK: Cambridge University Press p. 253



In an article written by Renée Van Bezooijen and Charlotte Gooskens in Journal of Language and Social Psychology, which is titled Identification Of Language Varieties The Contribution of Different Linguistic Levels, University of Nijmegen the Netherlands tells there are three experiments as the relative importance of different linguistic levels for the identification of language varieties. The first experiment, Dutch listeners were presented with spontaneous speech samples of Dutch regional varieties in three versions: integral (all information), verbal (all information but intonation), and prosodic (variations in tempo, and variations in loudness). The second experiment is the Dutch experiment was replicated for language varieties in the United Kingdom. And In the third experiment is standard Dutch speech samples read by dialect speakers were presented for identification.4 The three experiments above are the example and results of studying language variety.

In sosiolinguistic study, there are many language varieties on social life and accumulated to be several aspects. In a country that consists of various ethnics, social class and occupation, definitely the people in that country does not live homogeny, but heterogen. It means between ethnic varieties and occupation do not run in the same line.

One of several aspects on language variety is sociolect. Sosiolect is study of regional dialects that tend to concentrate on the speech of people in rural areas,

4 Bezooijen, R. V., & Goosken. C. (1999) Identification Of Language Varieties The Contribution of Different Linguistic Levels, Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 18 (1), 130-48



the study of social dialects has been mainly concerned with speakers in towns and cities.5 In the other words, the way of language usage that is used by each social classes and occupations can be distinguished. the way of speech that is used by the scholars definitely is deferent with worker. And the terms is usually used by docters is different with soldiers. The difference of each terms is known as jargon

Jargon is special technical vocabulary (e.g. plaintiff, suffix) associated with a specific area of work or interest.6 It also includes to language variety. It is language variety that is used by the people who work in the particular job such as doctor, musician, army, and so on. Every profession definitely has their terms that can not be understood by general people. Jargon for daily human life are sometimes applicated in several media, such as book, movie, video game and so on. In this case the researcher takes military jargon on a video game, named Call of Duty.

Call of duty is the first war game that is realished by Activasion and developed by Infinity Ward on October 29, 2003. This game is a first person shooter that takes place during the events of Worl War II. And the first part on Call of Duty Series that is ever developed.7

5 Yule George. The Study of Language fourth edition,. 254

6 Yule George, The Study of Language fourth edition. 259

7Callofduty.wikia.com (2017). Call of Duty. Retrieved from http://www.callofduty/wiki/Call_Of_Duty/. Accesed at December 13, 2017



This game tells about the battlefield of allied force, US, England and Soviet Union against the German Army in Europe during World War II. There are some dialogues on the game that makes it look alive for the players. In every parts of the dialogue appear some military terms. For example that appears on the dialog bellow:


Capten Foley : You‟ll notice that your current objective is highlighted

In sentence above, there is a word “objective”. According to Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms Objective is “The clearly defined, decisive, and attainable goal toward which every operation is directed”.8 The sentence happens when Sergeant Moody gives an instruction to Private Martin while doing the obstacle course.

In analyzing the terms in a particular field, it takes word formation process.

Because a term can not arise by itself. There are several processes that can form a word to use in a particular area. Moreover, sometimes the term in a field will be the same as another field. So to distinguish it, it also takes understanding of meaning.

Based on the explainations above, the researcher is interested in researching the military jargon in game Call of Duty video game with the title “A

8 Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. (2010). The Joint Publication. P. 173



Sociolinguistic Analysis of Military Jargon in Call of Duty Video Game” as a thesis title.

B. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem about, the researcher makes the formulation of the problem bellow :

1. How are military jargons formed in Call of Duty Video Game?

2. What are the meanings of military jargons used by the characters in Call of Duty Video Game?

3. What are the functions of military jargons used by the characters in Call of Duty Video Game?

C. Limitation of the Research

In this research, the researcher will analyze the specific problem about Military Jargon that consists in Video Game, Call of Duty Classic Walkthrough. Focus to several word formation process of Military Jargon by George Yule, the meaning of the Military Jargon in Video Game, Call of Duty, then find the functions of each military jargon used on the dialogues‟

character on the video game.


6 D. Porpose of the Research

Based on limitiation of problem above, the puspose of this research are:

1. To know how military jargons are formed in Call of Duty video game.

2. To know the meanings of military jargons used by the characters in Call of Duty video game

3. To know the function of military jargons used by the characters in Call of Duty video game

E. Significance of the Research

This research is expected to give useful information about military jargon for society and for the next research about jargon. Expecially about the word formation process of military jargon. This research is also expected to give useful development of linguistic especially in jargon.




A. Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics is a study about relationship between language and society. As Yule said on his book that sociolinguistic is used generally for the study of the relationship between language and society.9 In other side, sociolinguistic focuses to relationship between language and society with the understanding and function in communication as the goal. As explained by Yule, that “Sociolinguistic concerns with investigating the relationships between language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and how languages function in communication.”10

This study is usefull for communication. Sociolinguistic is discussing all aspects, context, and effect between language and society. In sociolinguistic, it will be known that language is quite complete in one of several possible relationships between language and society is that social structure may either influence or determine linguistic structure and behavior.11 If the language and society do not correlate each other, they wil not be able to have influence for human life. Whereas language is one of the aspects of human civilization.

9 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 254

10Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 13

11Wardhaugh Ronald. (2006) An Intoduction to Sociolinguistic fifth Edition. UK: Blackwell Publishing. P. 10



There is the derivication between sociolinguistic and sociology of language. Sociolinguistic discuss about language in relation to society, meanwhile sociology of language dicuss about society in relation to language.

As Hudson said in Wardhaugh, he has described that sociolinguistics is „the study of language in relation to society,‟ whereas the sociology of language is

„the study of society in relation to language.‟12 In other words, in sociolinguistics we study language and society in order to find out as much as we can about what kind of thing language is, and in the sociology of language we reverse the direction of our interest. It means each sectors, area, and level in society definitely have their own style of using their same language, eventhough it is in the same country and culture. According to Fromkin in his book,

“Speakers from different socioeconomic classes often display systematic speech differences, even when region and ethnicity are not factors.

These social-class dialects differ from other dialects in that their sociolinguistic variables are often statistical in nature Speakers from different socioeconomic classes often display systematic speech differences, even when region and ethnicity are not factors.” 13

The statement above relates to what Holmes said that sociolinguists study the relationship between language and society. They are interested in explaining why we speak differently in defferent social context, and they

12 Wardhaugh Ronald. An Intoduction to Sociolinguistic fifth Edition. 13

13 Fromkin, et al. (2011). An Introduction to Language. Canada: Wardwoth Cengage Learning. P. 451



conserned with identifying the social functions of language and the ways it is used to convey social meaning.14 Like the example as follow,


Eddy : What‟s wrong, man?

John : The old bastard makes me crazy in the class. Damn!

Eddy : Hey, husshh! He‟s here.

Eddy : Oh! Hope he didn‟t hear that.

In the conversation above, John hopes that his teacher doesn't hear his conversation. It means that, sometimes people speak differently in different situation. John‟s word Bastard is the example of informal language which is used among John‟s friends. Bastard is an informal expression of unpleasant person. They create their own words which are related to their interest, context or situation. According to Deumert et al, they use word

“denotational”. It is a term which refers to the process of conveying meaning, referring to ideas, events or entities that exist outside language. However, he added that language is not just denotational. People often show their social and personal background while using language. The use of language depends on one‟s social class, status, region, origin, gender, age group and so on.15

From some explainations above, it can be concluded that sociolinguistic is study of relationship between language and society because language comes from society it self. It also shows that language has an important contribution for human life with some aspect, such as context and

14 Holmes Janet. (2013) An Introduction to Sociolinguistics Fourth Edition. New York:

Routledge. P.1

15Deumert Anna, et al. (2009). Introducing Sociolinguistics Second Edition. Edingburg:

Edingburg University Press. P. 5-6



effect. Each sectors, area, and level in society definitely have their own style of using their same language, eventhough it is in the same country and culture.

B. Jargon

Yule stated that Jargon is specialized vocabulary used by those inside established social groups, often defined by professional status (e.g. legal jargon).16 Jargon is one of language varieties. It contains technical terms.

Social institutions, communities or groups engage jargon regularly.

In line with Yule, Allan and Burridge define jargon as a variety of language which is used among people who have similar interest.17 meanwhile Yule states that jargon is special technical vocabulary which is associated with a specific area of work or interest. In society, he says that jargon helps to create and maintain connections among those who called themselves as

“insiders” and to exclude “outsiders.”18

People often use jargon to deliver their purpose. Unconsciously, jargon is used every day in any human activity. Military world is one of the activities in which the players use jargon regularly. Several terms of military world, such as defensive position and objective are the examples of jargon. The researcher find those terms in a conversation among characters in Call of Duty Video Game. defensive position, according to Dictionary of United States

16 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 259

17 Allan Keith, Buriedge Kete. (2006). Forbidden Word: Taboo and the Censoring of Language. New York: New York University Press..65

18 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 259



Army Terms, is the area occupied by troops organized in a system of mutually supporting defense areas or fortified tactical localities in battle position.19 meanwhile Objective is the specific target of the action taken which is essential to the commander‟s plan.20

Jargon is created to fill the limitation of word or term which is difficult to be described or too long to be mentioned. However, jargon relates to a society. It is used among particular group of people. Allan and Burridge describe that jargon is more than just lexical differences. They often differ grammatically, and sometimes phonologically or typographically.21 Macquarie Dictionary in Allan and Burridge describes that jargon is a peculiar language to a trade, profession or other groups. Jargon is the language which is used in a spoken or written text. It relates to the particular area in which speakers share a common specialized vocabulary, habits and expression.22 Jargon has an important contribution in social interaction. It cannot be separated from society. As a producer of language, society influences human behavior.

C. Word Formation Process

People usually create the short form in order to ease and make economical communication. They use abbreviation or acronym form to mention the long terms. Not only abbreviation and acronym, they also create

19 Dictionary of United States Army Terms. (1983). Washington: Headquarters Department of the Army. P. 61

20The Joint Publicetion, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associeted Terms.

P. 174

21 Allan Keith, Buriedge Kete. Forbidden Word: Taboo and the Censoring of Language. 56

22 Allan Keith, Buriedge Kete. Forbidden Word: Taboo and the Censoring of Language. 65



the short terms in some processes, such as compounding, blending, and clipping. As Yule states that language is shaped by the needs of its users.23

In an article titled A Practical Approach To Word Formation Processes In English that is written by Ade Adejumo and Niyi Osunbade from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Nigeria stated that Word formation is conceived of a s the process by which words are brought into existence.24 This suggests that words do not exist in a vacuum; they are usually composed. That is why word-formation processes are the important role to determine the processes of creating technical terms. The processes create new terms which are used by speakers who cannot convey their purpose in ordinary words. In this research, word-formation processes are used as the strategy to analyze the processes of creating the jargon.

Jargon consists of words and phrases. Its usage often makes a misconception. People sometimes find two words which are combined and spoken as a single word. Morley says that word is the basic unit of syntax.

Compound words, such as homerun, birthday or sunshine are still individual units. However, the position is complicated. Some expressions are written as a single, for example, airlock, air-lock, or air lock. They have different

23 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 53

24 Adejumo, A., & Asunbade, N. (2014). A Practical Approach to Word Formation Process in English. International Journal of Reseach in Humanities, Arts and Literature, 2 (11), 49 - 58



meaning. It shows that the processes of creating the jargon are influenced by word-formation processes.25

Yule gives an example of an invention of word. In 1900s, J. Murray Spangler invented a device which was called electric suction sweeper. It became very popular and known as Spangler. One day, Mr. Spangler sold his new invention to a local businessman, named Mr. William H. Hoover.

Hoover Suction Sweeper Company produced the first machine called Hoover. Now, it‟s known as vacuum cleaner all around the world, although in Britain, people still use word hoovering rather than spanglering.26 In this case, word-formation processes indirectly become the important parts of language. They play as the bridge in inventing new words. The processes can change the pattern of word and even change the meaning. Hoover is a person‟s name, but it is used as the name of a product. Sometimes the new word itself is only understood by particular group of people, for example hoover, spangler,klenex, kodak, blackbox, etc. Moreover, if we have lack of knowledge, we cannot get the meaning. As a universal language, English also adopts some languages from other countries, such as France, Italy, German, Hindi, and Arab. Terms, such as algebra, piano, sofa, and yoghurt are borrowed from other countries.

It is very important to understand the processes of creating jargon. It is aimed to give the description and deep understanding of how a word or

25Morley G. David. (2000) Sintax in Fuctional Grammar: An Introduction to Lexicogrammar in Systemetic Linguistic. London: Continum Wellington House. P. 26

26 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 52-3



phrase is produced. A word or phrase can be modified and combined to get the new form of that word or phrase. The phenomenon of new word‟s invention and figuration are described through the processes. As David Lightfoot in Fromkin stated that Understanding changes in grammar is a key component in understanding changes in language.27

Word-formation processes according to Yule are as follows:

a) Coinage

According to Yule, coinage is one of the common processes of word-formation in English. It produces new terms. One often calls something by the name of its brand, for example, Aspirin, Nylon, Vaseline, Zipper, Kodak, Teflon, Kleenex, and Kevlar.28 Basically, they are brands which are used as the name of its product. In some cases, the name of place or person develops as the name of a product. This kind of coinage is called Eponym. The common eponym, such as Volt, is taken from its inventor, Alesandro Volta (Italy). Fahrenheit is taken from its inventor, Gabriel Fahrenheit (Germany), and Jeans is taken from the name of city in Italy (Genoa) at which that kind of cloth was made for the first time.29

For more examples, the researcher takes from the results of Dwi Astuti‟s article entitled Word Formation Processes and a Technique in

27 Fromkin, et al. An Introduction to Language. 496

28 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 53-4

29 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 54



Understanding Waria Slang Tulungagung on EFL Journal. His article describes word formation processes and a technique in understanding Waria Slang Tulungagung. This study was done through a survey to warias in Ngunut and Tulungagung surroundings, a small district in East Java- Indonesia, in order to get underlying basis of processes of word formation in waria or Bences variety which are influential toward their language style and their behavior. From this study, it is found some results about word formation process including coinage word as follow:

Table 1. An Example of Coinage Based on of Dwi Astuti‟s article entitled Word Formation Processes and a Technique in Understanding Waria Slang Tulungagung on EFL Journal.

The results above show that Waria slang creates the coinage words which are derived from the brand of electronic products (Panasonic-Panas, Motorola-Motor), sex safety (Sutra- Sudah), cosmetics (Rexona-Rokok), medicine (Panadol-Panas), Pesticide brand.



Waria slang uses baygon brand and changes the meaning (baygon- baik).30

b) Borrowing

One of the most common sources of new words in English is borrowing. As Bill Bryson stated in Yule that Borrowing is the taking over of words from other languages.31 Meanwhile according to Yule

“Throughout its history, English has adopted a vast number of words from other languages, including croissant (French), dope (Dutch), lilac (Persian), piano (Italian), pretzel (German), sofa (Arabic), tattoo (Tahitian), tycoon (Japanese), yogurt (Turkish) and zebra (Bantu).

However, some languages also borrow English terms, such as Japan with suupaa or suupaamaaketto (supermarket) and taipuraitaa(typeresearcher). 32 Furthermore, on his book, Yule discibes that English also directly translates literally foreign term. This kind of borrowing is called Calque, for example, wolkenkrabber (Dutch) in English is cloud scratcher, and wolkenkratzer (Germany) in English is cloud scraper.

Further examples of borrowing can be seen in Dwi Astuti‟s research results bellow:

Table 2. An Example of Borrowing based on Dwi Astuti‟s article entitled Word Formation Processes and a Technique in Understanding Waria Slang Tulungagung on EFL Journal

30Wahyu Nurhayati, Dwi Astuti. (2016) .Word Formation Process and Technique in Understanding Waria Slang Tulungagung. EFL Journal, 1(1), 59-87

31 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 52-3

32 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 54



Waria slang not only borrows some words/terms from Indonesian, Javanese but also borrows from English. Waria usually use those English, Javanese and Indonesian terms in their communication but they change the meaning of those words. In other words, Waria slang has different meaning.33

c) Compounding

Yule says that compounding is a process of joining two separates words to produce a single form without reduction.34 Sometimes the words which are joined consist of two different classes, for example, fast (adjective) and food (noun) become fast-food. It has new term and meaning. Another common term is full (adjective) and time (noun)

33 Wahyu Nurhayati, Dwi Astuti. Word Formation Process and Technique in Understanding Waria Slang Tulungagung., 59-87

34 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 55



become full-time. It also happens to the same class of word, such as book (noun) and case (noun) becomes bookcase, then wall (noun) and paper (noun) become wallpaper. One can find those terms in some fields, including advertisement and sport.Yule states that Compounding commonly happens in English and German, and less common in French and Spanish.35

Different from what Yule‟s statement, in Rami Hamdallah‟s article, English Word Formation and Its Pedagogical Implication for EFL, in An-najah, explained that there are four kinds of compound words in English, They are Compound Nouns, Compound Verbs, Compound Adverbs and Compound Adjective.36 Compound Nouns have some parts that consist of Exocentric Compound (E.g Red-skin), Endocentric Compound (E.g armchair), Oppositival Compound (E.g Boyfriend) and Copulative Compound (E.g Rank-Hovis). Compound Verbs are formed by conversion or back formation process like the combination between sky as noun and dive as verb become skydive.

Compound Adverbs are usually formed by the suffixation of –ly. The last, Compound Adjectives are formed according to a large number of different pattern. For example: verb + adjective (Fall-Safe)

35 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 55

36 Hamdallah, R. (1992). English Word Formation and Its Pedagogical Implication for EFL. An- najah. 2 (2).


19 d) Blending

Blending is a combination of two separate forms to produce a new single term. Yule says that it is typically accomplished by taking only the beginning of one word and joining it to the end of another word, for example, In some parts of the USA, there‟s a product that is used like gasoline, but is made from alcohol, so the “blended” word for referring to this product is gasohol. Then, Brunch is a new term from breakfast and lunch. Infotainment (information and entertainment), Simulcast (simulation- broadcast), and Modem (modulator-demodulator) are the other common examples of blending.

Further example about blending can be seen in the result of Dwi Astuti journal article as follow:

Table 3. An Example of Blending based on Dwi Astuti‟s article entitled Word Formation Processes and a Technique in Understanding Waria Slang Tulungagung on EFL Journal

Waria blend some words from names of people and products, such as Titi Kamal,Titi DJ,LUPUS and Paramek. They also change the lexical meaning of those words.


20 e) Clipping

According to Yule, Clipping occurs when a word (which has more than one syllable) is reduced to a shorter form, usually the beginning.37 Clipping eliminates the initial part, the last part, or both parts of the word, for example, Fax is the reduction from Facsimile. Ad (advertisement), bra (brassiere), cab (cabriolet), condom (condominium), fan (fanatic) and flu (influenza) are the common examples of clipping. People use form Gasoline, but sometimes they also use form gas. Sometimes people must have an educational knowledge to understand the meaning of clipping form. Gym, lab, sci, math, prof, or chem are the examples of clipping which are taken from formal educational field. Yule also says that English speaker sometimes clip the other‟s names, such as Liz, Ed, Tom, Mike, Sam, Sue, Ron and so on. In British-English countries, such as Britain and Australia, there is a type of clipping which is called Hypocorisms. In this type of clipping, a multi-syllable word is reduced to a single syllable then “y” or “ie” is added in the end of that word, for example, movie (moving pictures) and brekky (breakfast). Even, they use term Aussie for Australian.

For more examples, it can be seen from the results of the research by Siti Zubaidah et al in his journal entitled An analysis of the word formation process in everyday communication on Facebook in the

37 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. .56



International Journal of Education and Research. Zubaidah analyzed the using of word fortmation process by facebook users in Malaysia.

Table 4. An Examplle of Clipping based on Siti Zubaidah et al journal An analysis of the word formation process in everyday communication on Facebook in the International Journal of Education and Research

No Word Meaning Type of Clipping

1 Conf Conference Back clipping

2 Reps Representatives Back clipping

3 Max Maximum Back clipping

4 Coz Because Front and back clipping

5 Iolls I and all Phrase clipping

6 Uolls u and all Phrase clipping

The result above shows that the participant users of FB frequently used clipping in the formation of the words when communicating on Netspeak. Back clipping is the most common type, in which the beginning is retained. The unclipped original may be either a simple or a composite.38

f) Backformation

According to Yule, Backformation is a type of reductions of word. It happens when a word (usually noun) is reduced to another type

38 Zubaidah, S., M., & Subakir, M. (2015), „An analysis of word formation process in everyday communication on Facebook‟, International Journal of Education and Research 2 (6), 261-274.



of words (usually verb).39 For example, donate is backformation from donation, emote is taken from emotion, enthuse from enthusiasm, liaise from liaison and babysit from babysitter.

g) Conversion

Conversion is a change in the function of a word, for example when a noun comes to be used as a verb. Commonly it is called as functional shift or category change. Through this process, noun can be used as verb.. the common example is water as a noun can be a verb in

“We are watering the garden”. In some cases, verb also can be used as noun such as spy, guess, and must are classified as verb. However, they are also can be used as noun, such as a spy, a guess, and a must.

Conversion also occurs in phrasal verbs, such as to print out and to take over become noun a printout and a takeover. Phrasal verb stand up becomes adjective in stand-up comedian. About conversion, Yule defines in his book :

“A change in the function of a word, as for example when a noun comes to be used as a verb (without any reduction), is generally known as conversion. Other labels for this very common process are “category change” and “functional shift.” A number of nouns such as bottle, butter, chair and vacation have come to be used, through conversion, as verbs:

We bottled the home-brew last night; Have you buttered the toast?;

Someone has to chair the meeting; They‟re vacationing in Florida.”40 h) Acronym

According to Yule, acronym is new word which is formed from the initial letters of a set of mother words. They are pronounced as a new

39 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 56-57

40 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 57



single word. It is used in particular occupation, organization and political field. Some organizations design their names in form of acronym, for example, NATO, NASA, and UNICEF.41 These examples keep their capital letters, but many acronyms simply become everyday terms, such as laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation), radar (radio detecting and ranging), and scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus). In some cases, acronym can be pronounced as its letters, such as CD (Compact Disc) and ATM (Automatic Teller Machine). This kind of acronym is called abbreviation.

Beside those examples, there are more examples from the results of Zubaida‟ Journal, as follow:

Table 5. An Example of Acronym based on Siti Zubaidah et al journal An analysis of the word formation process in everyday communication on Facebook in the International Journal of Education and Research

No Word Meaning

1 FB Facebook

2 SEA South East Asia

3 BFF Best Friend Forever

4 BFFs Best Friends Foreve

5 TQ Thank you

6 LOL Laugh out loud

7 ASEAN The Association of Southeast Asian Nations

8 ASAP As soon as possible

9 PM Private Message

The results above show that there are similar with the acronyms found by many early researchers such as Squires (2010) and Denis (2008) who found the popular acronym such as „LOL‟ (laught out loud).

The uses of acronyms are seen as quite popular among the research

41 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 58



participants. This result also found in previous study by Squires (2010) and Lewin and Donner (2002).42

i) Derivation

The most common word-formation in English is derivation.

Derivation is a process when the meaning of word changes if Affixes are added in the beginning or in the end of that word. Yule stated that there are three kinds of affixes. They are prefixes, suffixes, and infixes. First, affixes which are added in the beginning of word called prefix, such as un-, dis-, re-, in-/im- and mis- . The simple example of prefix is happy becomes unhappy (adjective). It does not change the type of word but it changes the meaning (not happy). Second, affixes which are added in the end of word is called suffix, such as -er, -ly, ism and –ish. The common examples are worker, finally, terrorism, and foolish. The type of word changes following the suffixes. In some cases, one can find a word with prefix and suffix, for example, disrespectful. Third is infix. It‟s a type of affix that is not normally used in English, but found in some other languages. It is an affix which is incorporated inside word. About derivation, Yule explains in his book:

“In our list so far, we have not dealt with what is by far the most common wordformation process to be found in the production of new English words. This process is called derivation and it is accomplished by means of a large number of small “bits” of the English language

42 Zubaidah, S., M., & Subakir, M.,An analysis of word formation process in everyday communication on Facebook, 261-274.



which are not usually given separate listings in dictionaries. These small “bits” are generally described as affixes.”43

More example about derivation can be seen as follow:

Table 6. An Example of Derivation based on of Dwi Astuti‟s article entitled Word Formation Processes and a Technique in Understanding Waria Slang Tulungagung on EFL Journal

The word “ Diana” is derived from the stem “Dia” and added suffix “na” and it results “Diana”. It is a name of woman.44

j) Multiple Processes

According to Yule it is possible to trace the operation of more than one process in the creation of word.45 For example, the word snowball is a product of compounding. It consists of snow and ball.

Actually snowball is a noun, but it can be a verb in “Problems with the project have snowballed”. The last word has changed through multiple processes of compounding and conversion.

One of the famous example of Multiple Process in Indonesia is in the result of Dwi Astuti‟s journal article as follow:

Table 7. An Example of Multiple Processes based on of Dwi Astuti‟s article entitled Word Formation Processes and a Technique in Understanding Waria Slang Tulungagung on EFL Journal

43 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 58

44 Wahyu Nurhayati, Dwi Astuti.Word Formation Process and Technique in Understanding Waria Slang Tulungagung. 59-87

45 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 60



This word is derived from the process of borrowing from English word (Brother) and clipping (ther) then conducting suffixation /ndong/ finally it creates the word “ Brondong”.46

D. Meaning

In this research, meaning is very relating to jargon because jargon is the study about the term of words. To know the functions of jargon, We should know the meanings first. According to Yule, "We have already ruled out special meanings that one individual might attach to words. We can go further and make a broad distinction between conceptual meaning and associative meaning".47 from the explanation, it can be concluded that in the linguistic there are two types of meaning, there are conceptual meaning and associative meaning.

a) Conceptual Meaning

A dictionary are designed to describe some of the basic components of a word like needle in English is described as “Thin, Sharp, and steel instrument. These component is discribed relating to needle will be the part of conceptual meaning. As Yule says that Conceptual meaning covers those basic, essential components of meaning that are conveyed by the literal use of a word. It is the type of

46 Wahyu Nurhayati, Dwi Astuti. Word Formation Process and Technique in Understanding Waria Slang Tulungagung. 59-87

47 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition . 113



meaning that dictionaries are designed to describe.48 Exactly, conceptual meaning is the basic meaning that is often seen in dictionary.

b) Associative Meaning

Associative meaning is more directed to individual opinions of each person. People will interpret with a different meaning about the needle in associative meaning. They may interpret it as “pain,” or

“illness,” or “blood,” or “drugs,” or “thread,” or “knitting,” or “hard to find” (especially in a haystack). some of these things can be said as associative meaning. Yule said that Poets, song-researchers, novelists, literary critics, advertisers and lovers may all be interested in how words can evoke certain aspects of associative meaning.49

E. The functions of Jargon

According to Allan and Burridge jargon is manifested in written language, for example, the form and structure of birth and death notices, parliamentary and legal documents, recipes, poems, stock-market reports, and also in spoken language, such as sport commentaries.50 Directly, people use jargon to ease their activities. Allan and Burridge identify two functions of jargon. The functions of jargon are as follows:

a) to serve as a technical/specialist language for precise and economical communication,

48 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 113

49 Yule George, The study of Language fourth edition. 113

50 Allan Keith, Buriedge Kete. Forbidden Word: Taboo and the Censoring of Language. 58



b) to promote in-group solidarity and to exclude out-groupers, those who do not use the jargon.

The first function of jargon shows that jargon is used for making economical and effectiveness of communication. The technical or specialist terms, which are used in military world, are created in term of jargon. Word objective in baseball has a function to describe a certain situation. The situation is too long to be mentioned in military world.

Therefore, people create their own terms or jargons which belong to soldier. The second function of jargon is used to show the solidarity among those who use jargon. Usualy, people who engage jargon regularly have closeness one and another. They often show their closeness and solidarity by using verbal language. The second function of jargon also show that by using jargon people can exclude the out-groupers, those who do not use the jargon. This function is often found in military world. The military jargons are used to exclude the out-groupers or enemy.

F. Video Game

Less than four decades video games have gone from simple bouncing block graphics to a global industry of enormous proportions. In 2006 , the U.S. video game industry made a record $12.5 billion. Video games have been growing influence on several media like film, television, and the Internet and are played by hundreds of millions people in the



world.51 Wolf, on his book says that the term of video game has varied a great deal over the years and from place to place.52 As he explains that the term consists of two words, video and game. Those two words makes the reason one finds both “Video Game” (two words) and “videogame” (one word) in use. “Video game” tends to “board game”, “card game”,

„„computer sgames‟‟ and „„electronicgames‟‟ then „„videogame‟‟ tends to

„„videotape‟‟and „„videodisc‟‟.53

Games are designed to be played like as books are designed to be read. When We read a book, a new experience would come to us. Perron and Wolf describes on his book, “Playing is to games as reading is to books. Sort of. Games are designed to be played, just as books are designed to be read. Both playing a game and reading a book involve transforming a pre-determined set of rules into a more immediate phenomenological experience.”54

G. Review of Related Studies

Jargon has been analyzed by another researchers from several universities and institutions. The first thesis that researcher refers is “A sociolinguistic Analysis of Baseball Jargon in Miller‟s Moneyball The

51 Wolf Mark J P. (Ed). (2008). The Video Game Explosion: A History From Pong to Playstetion and Beyond. London: Greenwood Press. p. 1

52 Wolf Mark J P. (Ed). The Video Game Explosion: A History From Pong to Playstation and Beyond. 3

53 Wolf Mark J P. (Ed). The Video Game Explosion: A History From Pong to Playstation and Beyond 3

54 Perron Bernard, Wolf, J P (Ed). (2009). The Video Game Theory Reader 2. New York:

Routledge. P. 45



Movie” it has been analyzed by Achmad Septian Nugrahanto, one of student English language and literature student of Yogyakarta State University. This thesis has been researched at 2017. In his thesis he studied the socioinguistic phenomenon. That study was intended the word- formation processes and the function of sport jargon which occur in Miller‟s Money Ball movie. The diversification between Achmad Septian Nurahanto and the researcher is, that Achmad Septian Nuharanto focused to find out the word-formation processes and the function of sport jargon in Miller‟s Money Ball movie.55 Meanwhile, the researcher in this thesis focused to find out the word-formation processes, the meaning and the function of military jargon in Call of Duty Video Game. Meanwhile the similarity between his research and the researcher‟s is the use of word formation process to analys jargon.

The second research that researcher took is from Simon‟s journal article, University of Malibor Slovenia, intitled Military Jargon in the Slovenian Translation of Hostile Waters.The journal examines Slovenian translations of military jargon in the non-fiction novel Hostile Waters. The focus of the research is on collocations and lexically dense nominal phrases. The comparison finds that most translation shifts in the target text occur because of incorrect interpretation of technical jargon expressions in the original. As a result, the target text reader perceives certain situations

55 Nugrahanto Septian Ahmad. (2017) A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Baseball Jargon in Miller’s Moneyball The Movie. Thesis: Yogyakarta Stete University



differently than the source text reader.56 Meanwhile in this thesis, the research focus is on word formation processes of military jargon that appears in the dialogue of Call of Duty Video Game. The similary of the research that the researcher and simon is existed the data that is researched. The data is military jargon.

The next research the the researcher review is from Fauzul Adhim Erdiansyah‟s thesis entitled Jargon Analysis Among Cadet In Latihan Integrasi Taruna Wreda Nusantara Xxxiii. The researcher of this thesis is a student of English department of languages and literature faculty of cultural studies Brawijaya University . The thesis has been researched at 2014. In this study, a qualitative approach is applied to analyze the jargon used by cadets in Latihan Integrasi Taruna Wreda XXXIII. The researcher observes the data with theory proposed by Akmajian (2001) about jargon and theory of word of formation processes by Yule (2006). The instrument of this study is the researcher's own interview guideline. The subjects of this study are last year cadets Latihan Integrasi Taruna Wreda Nusantara XXXIII.57 Meanwhile in this research, beside applying qualitative method, it also use synchronic linguistics to analyze the jargon on Call of Duty Video Game. The similarity of this research is the use of Yule‟s theory about word formation procesess.

56 Zupan Simon. PDF. (2011) Miitary Jargon in the Slovenian Translation of Hostile Waters

57 Adhim Erdhiansyah, F.(2014). Jargon Analysis Among Cadet in Latihan Integrasi Taruna Wreda Nusantara XXXIII. Thesis: Brawijaya University



METHOD OF RESEARCH A. Design of Research

In this research the researcher used qualitative research, because qualitative research is suitable with the aim of this research. Qualitative research is also suitable in desctriptive form. This method is used to analyze the data, wich the data in this study were the words taken from object of the research; the researcher will collect and analyze military jargon on Call of Duty Video Game. Septiawan Santana, in his book said that

“Riset kualitatif merupakan kajian berbagai studi dan kumpulan berbagai jenis materi impiris, seperti studi kasus, pengalaman personal, pengakuan introspektif, kisah hidup, wawancara, artifak, berbagai teks dan produksi cultural, pengamatan, sejarah, interaksional, dan berbagai teks visual.”58

Meanwhile, Djam‟an on Muhammad supported that Qualitative research refers to the meaning, concepts, definition, characteristics, metaphors, symbol, and description of things.59 So the design of this research is suitable to use several methods for the research with natural background to complete the goal of the research.

On this particular research, the researcher analyzes a part of language component, which is jargon. Jargon is the part of sociolinguistic that relates to

58Muhammad. (2014). Metode Penelitian Bahasa. Yogyakarta: Ar-ruz Media. P. 30



linguistic study. Muhammad on Muhammad said that one of the phenomenons which can be object of qualitative research is communication or language, because both of them involve the utterance, the meaning of semantic utterance, people who utters, the point of the utterance, the situation of the utterance, the phenomenon of the utterance, speech act, and the backround of the utterance.60

In linguistic research method, known there are two implementation of language research, namely the implementation of synchronic language research, and the implementation of diachronic language research. As Mahsun explains in his book that lingustic lining is divided into two fields, namely synchronic linguistics and diachronic linguistics, in which the synchronic linguistic field studies the language system at a certain time, whereas the diachronic reviews the language system over time.61 Thus the method of conducting synchronous language research is a suitable in this study..

B. Data and Source of Data

Data of this research is every utterances or sentences that appear in Call of Duty Video Game wich contain military jargon. Meanwhile the Source of data in this research are:

1. The game Call of Duty that is published by Infinity at 2003.


Transcript of the game Call of Duty that is taken from http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Template:CoD1_CampaignT

60 Muhammad.. Metode Penelitian Bahasa. 31

61 Mahsun. (2012). Metode Penelitian Bahasa Edisi Revisi. Jakarta: Rajagrafindo Persada. P.85


34 C. Technique of Data Collection.

In synchronic language research, there are three different methods and techniques of data collection described by Mahsun in his book, Language Research Methods. Various kinds of techniques and methods are the referential method, the proficient method and methods of introspection.

Referential method used to obtain data by listening to the use of language, both written and oral. Then the data that is listened not only people who are talking, but also written language such as narrative text, mass media and so forth..62

Technique of data collection used in this study is the referential method. Because researchers listen to the text in the form of call of duty video game and record it without direct involvement in the conversation.

As explained by Sudaryanto that in addition to recording can also be done the recording on the data card immediately followed by the classification.

62 Mahsun. Metode Penelitian Bahasa Edisi Revisi . 92


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