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Whistle Blowing System

Dalam dokumen DRAFT 19 (IDN ENG) PRINT (Halaman 96-98)

Whistle Blowing System

Kebjakan Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran (Whistle Blowing System) ditetapkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi Nomor 1079/SK/DIR-AI/2016 tanggal 1 Desember 2016 tentang Whistle Blowing System. Whistle Blowing System (WBS) merupakan sarana penyampaian laporan terkait indikasi tindakan fraud yang bersifat terbuka dan dapat dilakukan baik oleh pihak internal maupun oleh pihak eksternal. [G4-49] [G4-58]

Kriteria fraud yang dapat dilaporkan antara lain mengenai kecurangan, penggelapan atau pencurian, manipulasi atau pemalsuan, korupsi, pemerasan, penipuan, pembocoran informasi, tindak pidana di bidang perbankan dan indakan lainnya yang dapat dipersamakan. Implementasi Whistle Blowing System ini diharapan dapat menjadi jembatan komunikasi dan salah satu sarana pelaporan dalam rangka mengoptimalkan fungsi pendeteksian dini atas penerapan manajemen resiko secara keseluruhan.

Media komunikasi penyampaian laporan pengungkapan kejadian indikasi fraud bersifat independen, bebas dan rahasia. Laporan dapat disampaikan melalui media sebagai berikut:

The Whistle Blowing System Policy is determined by Decree of the Board of Directors Number 1079 / SK / DIR-AI / 2016 dated December 1st, 2016 regarding the Whistle Blowing System. Whistle Blowing System (WBS) is a tool of report submission related to indications of fraud actions which are open and can be done by both internal and external parties. [G4-49] [G4-58]

Fraud criteria that can be reported include fraud, embezzlement or theft, manipulation or forgery, corruption, extortion, information leakage, banking crimes and other likeable indictments. Implementation of Whistle Blowing System is expected to be a communication bridge and one of the reporting tools in order to optimize the early detection function on the implementation of risk management as a whole.

Communication media for submission report of fraud indication incident is independent, free and conidential. Reports can be submitted through the media as follows:

Pengaduan kejadian indikasi fraud yang diterima melalui media-media tersebut ditindaklanjuti oleh Unit Kerja Anti Fraud yang berada pada Divisi Audit Internal dengan berpedoman kepada Standar Pelaksanaan Fungsi Audit Internal Bank (SPFAIB). Prosedur penanganan laporan adalah mulai dari Pengelola WBS menerima pengaduan,

Indications of fraud complaints that received through the media are followed up by the Anti-Fraud Work Unit located in the Internal Audit Division in accordance with the Standards for Implementation of Bank Internal Audit Function (SPFAIB). Report handling procedures are starting from the WBS Manager who receivee

Hotline/helpdest Anti Fraud: (022) 4237772 E-mail: Antifraud@bankbjb.co.id Website: https://bjbwbs.bankbjb.co.id

Divisi Internal Audit:

Internal Audit Division:

Menara bank bjb Lantai 6

Jalan Naripan No. 12-14 Bandung

Tata Kelola Berkelanjutan


Sustainability Report 2016

Kontribusi Ekonomi Dan Tanggung Jawab Produk Economy Contribution and Product Responsibility

Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Human Resources Development

Sosial Dan Masyarakat Social and Community

Lingkungan Environment

mencatat, dan menuangkan ke dalam format standar, kemudian menjadi laporan penerimaan kontak sesuai dengan kategori lingkup pengaduan dan laporan penyingkapan (disclosure report). Selanjutnya laporan penyingkapan (disclosure report) disampaikan kepada tim Kepatuhan dan diteruskan kepada Divisi Audit Internal untuk diproses lebih lanjut sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku di bank bjb. Proses tindak lanjut atas setiap pengaduan mengikuti prinsip kerahasiaan, asas praduga tak bersalah dan profesionalisme.

Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran (Whistle Blowing System) bank bjb melindungi pelapor pengungkapan kejadian indikasi fraud yang beritikad baik dari segala bentuk ancaman, intimidasi, penundaan kenaikan pangkat, pemecatan, gugatan hukum, perusakan harta benda, tindakan isik, hukuman ataupun tindakan yang tidak menyenangkan lainnta dari terlapor, perusahaan, atau pihak manapun selama pelapor menjaga kerahasiaan kasus yang diadukan kepada pihak manapun.

Selama tahun 2016 terdapat 10 jumlah pengaduan yang masuk melalui Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran (Whistle Blowing System), dari 10 laporan yang diterima seluruhnya telah diberikan sanksi dan hanya terdapat 2 laporan yang diteruskan kepada penyidik. Jumlah pengaduan dan tindak lanjut pengaduan pada tahun 2016 disampaikan dalam tabel berikut [G4-58] :

No Media Pengaduan Complaint Media Jumlah Pengaduan Complaint Media

Tindak Lanjut | Follow-up

Laporan ditutup (tidak terbukti)

Report closed (not proven)

Laporan masih dalam proses (Proses Audit/Proses Pelaporan/

Proses Lintas Divisi)

Reports in progress (Audit Process / Reporting Process / Cross-

Division Process)

Laporan telah diberikan sanksi (termasuk sanksi


Reports have been given sanctions (including administrative sanctions) 1 Hotline 0 - - - 2 Email 0 - - - 3 Website 0 - - - 4 Surat Biasa Letter 10 - - 10

complaints, take notes, make it into standard formats, then it becomes the acceptance report of contacts according to the scope of complaints category and disclosure reports. Furthermore, the disclosure report is submitted to the Compliance team and forwarded to the Internal Audit Division for further process in accordance with the applicable bank bjb provisions. The follow- up process for each complaint follows the principle of secrecy, the presumption of innocence principle and professionalism.

The Whistle Blowing System of bank bjb protects the informant of fraud indications event from any kind of threat, intimidation, postponement of promotion, dismissal, lawsuit, property destruction, physical action, punishment or other unpleasant acts of the suspect, company, or any other party as long as the informant keep the conidentiality of the case to any party.

Throughout 2016 there were 10 complaints entered through the Whistle Blowing System, all of 10 complaints have been given sanctitons and only 2 reports have been forwarded to the investigator. The number of complaints and follow-up complaints in 2016 are presented in the following table [G4-58] :


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016

Tentang Laporan Ini About this Report

Tentang bank bjb About bank bjb

Pelibatan Pemangku Kepentingan Stakeholders Involvement

Keberhasilan bank bjb mewujudkan visi dan misi perusahaan tidak dapat lepas dari dukungan setiap insan bank bjb yang bekerja, beretika dan memberikan kontribusi terbaiknya. Oleh karena itu bank bjb memiliki budaya perusahaan sebagai pedoman karakter bagi insan bank bjb menjadi selaras untuk mendorong mencapai komitmen visi dan misi bank bjb. Proses perubahan budaya perusahaan (corporate culture) berada di bawah koordinasi Divisi Change Management Oice. Seperti yang ditetapkan melalui Surat Keputusan Direksi Nomor 1405/SK/BOD-CMO/2010, proses perubahan budaya perusahaan melalui 4 (empat) langkah dasar yaitu : 1. Penetapan nilai-nilai perusahaan dan perilaku utama

Perumusan nilai-nilai perusahaan (corporate value) dan perilaku utama budaya perusahaan.

2. Sosialisasi

Membangun kesadaran dan pemahaman terhadap budaya perusahaan.

3. Internalisasi

Menerapkan budaya organisasi dalam setiap aktivitas sehari-hari.

4. Eksternalisasi

Dampak mplementasi budaya perusahaan tercermin dan dirasakan oleh lingkungan eksternal.

Sosialisasi budaya perusaahan salah satunya dilakukan dengan dibantu oleh Change Leaders dan Change Agents yang telah ditunjuk di seluruh unit kerja untuk mensosialisasikan perubahan budaya kepada unit kerjanya masing-masing. Karakterisitik yang dimiliki oleh Change Leaders dan Change Agents bank bjb adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Dapat menjadi contoh teladan dan motivator bagi karyawan lain.

2. Culturally adapative, mudah beradaptasi.

3. Socially responsible, memiliki rasa tanggung jawab sosial.

4. Active learner, aktif mempelajari hal-hal baru. 5. Kreatif dan inovatif

6. Memiliki sifat tegas.

The success of bank bjb to actualize the vision and mission of the company cannot be separated from the support of every bank bjb’s personnel who work, ethical and give the best contribution. Therefore bank

bjb has a corporate culture as a character guideline for the personnel to be aligned and achieve the vision and mission of bank bjb. The process of changing corporate culture is under the coordination of the Change Management Oice Division. As stipulated in Decree of the Board of Directors No. 1405 / SK / BOD-CMO / 2010, the change process of corporate culture through 4 (four) basic steps, there are:

1. Determination of corporate values and main behavior The formulation of corporate values and the main behavior of corporate culture.

2. Socialization

Building awareness and understanding of corporate culture.

3. Internalization

Apply organizational culture in daily activities 4. Externalization

The impact of the implementation of corporate culture is relected and perceived by the external environment.

Socialization of company’s culture is done with assisted by Change Leaders and Change Agents who have been appointed in all work units to socialize cultural change in their working units. The characteristics of Change Leaders and Change Agents of bank bjb are as follows:

1. Become a role model and motivator for other employees

2. Culturally adaptive, adaptable.

3. Socially responsible, have a sense of social responsibility

4. Active learner, actively learning new things 5. Creative and innovative

6. Assertive

Tata Kelola Berkelanjutan

Sustainable Governance

Budaya Perusahaan


Dalam dokumen DRAFT 19 (IDN ENG) PRINT (Halaman 96-98)