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Customer Satisfaction

Dalam dokumen DRAFT 19 (IDN ENG) PRINT (Halaman 116-120)

Nasabah bank bjb dapat menyampaikan pengaduan melalui media sebagai berikut :

1. bjb call center 14049 2. Website www.bankbjb.co.id

3. Langsung mendatangi kantor bank bjb

4. Surat resmi yang ditujukan kepada bank bjb, baik yang diantar langsung, faksimile maupun dikirim melalui pos Kolom surat pembaca di media massa baik cetak maupun elektronik

5. Melalui akun media sosial bank bjb

Selama tahun 2016, jumlah total pengaduan yang diterima adalah 69.863 pengaduan, dan sebanyak 99,9% pengaduan telah diselesaikan.

Customers of bank bjb can deliver complaints through these following media:

1. bjb call center 14049 2. Website www.bankbjb.co.id 3. Direct visit to bank bjb’s oice

4. Oicial letter addressed to bank bjb, whether delivered directly, facsimile or sent by mail, Reader letter’s columns in mass media both print and electronic

5. Through the social media account of bank bjb

On 2016, the total number of the complaint received was 69.863 and 99.9% of the complaints has been solved.

Tabel Laporan Pengaduan diterima dan diselesaikan Tahun 2016 Table of Complaint Report received and completed in 2016

Keterangan Explanation Call center Call Center Media lain Other Media Jumlah Total Total Number Laporan diterima Report received 69.859 4 69.863 Laporan diselesaikan Report completed 69.812 2 69.814

Menjaga kerahasiaan data nasabah dan melindungi privasi nasabah adalah juga salah satu semangat nilai perusahaan didalam GO SPIRIT yang harus dilakukan oleh semua insan bjb untuk menjaga kepercayaan nasabah. Pada tahun 2016 tidak terdapat pengaduan yang terkait dengan hilangnya data nasabah dan pelanggaran privasi nasabah [G4-PR8].

Selain produk dan jasa, kualitas pelayanan merupakan faktor yang tidak terpisahkan dari keberhasilan bank bjb mencapai visi dan misinya. Upaya peningkatan kualitas layanan dan pengembangan budaya layanan baik secara internal dan eksternal di seluruh outlet pelayanan bank bjb terus dievaluasi secara berkala untuk dapat menciptakan pengalaman pelayanan yang memuaskan bagi nasabah dan mendapatkan loyalitas nasabah. bank bjb terbuka menerima masukan dari nasabah untuk peningkatan layanan terkait sumber daya manusia, produk dan infrastruktur melalui media-media yang

Maintaining the conidentiality of customer data and protecting customers’ privacy is also one of corporate value in GO SPIRIT that must be implemented by all bank bjb’s personnel to keep the customers’ trust. In 2016 there was no complaint relating to loss of customer data and violations of customer privacy [G4-PR8].

In addition to products and services, service quality is an inseparable factor for the success of bank bjb to achieve its vision and mission. The eforts to improve the service quality and the development of culture both internally and externally through all bank bjb’s service outlets continue to be evaluated periodically to create a satisfactory service experience for customers and gain customer loyalty. bank bjb is open to receive feedback from customers for the improvement of service related to human resources, products and infrastructure through the media which is provided online, correspondence or


Sustainability Report 2016

Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Human Resources Development

Sosial Dan Masyarakat Social and Community

Lingkungan Environment

disediakan secara online, surat-menyurat maupun tatap muka langsung di setiap outlet [G4-DMA].

Upaya untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelayanan dilakukan dengan sosialisasi standar layanan kepada seluruh jaringan kantor dan unit kerja, melakukan monitoring/pendampingan pada jaringan kantor dan unit kerja, menyelenggarakan pendidikan dan pelatihan standar layanan bagi pelaku layanan mulai dari frontliner, oicer dan manajer operasional serta apresiasi melalui bank bjb Service Excellent Award (BBSEA). BBSEA diadakan rutin tahun kepada para frontliner (teller, customer service, satpam) dan supervisor terbaik.

face-to-face in every outlet [G4-DMA].

The eforts to improve service satisfaction are done by socializing service standards to all oice networks and work units, monitoring / assisting the oice network and work unit, provide education and training service standards for service personnel starting from the front liners, oicer and operational manager as well as appreciation through bank bjb Service Excellent Award (BBSEA). BBSEA held regularly every year to the front liners (teller, customer service, security guard) and the best supervisor. MISTERY SHOPPING SURVEY KUALITAS LAYANAN QUALITY SERVICE SURVEY

Mystery shopping adalah sebuah metode untuk mengukur kualitas proses penyampaian pelayanan melalui pengalaman langsung sebagai nasabah. Metode mystery shopping dilakukan dengan mengirimkan sejumlah shopper yang bertindak sebagai nasabah sesungguhnya ke cabang, menggunakan e-channel dan melakukan berbagai transaksi di seluruh touchpoint yang biasa dilakukan oleh nasabah umumnya. Fungsi shopper dalam pengumpulan data ialah merekam apa yang mereka amati dan alami secara obyektif. Oleh karena itu, parameter-parameter pelayanan dibuat bersifat tangible atau konkrit, bisa diamati oleh pancaindera, obyektif, dan menghindari pengamatan shopper yang bersifat persepsi atau pendapat. Hal-hal yang harus di lakukan dan diamati oleh shoper pada setiap kunjungan untuk melakukan interaksi dengan pemberi layanan bank bjb djabarkan pada kuesioner yang mengacu pada paramater standar terbaru yang digunakan industri perbankan terkini dan ditambah dengan berbagai parameter lain yang ingin dilihat oleh bank bjb.

Mystery shopping is a method to measure the quality of delivery service process through direct experience as a customer. The mystery shopping method is done by sending a number of shopper who acts as a real customer to branch oice, using e-channel and performing various transactions in all touch points which commonly done by the customers in general. The shopper’s function in data collection is to record what they observed and experienced objectively. Therefore, service parameters are made tangible or concrete, observable by the senses, objectively, and avoiding perceptive or opinion by shopper perception. Things to be conducted and observed by shopper on each visit is to interact with bank bjb service providers and described it on the questionnaire referring to the latest standard parameters used by the current banking industry and added by various other parameters that would be seen by bank bjb.

A quality service survey is implemented to assess the performance of Branch Oices and Sub Branch Oices from human resources (face-to-face and telephone service) and physical (building, comfort and support facilities) aspects to aim:

1. Measuring the performance of bank bjb services on the people aspect that includes attitude, skill and appearance (Customer Service, Teller, Security Guard, telephone service).

2. Measuring the performance of bank bjb services on premises / physical aspects that include the comfort of the room, equipment in Banking Hall, ATM, Toilet)

3. Obtaining the overview of the customer’s experience of the actual services provided by bank bjb


Survey kualitas layanan dilakukan untuk menilai kinerja Kantor Cabang dan Kantor Cabang Pembantu dari dari aspek sumber daya manusia (pemberi layanan secara tatap muka dan pelayanan melalui telepon) dan isik (bangunan, kenyamanan, dan fasilitas pendukung) dengan tujuan: 1. Mengukur performa layanan bank bjb pada aspek people yang meliputi sikap, skill dan

penampilan (Customer Service, Teller, Satpam, pelayanan melalui telepon).

2. Mengukur performa layanan bank bjb pada aspek premises/isik yang meliputi kenyamanan ruangan, perlengkapan di Banking Hall, ATM, Toilet)

3. Mendapatkan gambaran mengenai pengalaman nasabah terhadap pelayanan aktual yang diberikan dari layanan bank bjb.

Kontribusi Ekonomi Dan Tanggung Jawab Produk


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016

Tentang Laporan Ini About this Report

Tentang bank bjb About bank bjb

Pelibatan Pemangku Kepentingan Stakeholders Involvement

Tata Kelola Berkelanjutan Sustainable Governance



The purpose of this program are:

1. To ind out the overview of customer satisfaction level on services provided by bank bjb from various aspects of marketing mix namely people, price, product, process, physical evidence, place, and promotion.

2. To ind out the overview of what parameters should be maintained and enhanced to obtain competitive advantage in terms of service to customers.

3. To ind out the gap overview that occurs between the performances (service received by customers) with the interests (expectations of customers) on services provided by the bank bjb.

4. The results of this program become reference to develop the quality of products, services and bank

bjb services

Tujuan Program ini adalah :

1. Untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat kepuasan nasabah terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan oleh bank bjb dari berbagai aspek bauran pemasaran yakni people, price, product, process, physical evidence, place, dan promotion.

2. Untuk mengetahui gambaran parameter-parameter apa saja yang harus dipertahankan serta ditingkatkan dalam memperoleh keunggulan yang kompetitif dalam hal pelayanan kepada nasabah.

3. Untuk mengetahui gambaran kesenjangan yang terjadi antara kinerja (pelayanan yang diterima nasabah) dengan kepentingan (harapan nasabah) terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan oleh bank


4. Hasil dari program ini menjadi referensi untuk mengembangkan kualitas produk, jasa dan pelayanan bank bjb.

Objek survey adalah tingkat kepuasan nasabah terhadap seluruh aspek bauran pemasaran bank bjb yakni people, price, product, process, physical evidence, place, dan promotion serta tingkat loyalitas nasabah terhadap bank bjb. Subjek survey adalah nasabah bank bjb yang diambil secara sampel baik nasabah dana (Giro, Tabungan, Deposito) maupun nasabah kredit (Mikro, KPR, KGB, Pensiunan dan Korporasi). Survey dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kuesioner dan wawancara terhadap nasabah.

The object of the survey is the level of customer satisfaction on all aspects of the marketing mix of the bank bjb which are people, price, product, process, physical evidence, place, and promotion as well as the level of customer loyalty to bank bjb. The survey subjects were bank bjb customer choosed by sample in both the fund (Current Accounts, Savings, Deposits) and credit customers (Micro, KPR, KGB, Retired and Corporate). The survey was conducted by using questionnaires and interviews to customers.

Total CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) bank bjb secara keseluruhan adalah sebesar 76.66 merupakan tingkat kepuasan yang dirasakan nasabah Dana maupun nasabah Kredit.

Total CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) of bank bjb as a whole is 76.66 which is the level of satisfaction perceived by Fund customers and Credit customers.

bank bjb berada diatas level kompetisi dengan kompetitor secara nasional, dimana nilai competitor adalah sebesar 74.61.

Bank bjb is above the level of competition with competitors nationally, where the value of competitors is equal to 74.61.



1. Customer Engagement Index (CEI)

Intensitas kedekatan nasabah dengan bank bj berada pada level medium-high

CEI bank bjb – 74,32 CEI Kompetitor – 72,11

1. Customer Engagement Index (CEI)

The intensity of customer closeness with bank bjb is at medium-high level

bank bjb CEI – 74,32 Competitors CEI – 72,11


Sustainability Report 2016

Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Human Resources Development

Sosial Dan Masyarakat Social and Community

Lingkungan Environment

2. Switching Barrier Index (SBI)

Kemampuan bank bjb mencegah nasabahnya berpindah baik secara pasif maupun aktif berada pada level medium-high

SBI bank bjb – 73,36 SBI Kompetitor – 70,87 3. Customer Loyalty Index

Tingkat loyalitas nasabah kepada bank bjb berada pada level medium-high

CLI bank bjb – 74,19 CLI Kompetitor – 71,93

2. Switching Barrier Index (SBI)

The ability of bank bjb prevents its customers from moving passively or actively at a medium-high level bank bjb SRI – 73,36

Competitors SRI – 70,87

3. Customer Loyalty Index

Customer loyalty level to bank bjb is at medium-high level

bank bjb CLI – 74,19 Competitors CLI – 71,93

Aspek Nasabah Dana Nasabah Kredit


Produk kredit bank terlihat sangat bersaing dengan produk kompetitor, terlihat dari Satisfaction level terhadap Dimensi Product dan Price bank bjb sedikit terpaut diatas level kompetisi.

bank bjb’s credit products is very competitive with competitors’ products, seen from Satisfaction level to Product Dimension and Price bank bjb slightly adrift above the level of competition

Produk Kredit bank bjb terlihat sangat bersaing dengan produk kompetitor, terlihat dari Satisfaction level terhadap Dimensi Product dan Price bank bjb sedikit terpaut diatas level kompetisi.

bank bjb’s credit products bjb banks is very competitive with competitors’ products, seen from the Satisfaction level to the Product Dimension and Price bank bjb

slightly adrift above the level of competition


Harus mendapatkan perhatian karena diseluruh atribut dimensi berada di bawah level kompetisi.

Need more attention because all dimensional attributes are below the level of competition

Aspek Promosi berada sedikit berada diatas level kompetisi dengan berbagai kompetitor.

The Promotion Aspect is slightly above the level of competition with various competitors


Ketersediaan ATM adalah atribut Dimensi Place yang tertinggal sekitar 2 point dengan level kompetisi.

ATM availability is a Dimensi Place attribute that lags about 2 points with the level of competition

Aspek Place berada sedikit diatas level kompetisi dengan berbagai kompetitor.

The Place aspect is slightly above the level of competition with various competitors


Seluruh atribut dimensi People bank bjb terlihat sangat bersaing dengan bank lain, seluruh atribut People bank

bjb berada diatas level kompetisi.

All attributes of People bjb dimensions look very competitive with other banks, all attributes of People bank bjb are above the level of competition

bank bjb dipersepsikan dapat lebih memuaskan nasabahnya, terlihat dari indeks atribut dari Dimensi People yang berada di atas level kompetisi.

bank bjb is perceived to be more satisfactory to its customers, seen from the attribute index of People Dimension which is above the level of competition

PROCESS (Customer Service & Teller)

Secara keseluruhan dimensi Process pada pelayanan yang dilakukan oleh Customer Service maupun Teller berada diatas level kompetisi.

Overall dimensions Process on the services performed by Customer Service and Teller is above the level of competition

Nasabah kredit bank bjb terlihat relatif lebih dapat memuaskan nasabahnya, terlihat dari seluruh indeks atribut dari Dimensi Process berada di atas level kompetisi.

bank bjb’s credit customers look relatively more able to satisfy their customers, seen from all attribute index of Dimension Process is above the level of competition


Dimensi Physical Evidence bank bjb dirasakan sangat kompetitif dengan bank-bank lain yang juga digunakan oleh nasabah dana. Seluruh atribut-atribut dalam Physical Evidence bank bjb terpaut tipis diatas level kompetisi.

The Physical Evidence bank bjb dimension is felt to be very competitive with other banks that are also used by customers of funds. All attributes in the Physical Evidence bank bjb are slightly thinner above the level of competition

Jika dilihat secara keseluruhan, dimensi Physical Evidence bank bjb terlihat relatif lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan level kompetisi yang ada. Salah satu atribut yang relatif lebih menonjol adalah atribut kenyamanan bank, dan ruangan yang bersih dan rapih.

If viewed as a whole, the Physical Evidence bank

bjb dimension looks relatively stronger than the competition level. One of the more prominent attributes is the bank’s convenience attributes, and a clean and neat room.

Kontribusi Ekonomi Dan Tanggung Jawab Produk


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016

Tentang Laporan Ini About this Report

Tentang bank bjb About bank bjb

Pelibatan Pemangku Kepentingan Stakeholders Involvement

Tata Kelola Berkelanjutan Sustainable Governance

Layanan Keuangan

[G4-DMA] [G4-EC8] [FS-6]

Dalam dokumen DRAFT 19 (IDN ENG) PRINT (Halaman 116-120)