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Performance Assessment

Dalam dokumen DRAFT 19 (IDN ENG) PRINT (Halaman 142-144)

Manajemen sistem penilaian kinerja karyawan (performance management system) dilakukan dengan berbasis personal scorecard yang dilakukan secara berkala pada setiap triwulan melalui penilaian (appraisal) bjb Prestasiku. Sasaran kinerja karyawan ditetapkan atas dasar penetapan tugas/pekerjaan dan tanggung jawab yang harus dilaksanakan oleh setiap pegawai pada periode tahun penilaian yang memiliki keterkaitan langsung dengan pencapaian target Balanced Scorecard (BSC) unit kerja.

Melalui Balanced Scorecard (BSC) manajemen dapat mengkomunikasikan strategi perusahaan keseluruh organisasi, menyelaraskan strategi tersebut dengan sasaran departemen dan individu, melakukan peninjauan strategi secara periodik serta mendapatkan umpan balik yang dibutuhkan untuk memperbaiki strategi sehingga pada akhirnya perusahaan dengan karyawan menjadi satu kesatuan dalam mencapai sasaran perusahaan. Empat standar perspektif BSC yang digunakan adalah perspektif inancial, perspektif customer, perspektif internal business process, dan perspektif learning and growth.

Selain Balanced Scorecard (BSC), penilaian kinerja karyawan dilakukan dengan berpedoman pada pirnsip SMARTCC (Smart, Measurable, Achieveable, Realistic, Time Bound, Consistent, Continuos Improvement) yaitu spesiik, dapat terukur, dapat tercapai, realistis, dalam cakupan waktu yang wajar, konsisten dan kemajuan berkelanjutan.

Informasi mengenai pedoman penilaian kinerja dan pedoman karir dikomunikasian melalui media internal seperti email blast, surat kepada setiap unit, dan intranet sehingga transparan dan dapat diakses oleh seluruh Insan bjb.

Mekanisme reward dan punishment juga diterapkan bank bjb untuk memberikan tanggung jawab dan memotivasi karyawan dalam memperbaiki kualitas dan kuantitas hasil kerjanya. Reward diberikan dengan harapan ada peningkatan motivasi terhadap kinerja dan perilaku, bank bjb memberikan apresiasi kepada insan bjb melalui program penghargaan yang berusaha mencakup semua

Performance Management System is performed by personal scorecard on a quarterly basis through assessment of bjb Prestasiku. Employee performance targets are determined by tasks/ jobs assigment and the responsibilities that must be implemented by each employee in the assessment period which has a direct relationship with the target achievement of the Balanced Scorecard work unit.

Through the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) management communicate the company’s strategy throughout the organization, aligning the strategy with the goals of the departments and individuals, conducting periodic strategic reviews and receiving the feedback needed to improve the strategy so the company and employees are united in achieving company’s goals. The four standards of BSC perspective are inancial perspective, customer perspective, internal business process perspective, and learning and growth perspective.

In addition to the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), the employee performance assessment is done by referring to SMARTCC principles. The SMARTCC consist of Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time Bound, Consistent, and Continuous Improvement principle.

Information on performance assessment guidelines and career guidelines are communicated through internal media such as email blast, letters to each unit, and intranet so it is transparent and accessible to all bjb’s personnel.

Reward and punishment mechanism also applied in bank

bjb to give responsibility and motivate employees in improving the quality and quantity of their work. Reward is given with the intention to increase the motivation of performance and behavior, bank bjb gives appreciation to bjb’s personnel through reward program which is trying to cover all level either individually (personal), work unit, service line, behavior or other achievement.


Sustainability Report 2016

Kontribusi Ekonomi Dan Tanggung Jawab Produk Economy Contribution and Product Responsibility

Sosial Dan Masyarakat Social and Community

Lingkungan Environment

level baik secara individu (personal), Unit Kerja, jenis layanan, perilaku maupun pencapaian lainnya. Salah satu program reward terhadap insan bjb adalah The Best Employee yaitu program penghargaan kepada karyawan yang memilki kinerja terbaik dan berhasil menjadi role model dan change agent dalam implementasi budaya GO SPIRIT.

Kebjakan punishment ditetapkan melalui Pedoman Disiplin Pegawai yang didalamnya mengatur tentang kewajiban dan larangan, jenis sanksi kepegawaian, tata cara pengenaan sanksi kepegawaian dan hal-hal lainnya terkait penegakan disiplin karyawan. Selama tahun 2016 sebanyak 68 sanksi kepegawaian dikenakan sesuai dengan jenis pelanggaran yang terjadi, meliputi kalalaian atau kesengajaan, termasuk memperhatikan ada atau tidaknya unsur fraud. 68 sanksi tersebut terdiri dari:

One of the bjb’s reward programs is The Best Employee, which is an award for the employee who has the best performance and succeed to become role model and change agent in the implementation of GO SPIRIT culture.

The punishment policy is stipulated through the Employee Discipline Guidelines which regulates the obligations and prohibitions, the types of personnel sanctions, the procedures for the imposition of personnel sanctions and other matters related to the enforcement of employee’s discipline. During 2016, 68 personnel sanctions were imposed in accordance with the types of violations, including negligence or deliberate, including the possibility of fraud. The 68 sanctions consist of:

1. 11 sanksi berupa teguran 2. 8 sanksi berupa Peringatan I 3. 12 sanksi berupa Peringatan III 4. 14 sanksi berupa Pernyataan Tidak


5. 3 sanksi berupa Penundaan Kenaikan Gaji Berkala

6. 3 sanksi berupa Penurunan Gaji Berkala

7. 5 sanksi berupa Penurunan Level Jabatan

8. 12 sanksi berupa Pemberhentian Sebagai Pegawai

1. 11 sanctions in the form of Reprimands 2. 8 sanctions in the form of First Warning 3. 12 sanctions in the form of Third


4. 14 sanctions in the form of Dissatisied Statement

5. 3 sanctions in the form of Delay on Periodic Salary Increase

6. 3 sanctions in the form of Periodic Salary Deduction

7. 5 sanctions in the form of Decrease in Position Level

8. 12 sanctions in the form of Employee Termination

Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia


Laporan Keberlanjutan 2016

Tentang Laporan Ini About this Report

Tentang bank bjb About bank bjb

Pelibatan Pemangku Kepentingan Stakeholders Involvement

Tata Kelola Berkelanjutan Sustainable Governance

Dalam dokumen DRAFT 19 (IDN ENG) PRINT (Halaman 142-144)