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Academic year: 2022



Teks penuh



Mata Pelajaran : B.Inggris



Nama Sekolah : MTs Plus Roudhotul Muhibbin Bekasi Alokasi Waktu : 60 Menit

Mata Pelajaran : B. Inggris Jumlah Soal : 10 Kelas : VII Kurikum : K13

No. Kompetensi

Dasar Materi Indikator Indikator Soal Bentuk



Soal KUNCI 1

3.1 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan sapaan, pamitan, ucapan

terimakasih, dan permintaan maaf, serta responnya, sesuai dengan konteks


Good Morning.

How are you?

Mengidentifikasi ungkapan (fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan) interaksi sapaan, pamitan, ucapan terimakasih, dan permintaan maaf, serta responnya.

Disajikan sebuah pernyataan dimana siswa

diminta untuk menentukan ungkapan greeting PJ 1 c


Disajikan gambar seorang anak akan tidur didampingi orang tuanya, siswa dapat membuat

dialog singkat dari gambar tersebut. PJ 2 c


Disajikan dialog rumpang perpisahan antara dua orang, siswa mengisi dengan ungkapan

perpisahan yang benar. PJ 3,15,29 d,c,d


Disajikan dialog menyapa dan menjawab antara dua orang, siswa dapat menentukan dimana

dialog itu terjadi. PJ 4.14 d,d


Disajikan dialog menyapa dan menjawab antara guru dan siswa, siswa dapat menentukan kapan

dialog itu terjadi. PJ 5 c


Disajikan dialog menyapa dan menjawab antara guru dan siswa, siswa dapat menentukan kemana

siswa itu pergi. PJ 6 b



Disajikan dialog menyapa dan menjawab antara guru dan siswa, siswa dapat menentukan kemana

guru itu pergi. PJ 7 a


Disajikan dialog rumpang dengan keadaan seseorang memegangi perut, siswa diminta

menentukan sakit dalam bahasa inggris. PJ 10.11 d,b


Disajikan dialog rumpang tentang keterlambatan seseorang, siswa diminta menentukan ungkapan

minta maaf. PJ 12.33 c,d


Disajikan dialog rumpang tentang mengajak seseorang untuk menemani kesuatu tempat, siswa diminta untuk menentukan ungkapan terimakasih dengan benar.

PJ 13,31,32 c,b,a


Disajikan dialog rumpang tentang menanyakan kabar, siswa menentukan ungkapan simpati

ketika teman sakit. PJ 30 a


Disajikan dialog rumpang meminta perhatian dan menunjukkan penghargaan atas kesuksesan seseorang dalam lomba pidato Bahasa Inggris, siswa mengisi dengan benar ungkapan

menunjukkan penghargaan tersebut.

PJ 12 b


Disajikan dialog acak meminta pendapat seseorang tentang hasil kerja temannya, siswa

menyusunnya menjadi dialog yang benar. PJ 13 c

14 3.2 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan

This is Me! Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan

Disajikan teks perkenalan diri seseorang, siswa

menentukan umurnya dengan tepat. PJ 17.23 c,c


Disajikan teks perkenalan diri seseorang sederhana, siswa menentukan asal tempat tinggal dengan tepat.

PJ 18.22 d,b



perkenalan diri, serta responnya, sesuai dengan konteks


perkenalan diri, serta responnya, sesuai dengan konteks


Disajikan teks perkenalan diri seseorang sederhana, siswa menentukan makanan favoritnya dengan tepat.

PJ 19 c


Disajikan teks perkenalan diri seseorang

sederhana, siswa menentukan hobbynya dengan tepat.

PJ 20,21,24 a,a,b


Disajikan dialog rumpang tentang mengeja nama, siswa menentukan ungkapan perintah yang tepat.

PJ 35 b


Disajikan sebuah pohon keluarga, siswa

mengidenfikasi pohon keluarga berdasarkan

pertanyaan. PJ 44,45,46 b,b,c


3.3 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, dan tahun.

What Time is It?

Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, dan tahun.

Disajikan gambar jam siswa diminta untuk menentukan jam yang benar dalam bahasa inggris

PJ 8,9,34 d,b,b


Disajikan dialog rumpang tentang kebiasaan yang dilakukan seseorang, siswa menentukan kegiatan

tersebut dalam bahasa inggris dengan tepat. PJ 16 c 28

Disajikan sebuah teks, siswa menentukan hari seseorang melakukan sebuah kegiatan dengan tepat.

PJ 25.26 a,b


Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, siswa menentukan

nama hari dalam bahasa inggris. PJ 27,28,36,37 c,b,c,a

30 Disajikan sebuah pernyataan, siswa menentukan

nama bulan dalam bahasa inggris. PJ 38 a


Disajikan sebuah pertanyaan mengenai hari besar indonesia, siswa menentukan tanggal dalam

bentuk bahasa inggris. PJ 39 d

32 Disajikan sebuah jadwal, siswa mengidentifikasi

jadwal dengan benar. PJ 40,41,42,43 a,b,d,c


38 3.5. Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan nama dan jumlah

binatang, benda, dan bangunan publik yang dekat dengan kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

This is My World

Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaanpada teks untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan nama dan jumlah binatang, benda, dan bangunan publik yang dekat dengan

kehidupan siswa sehari-hari.

Disajikan pernyataan rumpang tentang nama

benda, siswa melengkapi dengan kata yang tepat. PJ 47.48 c,b,

39 Disajikan pernyataan rumpang tentang bangunan

publik, siswa melengkapi dengan kata yang tepat. PJ 49 c


Disajikan kalimat acak tentang jumlah benda, siswa diminta untuk menyusun kalimat tersebut.

PJ 50 c




Subject : English Day/Date : Teacher’s Name

Grade : 8 Time : 60 menit Instruction :

1. Pray before doing the exercise ! (Berdoa sebelum mengerjakan soal !)

2. Write your identity on Answer Sheet! (Tulis Identitasmu pada Lembar Jawaban!) 3. Do the easiest first then don’t forget to check before handding into the teacher !

(Kerjakan soal termudah dan telitilah sebelum dikumpulkan kepada ustadz/ustadzah !

ِمْي ِح َّرلا ِنمْح َّرلا ِ هاللّ ِمْسِب

A. Soal Pilihan Ganda (Multiple Choice Test)

Pilihlah Salah Satu Jawaban yang Paling Benar antara A, B, C atau D! (Choose The Correct

Answer Between A, B, C, or D) !

1. Edo : “Hi, Beni! How are you?”

Beni : “I am fine.And you?”

Edo : “ ..., thank you.”

A. You are welcome C.Fine, thanks

B. It’s okay D. How do you do

2. Annisa : “Hello, Siti. How do you do?”

Siti : “Hello, Annisa. ...”

Annisa : “Nice to meet you”

Siti : “Nice to meet you, too.”

A. Fine, thanks C. How are you

B. How do you do D. It’s great to meet you

3. Lina : Sorry, I must go now. See you tomorrow.

Dayu : ... be careful.

A. Good night C. See you too

B. Good morning D. nice to meet you

4. Nela : Salma, this is a present for you. I hope you like it.

Salma : Oh, this is so wonderful...

A. Thank you very much C. I like it very much B. You are so kind to me D. may i have it 5. Agus :... I have lost your eraser?

Laras : It’s ok. No problem.

A. I am forget C. I am sad

B. I am sorry D. I am happy


6. Annisa : Why did not you call me last night?

Dayu : ... I forget it.

A. I am so sorry C. Good bye

B. Yes, it is D. How are you

7. Udin : Can I borrow your pencil?

Beni : Sure here it is.

Udin : Thank you Beni :. ...

A. I am very sorry C. Good bye

B. Thank you D. Don’t mention it.

8. Lina : What is ... ? Zeni : My name is Zeni

A. Your name C. His name

B. Her name D. Their name

9. Galang : Hi, Dennis. Are you coming to the football game?

Dennis : Hi, Galang. Yes, I’m coming to the football game.

Galang : Ok, then. See you there. Goodbye.

Dennis : ...

A. Bye C. Good night

B. Good day D. Hi

10. I... not hungry

A. are C. am

B. is D. do

11. Linda : “Hello, My name is Linda.


Rania : I’m Rania.

A. What are you? C. Where do you live?

B. What is your name? D. How old are you?

12. Tito : Azwar, this is my sister Haira.

Azwar : Hi, Haira. Nice to see you.

Haira : Hello, Azwar. ...

A. Nice to see you too C. thank you

B. I like you D. I’m fine

13. Good morning, I’d like to introduce myself. ... I am a student of SMP HarapanBangsa.

A. My name is Max Bae. C. Max Bae is good name.

B. You can call me Max Bae. D. Max Bae is a clever student.

14. Haira : Hello,are you a new student?

Hasnida : Yes, I am. My name is Hasnida.


Haira : I’m Haira. _____________Hasnida?

Hasnida : I ‘m from Jakarta.

A. How are you C.What is your name

B. Where are you from D.Where do you live

15. The mother of your mother is ...

A. grandmother C. Uncle

B. Aunt D. Sister

16. The brother of your mother is called ...

A. Queen C. Uncle

B. Aunt D. brother

17. Hello! There are five people in my family: My father or my dad, my ... or my mom, my elder brother, my liltle sister, and my self. My father is Mr. Rajali. He’s a teacher. My mother is Mrs, Kurnia. She is a nurse. My big ... is Hasan. He is a student of SMA Perjuangan. My little ... is Rosa. She’s still in kindergarten.

The best answer for the paragraph above are?

A. Sister, mother, brother C. Father, mother, sister B. Mother, brother, sister D. Brother, mother, sister The text is for questions 18 to 19

MrsYoana is from Padang, but (18)... lives and works in Indramayu. She teaches English at Merdeka Junior High School. She is a very kind teacher. (19) ...husband is a lawyer. He comes from Medan. They have a son.

18. A. She B. They C. He D. We

19. A. Her B. My C. His D. your

20. Arrange the following sentences into a good order!

1. No, I have not 2. I am Ronald

3. Hi... have we meet before?

4. So, who are you?

5. Oh I am sorry ... I am Roy

A. 1-2-3-4-5 C. 3-1-4-2-5

B. 2-3-4-5-1 D. 4-5-1-2-3

21. Edo : What time do you have breakfast?

Beni :I have breakfast ...

A. At six in the evening C. At six in the morning B. At one in the afternoon D. At seven in the evening 22. Teacher : What is the day after Saturday?

Siti : It is ...

A. Friday C. Tuesday

B. Sunday D. Monday

23. Annisa : What time is it?


Beni : ...

A. It’s twenty past eight B. It’s a quarter past seven C. It’s twenty three past seven D. It’s a half to eight

Following schedule is for number 24 to 25

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday English Indonesian Social Study Math Indonesian Social study

Math Science Sport English Religion Indonesian

Arts Citizenship Religion Science Arts -

24. Intan : What days do we learn English?

Fatimah : We learn English every ...

A. Monday and and Tuesday B. Wednesday and Friday C. Saturday and Thursday D. Monday and Thursday

25. Bagas : How many days do we learn math?

Fitri : We learn math ...

A. 1 day C. 3 days

B. 2 days D. 6 days

26. Dayu : What is the month after May?

Siti : It is ...

A. April C. March

B. June D. July

27. We always celebrate independence day on ....

A. The second of May C. The twenty second of April B. The Twenty first of April D. The seventeenth of August 28. We celebrate education day on...

A. The second of May C. The twenty second of April B. The Twenty first of April D. The seventeenth of August 29. I take an English test .... Tuesday

A. At C. in

B. on D. between

30. I was born ....14th of December, 2003

A. At C. in

B. On D. Between

Observe this picture and answer the following questions( for no. 31 & 32)


31. Ika : How many desks are there?

Bintang : there are ...

A. Five desks C. Two desks

B. Five desk D. One desk

32. There are the things in the picture, except!

A. Desks C. Computer

B. Globe D. Whiteboard

33. There are four pencil sharpeners The appropriate picture is...

A. B. C. D.

34. They are the family of lizard. They eat meat. They are famous animal from Indramayu.

It’s name be a name of island in Indramayu, west Java.

Which of these pictures does the paragraph describe?

A. B. C. D.

35. Edo : What things can we find in the living room?

Amir : There are ...


A. A pan, an oven and a stove C.A televison, a sofa and a stove B. A bed, a pillow and a lamp D. A television, a sofa and a pair of curtains

36. Mirza : Where will you go, Mona?

Aziz : I will go to ... I want take my money for buy books.

A. Bank C. Market

B. Post office D. Hospital

37. Where is the situation in the picture?

A. Bank B. Post office C. market D. Hospital

38. Where is the elephant?

A. The elephant is on the question mark C. The elephant is in the question mark B. The elephant is under the question mark D. The elephant is between question


39. Where is the house?

A. The house is in the hill C. The house is between the hill B. The house is on the hill D. The house is beside the hill 40. The dog is running “across the yard”.


A. B. C. D.

B. Soal Essay (Essay Test)

Jawablah Pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan benar! (Answer The Question Below Correctly!)

Text for no. 41, 42

41. Who is the name of the girl?

42. Where does she live?

43. Arrange these words into a good sentenc es!

a. My-is-father-Amir

b. Dayu-Siti-beautiful-are-smart-and-girls.

44. Match the people activity (coloum A) with the place ( coloum B).


1. People can save, withdraw or transfer money. A. hospital 2. People can send their letters, package, or pay some bills

or taxes. B. Bank

3. People can meet doctor to cure their illness. C. Police office 4. Police work and people can report some criminal actions D. Post office

45. Make your schedule at school for a week. The table has been created for you!

Time Names of Days

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Hello, my name is Hasnida. I am from Indramayu. I live in kertasemaya, on Jalan bayem . To be precise, I live at 2 Jalan mangku bumi.


KISI- KISI PENILAIAN AKHIR SEMESTER GANJIL Nama Sekolah : MTs Plus Roudhotul Muhibbin Bekasi Alokasi Waktu : 60 Menit

Mata Pelajaran : B. Inggris Jumlah Soal : 10 Kelas : VIII Kurikum : K13


Urut Kompetensi Inti

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok I n d i k a t o r




No Soal

1. Memahamidanmenerapk anpengetahuan (faktual, konseptual,

danprosedural) berdasarkan rasa

ingintahunyatentangilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni,

budayaterkaitfenomenad ankejadiantampakmata

3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan meminta perhatian, mengecek pemahaman, menghargai kinerja, meminta dan mengungkapkan pendapat, serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

Asking for Attention

Diberikansebuah dialog.

Pesertadidikmenentukanungkapan memintaperhatian yang tepat.

Diberikansebuah dialog.

Pesertadidikmenentukanrespondar iungkapanmemintaperhatian yang tepat.








Checking for Understanding

Disajikansebuah dialog.


Ungkapanmengecekpemahaman yang tepat.

Responungkapantidakpaham yang tepat.

Responungkapanpaham yang tepat









5 Asking for and

Giving Opinion

Disajikansebuah dialog.

Pesertadidikmenentukanungkapan memintapendapat yang tepat.

Disajikansebuah dialog.

Pesertadidikmenentukanungkapan memberipendapat yang tepat.

K.2 PG 6


Disajikan sebuah wacana Peserta didik membuat dialog singkat sederhana yang

menunjukan tindakan meminta dan memberi pendapat yang berkaitan dengan wacana tersebut.







Giving Compliment

Disajikansebuah dialog.

Pesertadidikmenentukanungkapan memberiApresiasi (pujian) yang

tepat. K.2 PG 8, 9

2. 3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kemampuan dan kemauan, melakukan suatu tindakan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Modal (Can)

Disediakan sebuah dialog.

Peserta didik menentukan:

Kalimat tanya yang tepat yang menanyakan kemampuan.

Kalimat menunjukkan ketidakmampuan.








(Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan can, will)

Modal (Will)

Disajikan sebuah dialog.

Peserta didik menentukan:

Kalimat tanya yang tepat yang menanyakan kemauan.

Kalimat yang menunjukan ketidakmauan.

Disajikan sebuah wacana.

Peserta didik menuliskan minimal 2 kalimat yang menunjukan kemauan yang berkaitan dengan wacana tersebut.










3. 3.3 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan

Obligation Modal (Must)

Disediakan sebuah dialog.

Peserta didik menentukan:


tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keharusan, larangan, dan himbauan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya (Perhatikan unsur

kebahasaan must, should)

Kalimat obligasi (yang

menunjukan keharusan) bentuk verbal.

Kalimat obligasi (yang

menunjukan keharusan) bentuk nominal.

Kalimat obligasi larangan (yang menunjukan keharusan) bentuk verbal











Recommendati on

(suggestion/Ad vice)

Modal: Should

Disajikan sebuah dialog.

Peserta didik menentukan:

Kalimat yang menunjukan memberi rekomendasi yang seharusnya di lakukan

Kalimat yang menunjukan memberi rekomendasi yang tidak seharusnya di lakukan








Disajikan sebuah wacana.

Peserta didik menentukan kalimat yang menunjukan memberi rekomendasi yang seharusny dan tidak seharusnya di lakukan berdasarkan isi wacana tersebut.



Prohibition Disediakan sebuah dialog.

Peserta didik menentukan kalimat larangan yang tepat.

K. 2 PG 20

4. 3.4 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan menyuruh, mengajak, meminta ijin, serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

Instruction Disediakan sebuah dialog.

Peserta didik menentukan kalimat perintah yang tepat.

K.1 PG 19


Inviting Someone

Disajikan dialog.

Peserta didik menentukan kalimat ajakan yang tepat

Disajikan sebuah dialog.

Peserta didik menentukan respon menolak ajakan.

Disediakan teks fungsional pendek berisi undangan pesta ulang tahun

Peserta didik menentukan beberapa informasi rinci yang terdapat pada teks tersebut.

Disajikan sebuah wacana.

Peserta didik menuliskan sebuah dialog pendek sederhana yang memuat ungkapan mengajak dan respon menerima ajakan

berdasarkan wacana tersebut.









23,24, 25,26




Asking for and giving


Disediakan sebuah dialog.

Peserta didik menentukan:

Kalimat yang menunjukan

ungkapan meminta ijin yang tepat.

Responmenolak permintaan ijin yang tepat.





21,27, 40


5. 3.5 Membandingkan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus

Greeting Card Di sajikan teks fungsional pendek yang berisikan ucapan selamat.

Peserta didik menentukan :


dalam bentuk greeting card, dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait dengan hari-hari spesial, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

Jenis teks fungsional pendek tersebut.

Tujuan teks fungsional dari text tersebut.

Disediakan beberapa pilihan tema.

Peserta didik menuliskan isi sebuah greeting card (kartu ucapan) berdasarkan tema yang telah dipilih oleh peserta didik.










6. 3.6Menerapkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keberadaan orang, benda, binatang, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

There is &

There are (quantifier)

Disajikan sebuah dialog.

Peserta didik menentukan:

Unsur kebahasaan “there are”

dengan tepat.

Unsur kebahasaan “there is”

dengan tepat.

Persamaan kata dari suatu kata sifat yang terdapat dalam dialog tersebut.

K.1 PG 31


(Perhatikan unsur

kebahasaan there is/are) Disediakan sebuah teks (wacana) yang memuat keberadaan benda- benda, dan orang di pasar tradisional.

Peserta didik menentukan:

Rujukan kata

Informasi Rinci

Makna kata












35,36, 37


K.3 PG 38




Subject : English Day/Date : Teacher’s Name

Grade : 8 Time : 60 menit Instruction :

1. Pray before doing the exercise ! (Berdoa sebelum mengerjakan soal !)

2. Write your identity on Answer Sheet! (Tulis Identitasmu pada Lembar Jawaban!) 3. Do the easiest first then don’t forget to check before handding into the teacher !

(Kerjakan soal termudah dan telitilah sebelum dikumpulkan kepada ustadz/ustadzah ! ِمْي ِح َّرلا ِنمْح َّرلا ِ هاللّ ِمْسِب

A. Soal Pilihan Ganda (Multiple Choice Test)

Pilihlah Salah Satu Jawaban yang Paling Benar antara A, B, C atau D! (Choose The Correct

Answer Between A, B, C, or D) !

1. Teacher : I’ve got some information about English Contest. Don’t be noisy.


Students : Yes, sir.

A. I don’t understand C. I got it

B. Are you with me? D. Can I have your attention, please?

2. Dorry : Do you understand Mr. Asep’s story.

Nia : _____(2)_______ He speaks very fast

A. I think so C. I’d love to

B. Not really D. I don’t know what you mean

Teacher : If you have done your homework, collect the book tomorrow.


Student : I’m sorry sir, __________(4)________________

Could you repeat?

Teacher : OK, after you’ve done your homework, collect the book tomorrow. Do you get it?


Student : ________(5)__________. Ok, I will collect my book tomorrow.

3. A. Do you understand? C. Attention, please.

B. Do you think so? D. Sorry to trouble you.

4. A. I don’t understand C. I know what you mean.

B. I think so D. I’d like to.

5. A. Yes Sir, I got it C. I’m afraid, I can’t.

B. I don’t follow you D. I don’t agree with you 6. Siti : Did you watch “Tjimanoek Carnival” yesterday?

Aqila : Yes, I watched it with my younger brother.

Siti : ………(6)……… “Tjimanoek carnival”?

Aqila : I think it was so amazing. It makes me so proud of being Indonesian and we have many different cultures but we are one Indonesia. We must always love our culture.

A. What is C.Can you watch

B. What do you think of D. Can I see 7. Wati : What do you think about our classroom?

Juita : I_________ it is very dirty! Some students leave litter on the floor A. think B. don’t think so C. don’t know D. think so 8. Santy : I got 100 in English test!

Rossa : ___________________

If Rossa will give compliment to Santy’s achievement, Rossa will say...

A. That’s too bad! B. Good Job! C. Terrible! D. That’s Awful

9. Tasya : Excelent! That’s my brother!. My motorcycle is very clean now. You have washed it.

Tasya : ____________boy you are!

A. What a pity C. How diligent

B. What a lazy D. How poor

Dialog for no 10-11

Aqila : I will go to the beach with my family tomorrow. I will swim there. By the way, _____(10)_____ in the beach?


Alfa : Yes, I can.

Aqila : That’s good. Will you join with us?

Riana : Ok, I will join with you tomorrow, but I______(11)_______ permission first to my parent..

Aqila : Ok , I will wait you in my house tomorrow.

10. A. Will you swim with me C. Will you swim

B. Can you go with me D. Can you swim

11. A. will come B. will ask C. can ask D. can’t go

Dialog for 12-13

Linda : Gyta, We have got many homework.


Rio : ____(13)_____. I will do my homework at home.

12. A. Will you do my homework C. Can I see your work?

B. Can I copy your work D. Will you do these homework in the library?

13. A. Yes, I will B. Yes, I can C. No, I want D. No, I won’t Dialog for no. 14-16

Susi : I often get remedial but you never get remedial and you always be the best in the class.

Dina : If you want to be the best student____________(14)___________


Susi : When I’m confused and don’t know the answer in the exam. I asked the answer to my friend next to me but I still got remedial. I didn’t work.

Dina : You _______(16)_______in the exam. Believe in yourself and do the best.


14. A. You must study hard C. You must copy your friend’s homework

B. You must cheating in the exam D. You must studying when you’ll have examination

15. A. You mustn’t be diligent C. You must be lazy B. You must be diligent D. You must confident

16. A. must not cheat C. must not do the best

B. must trust your friend D. mustn’t be too serious

Dialog for no. 17-18.

Nana : I want to be healthy but I like eating fast food. I can’t go diet.

Rina : I think you _________(17)________have diet, to be healthy _______(18)__________ eat more fruits and vegetables.

17. A. should B. should not C. Should be D. shouldn’t be 18. A. Should B. Should not C. Should be D. Shouldn’t be

Dialog for no. 19-20

Mr. Harry : Look at to your class! What a messy class!


Alvin : Yes Sir, I will clean it up after I’ve finished eating these snacks.

Mr. Harry : After you eat your snacks, please_________(20)____________

19. A. Go to your class! C. Don’t enter your class!

B. I will clean it up! D. Clean up your classroom!

20. A. Wash the dishes B. Check C. Don’t do D. Don’t litter 21. Lina : “May I use your pen?”

Dayu : “Sure. ...”Don’t use the red one. There’s no ink in it.”

A. take the green one B. I will use my pen C. is this your pen D. The pen is broken

22. Budi : I want you to come to my birthday party tonight.


Dessy: “……(22)….. I have a lot of homework to do.”

A. That sounds great B. I disagree with you C. I am afraid I can’t D. It is a good idea

Read the text below to answer no 23-26!

23. Who is invited to the party?

a. Fatimah B. Rossie C. Dessy D. Linda

24. How old is Rossie?

a. Ten years old C. Twelve years old

b. Eleven years old D. Thirteen years old

25. How long will the party be held?

a. one hour B. two hours C. three hours D. four hours 26. What will Raffasya do if he can’t come to Keisha’s party? Raffasya must...

a. Call to Fatimah C. Tell to Rossie’s friend b. Send massage to Fatimah D. Come to Rossie’s house Dialog for no. 27-28

Alfa : Riana, there will be “panggung gembira” in our town square this weekend.

There are many popular singers. Senior high school has no class every Saturday, so I’m free every Saturday. Will you watch “panggung gembira”

with me?

To :Dessy


Is celebrating 13th birthday Please join us to celebrate On Sunday ,March 5th, 2018

3.30 p.m – 05.30 p.m.

Rinjani Ball room RSVP

To confirm your attandance Please contact Fatimah

WA/Sms only (085) 454 – 69731 From : Linda


Riana : I wish I could but junior high school still has 6 days school so I have class on Saturday.

Alfa : Why don’t you ask permission to your teacher?

(the next morning Riana ask permission to his teacher) Riana : Sir, ______________(27)______________?

Teacher : Sorry, ___________(28)________________. You have to study at school. If you want to watch “panggung gembira”, you can watch it on Sunday.

Alfa : OK, ma’am.

27. A. May I watch panggung gembira on Saturday?

B. Can I call Alfa to ask permission with me ? C. Will you watch panggung gembira with me?

D. Would it be alright if I invite all my friends?

28. A. I Agree with you B. I Think so C. I’d love to D. I don’t think I can make it

Read the text below to answer no 29-30!

29. What kind of card does Tomi make?

A. Graduation Poster C. Graduation Announcement

B. Graduation Invitation card D. Graduation Greeting card 30. Why does Tomi give the greeting card above?


A. To make Zahra proud of him C. To announce Zahra about graduation day

B. To invite Zahra to her graduation D. To congratulate Zahra on her graduation

For no. 31-33, fill the blank space using the best answer!

Ayu : What do you usually see in the Ragunan zoo?

Neyla : ______(31)_______ many animals in the zoo.

Ayu : What do you like most beside looking the animals in Ragunan zoo ?

Neyla : ______(32)_______a huge animal museum. You can see a giant Dinosaur’s fossil there.

31. A. There is B. There are C. There was D. There were 32. A. There are B. There is C. There aren’t D. There isn’t 33. A huge animal museum. The bold word in the dialog above has similar meaning


A. Tiny B. Small C. Mini D. Big

Text for No. 34-38

Every weekend I go to traditional market with my mom. There are many things I can see in the traditional market. The seller, butcher, fishmonger, fruit and vegie stalls, groceries, fashion shops and street vendors. There are lots of vehicles in the parking lot, such as cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedi cabs. My mom usually buys vegetables such as; carrot, tomato, onion, garlic, spinach. Fruits such as mango, apple, banana, watermelon, and melon. She also buys daily needs at one of the grocery in traditional market such as;

20kg rice, 1kg of eggs, milk, tea, coffee, sugar and butter. I like shopping in traditional market. It is complete and the price is cheaper than the price in the supermarket. I can bargain the price but there is one thing I dislike. There is few trashcans in the traditional market. It’s a little bit dirty, stinky and wet during the rainy season.

34. Every weekend I go to traditional market with my mom The underlined word refers to…

A. The seller B. The reader C. The writter D. The Butcher


35. When does the writer usually go to traditional market?

A. Every day B. Every morning C. Every afternoon D. Every weekend

36. What does the writer’s mother buy in the traditional market?

A. Vegetables, Fruits and daily needs C. Butcher, fishmonger, fruit and vegie stall

B. Vehicles, vegetables, fruits and daily needs D. Fashion, vegetables, fruits and daily needs

37. Which statement is not true according to the text above?

A. The price is cheap

B. The buyer can bargain the price

C. The price is fixed price ( the buyer cannot bargain the price)

D. Sometime uncomfortable in rainy season, smells bed, a bit dirty and wet.

38. It’s little bit dirty, stinky and wet during rainy season. The word “stinky” means…

A. Clean B. Large C. Smells bad D. Fragrance

For no. 39 fill the blank space using the best answer!

Zidan : _____________ Don’t be lazy. Get up and have some exercise outside Aldi : Okay, a little bit more, Wait a minute, please..

39. A. What are you doing? C. Aldi, Let’s go out B. May I go with you? D. Aldi, will you go?

For no. 40 fill the blank space using the best answer!

Mrs.Siti : Ayu, have a seat. Go back to your group!

Ayu : Sorry, Maam. _____________ return this dictionary to the library?

40. A. can you B. May I C. Will you D. Let’s

B. Soal Essay (Essay Test)

Jawablah Pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan benar! (Answer The Question Below Correctly!)

My School Library


My school library is located in front of my school. It is big and tidy.

There are many kinds of book put on the shelf, they are text books, novels, encyclopedias, folk stories, dictionaries and magazines.

The students can visit the library every day when they need. The visitors of the library always keep their voice to be silent because if they make noise they will disturb others.

The students can read the books and borrow them to read in their house if they have a member card of the library.

The library can help the students to get more information and knowledge

41. Make a dialogue of asking and giving opinion about the library based on you’ve read in the text above!

Mamat :_________________________________________? (asking opinion) Julia :_________________________________________ (giving opinion)

42. What will you do if you go to the library?

(Write down 2 things you will do in the library, using “will”) __________________________________________________


43. Make a dialogue of inviting someone to do something in the library!

Dandi :__________________________________? (inviting)

Fauzan :__________________________________ (respond; accept)

44. Recommend 2 things what the visitors of the library should or shouldn’t do in the library according to the text above!

You __________________________________________ (+) You __________________________________________ (-)


45. Make a greeting card.

Choose one of the themes below;

Birthday greeting card/friendship/apologizing/thanking/congratulation greeting card.






41. Mamat : What do you think…./ do you think../ what is your opinion….?

Julia : I think……/ my opinion …..

42. – I will read a book

No Jawaban No Jawaban No Jawaban No Jawaban

1 D 11 B 21 A 31 B

2 B 12 D 22 C 32 B

3 A 13 D 23 D 33 D

4 A 14 A 24 D 34 C

5 A 15 B 25 B 35 D

6 B 16 A 26 B 36 A

7 A 17 A 27 A 37 C

8 B 18 B 28 D 38 C

9 C 19 D 29 D 39 C

10 D 20 D 30 D 40 B






- I will borrow a book - etc.

43. Inviting

– let’s go to the library.

- Let’s read a novel in the library - etc

44. Respon.

- Okay

- Yes, but wait…

- Ok, a little bit more … - Etc

45. Positive

o you should keep silent in the library o you should return the book

o you should bring a member card if you borrow a book o you shouldn’t talk loudly in the library

o you shouldn’t disturb other in the library o etc

SKOR :PilihanGanda 40 x 2 = 80 skormaksimal Essay

5 x 4 = 20 skormaksimal

Skor PG + Skor Essay = NilaiAkhir 80 + 20 = 100



Nama Sekolah : MTs Plus Roudhotul Muhibbin Bekasi Alokasi Waktu : 60 Menit

Mata Pelajaran : B. Inggris Jumlah Soal : 10 Kelas : IX Kurikum : K13





SKOR 1 2 3

3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan

menyatakan harapan, doa, dan ucapan selamat atas suatu kebahagiaan dan prestasi, serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

• Fungsi Sosial : Menjaga hubungan dengan guru dan teman

• Struktur teks : Memulai, Menanggapi

• Unsur kebahasaan : - Ungkapan :

congratulation, wish and hopes - Ucapan,

tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan,

- Disajikan gambar sebuah peristiwa. Peserta didik dapat menentukan ungkapan (congratulation, wish and hope) yang sesuai dengan gambar.

- Disajikan sebuah percakapan pendek rumpang. Peserta didik dapat melengkapi rumpang dari percakapan dengan ungkapan ucapan selamat, do’a dan harapan.

- Disajikan sebuah percakapan pendek. Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan ungkapan ucapan selamat, do’a dan harapan.

- Disajikan sebuah teks fungsional pendek berupa pesan pendek. Peserta didik dapat

- Menyimpulkan isi pesan dalam ungkapan ucapan selamat, do’a dan harapan

- Menentukan informasi tersirat dalam ungkapan ucapan selamat, do’a dan harapan

- Disajikan percakapan pendek rumpang. Peseta didik dapat melengkapi runpang dalam percakapan pendek dengan ungkapan ucapan selamat, do’a dan harapan


2, 3, 4


6 7 41








1 1 3

3.2 menerapkan fungsisosial, struktur teks,

Fungsi sosial Membuat rencana, menunjukkan

- Diberikan percakapan rumpang. Peserta didik melengkapi rumpang dari percakapan dengan ungkapan setuju dan tidak setuju

8, 9, 10, 11, 12

PG  1





SKOR 1 2 3

danunsurkebahasaanteksinteraksitra nsaksionallisandantulis yang melibatkantindakanmemberidanme mintainformasiterkaitmaksud, tujuan,

persetujuanmelakukansuatutindaka n/kegiatan,

sesuaidengankontekspenggunaanny a. (Perhatikanunsurkebahasaan to, in order to, so that (dis)agreement)

kesungguhan, mengarahkan

Struktur teks - Memulai - Menanggapi

(diharapkan/di luar dugaan)

• UnsurKebahasaan - Kalimatdeklar atifdaninteroga tifdengan modal

- Ungkapanpers etujuan - Nomina

singular dan plural - Ucapan,

tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

- Diberikan sebuah percakapan pendek yang memuat ungkapan setuju dan tidak setuju. Peserta didik dapat menentukan kesimpulan yang tepat dari ungkapan setuju dan tidak setuju.

- Diberikan percakapan pendek rumpang. Peserta didik dapat menetukan ungkapan setuju dan tidak setuju yang tepat.


14 42



 

 1

1 2

3.3 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

Fungsi sosial - Diberikan sebuah teks fungsional pendek berupa label produk minuman. Peserta didik dapat menentukan informasi rinci terkait label sebuah produk minuman.

15, 16, 17, 18

PG  1





SKOR 1 2 3

beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk label, dengan meminta dan memberi informasi terkait obat/makanan/

minuman, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya


obat/makanan/minu man yang sehat dan aman, menghindari efek negatif, dan mendapatkan hasil terbaik

Struktur Teks Dapat mencakup, nama asli dan nama dagang obat, deskripsi, volume, bahan, cara

menggunakan, cara menyimpan, tanggal kadaluarsa

Unsur Kebahasaan - Istilah khusus

terkait dengan produk.

- Kalimat imperatif - Tata bahasa: frasa

nominal untuk menyebut benda,

- Diberikan sebuah teks fungsional pendek berupa label produk obat.

• Peserta didik dapat menentukan informasi rinci terkait label sebuah produk obat.

• Peserta didik dapat menetukan persamaan kata dari sebuah kata yang terdapat dalam label sebuah produk obat

- Diberikan sebuah informasi petunjuk penggunaan pada sebuah Label produkobat. Peserta didik dapat menuliskan makna dari informasi terkait Label produk obat.

19,20 21




1 1






SKOR 1 2 3

cara menyebut jumlah/ukuran - Ucapan, tekanan

kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan 3.4 membandingkan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks prosedur lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait resep makanan/

minuman dan manual, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

Fungsi sosial Mendapatkan hasil terbaik secara efektif dan efisien, menghindari kerusakan, kecelakaan, dan pemborosan

Struktur Teks Dapat mencakup - nama makanan, minuman, alat, mesin, bahan, aparatus yang diperlukan, - cara memasak,

menggunakan dalam bentuk

- Diberikan sebuah teks essai berbentuk prosedur. Peserta didik dapat menentukan topik terkait resep/ makanan dan minuman

- Diberikan sebuah teks essai berentuk prosedur. Peserta didik dapat menetukan informasi terkait resep/ makanan dan minuman

- Diberikan sebuah teks essai prosedur. Peserta didik dapat mengklasifikasikan informasi terkait resep/ makanan dan minuman.

- Diberikan sebuah teks essai berbentuk prosedur. Peserta didik dapat menentukan kata terkait resep


- Diberikan suatu pernyataan/situasi. Peserta didik dapat menuliskan informasi terkait resep/ makanan dan minuman.

22, 27

23, 24, 25 26 28

















SKOR 1 2 3

langkah-langkah kerja secara berurutan

Unsur Kebahasaan - Kosa katakhusus

terkait dengan produk, - Frasa nominal

untuk menyebut benda

- kata sambung first, next, then, finally.

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

3.5. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait

Fungsi sosial Mendeskripsikan, melaporkan, menjelaskan

Struktur teks - Memulai

- Diberikan sebuah percakapan rumpang. Peserta didik dapat menentukan informasi terkait keadaan/ tindakan/

kegiatan/ kejadian yang sedang dilakukan

- menentukan informasi terkait keadaan/ tindakan/

kegiatan/ kejadian yang terjadi pada waktu yang akan datang

30, 33

31, 34 32 45




1 1 4





SKOR 1 2 3

keadaan/tindakan/ kegiatan/ kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/ terjadi pada saat ini, waktu lampau, dan waktu yang akan datang, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya (perhatikan unsur kebahasaan present

continuous, past continuous, will+continuous)

- Menanggapi (diharapkan/di luar dugaan)

• Unsur kebahasaan - Kalimat deklaratif

dan interogatif dalam present continuous tense, past continuous, dan continuous dengan modal will.

- Klausa adverbial dengan kata sambung when... , while...

- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan

- menentukan infomasi terkait keadaan / tindakan/ kegiatan yang terjadi pada waktu lampau





SKOR 1 2 3

3.6. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang sudah/telah dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau dikaitkan dengan keadaan sekarang, tanpa

menyebutkan waktu terjadinya secara spesifik, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya (perhatikan perfect tense)

Fungsi sosial Mendeskripsikan, melaporkan, menjelaskan.

Struktur teks - Memulai - Menanggapi

(diharapkan/di luar dugaan)

• Unsur kebahasaan - Kalimat deklaratif

dan interogative dalam present perfect tense.

- Kata sambung:

since, for; kata penunjuk waktu now

- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.

- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi,

- Mengidentifikasi informasi terkait keadaan/ tindakan/

kegiatan/ kejadian yang sudah/ telah terjadi di waktu lamau dikaitkan dengan keadaan sekarang, tanpa menyebutkan waktu terjadinya secara spesifik -

35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40.

PG  1





SKOR 1 2 3

ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan




Subject : English Day/Date : Teacher’s Name

Grade : 8 Time : 60 menit Instruction :

1. Pray before doing the exercise ! (Berdoa sebelum mengerjakan soal !)

2. Write your identity on Answer Sheet! (Tulis Identitasmu pada Lembar Jawaban!) 3. Do the easiest first then don’t forget to check before handding into the teacher !

(Kerjakan soal termudah dan telitilah sebelum dikumpulkan kepada ustadz/ustadzah ! ِمْي ِح َّرلا ِنمْح َّرلا ِ هاللّ ِمْسِب

A. Soal Pilihan Ganda (Multiple Choice Test)

Pilihlah Salah Satu Jawaban yang Paling Benar antara A, B, C atau D! (Choose The Correct

Answer Between A, B, C, or D) !

1. The best wishes relating to the picture is . . . .

A. Congratulations on being the OSIS Chairman.

B. Congratulations on being the best singer C. Congratulations on your great success D. Congratulations on your graduation

The following dialog is for questions 2 to 4.

Arief : Who won the Dermayon sing competition yesterday?

Dewi : I did. I won the first prize.

Arief : Well done. (2). . . .

Dewi : Thank you. What about your bike race?

Arief : Wish me luck, Dewi. I will take part in a bike race tomorrow.

Dewi : Sure, good luck. (3) . . . . Arief : (4). . . .

2. A. I’m glad to hear that B. You’re welcome C. That’s too bad D I’m sorry


3. A. I hope you will win the race B. I hope you will be happy C. I hope you are alright D. I hope so, too


A. I’m sorry B. Sure, good luck C. You’re welcome D. Thank you so much

The following dialog is for question 5.

Edo : Happy birthday. Lia

Lia : Thank you Edo. You are the first person who congratulate me.

Edo : Oh really? Here is a little present for you. I hope you like it.

Lia : Thank you very much. You are really my best friend

5. Edo gives Lia a present because . . . . A. she likes a present

B. she asks Edo to give it C. she wins a competition

D. she is celebrating her birthday

The following text is for questions 6 and 7.

To: Putri

Ever since I heard about your success as the first winner of singing contest of FLS2N. I know how long and how hard you practiced. We are all very proud of you we wish you all the best in pursuing your dream to be a popular singer someday.

Your friend



6. The purpose of the writer is . . . .

A. To express hopes and wishes to her friend B. To give her luck to her friend

C. To ask for luck to her friend D. To congratulates her friend

7. from the text we know that Putri is . . . of FLS2N A. the best student

B. the best speaker C. the best teacher D. the best singer

the following dialog is for questions 8 to

Rendy : “I don’t feel well. I’m cathing a cold.”

Rose : “You should go to the doctor.

Rima : “ (8) . . . . Just take a good rest and drink a lot of water, Rendy.”

Ranty : “(9) . . . . You should go to the doctor. I think you need to take medicine.”

Ririn : “(10) . . . , Ranty. Too much medicine is not good.

Rahma : “I think the best to do is go home. Your mom and dad know better what should you do.”

8. A. I couldn’t agree with you more B. I disagree with you

C. I agree with you D. That’s right 9. A. I agree with Rose

B. I don’t agree with Rose C. I don’t think Rose is right

D.. I’m not sure about Rose’s opinion 10. A. I don’t think so

B. you are right C. That’s true D. I guess so

The following dialog is for questions 11 and 12.


Zalfa : Maula:

Zalfa :

I will study English in London this year. I’ll be missing you so much.

I’ll give you my number.(11) . . you can call me whenever you want.

Ok. I promise I will study hard(12) . . . graduate soon.

11. A. in order to B. so that C. but D. and 12. A. so

B. so that C. in order to D. in spite of

The following dialog is for questions 13 and 14.

Fira : Roy :

You know, we will have an English test tomorrow. What if we study it now?

Sure, that’s a good idea! Let’s go to my house now.

13. From dialogue, we may assume that . . . . A. Roy agrees with Fira

B. Roy has different idea C. Roy disagrees with Fira D. Roy is not sure about the idea

14. To show his agreement, Roy also may say . . . . A. That’s wrong

B. That’s not true C. I’m disagree with you

D. I couldn’t agree with you more

The following text is for questions 15 to 18.

KRATON TEA (For the perfect cup of tea)

Use I bag per cup

Pour fresh bubbling water over tea bag step 3 for 5 minutes and remove tea bag

NET weight 60 ml Best before : 6 august 2018


15. The name of the product is . . . . A. Over tea

B. Cup tea C. Kraton tea D. Remove tea

16. To make a perfect cup of tea we should use . . . . A. one bag per cup

B. two bags per cup C. three bags per cup D. four bags per cup

17. According to the label, the product should be used . . . . A. after six august two thousand and eighteen

B. after six august two thousand and nineteen C. before six august two thousand and eighteen D. before six august two thousand and nineteen 18. The purpose of the text is . . . .

A. to advertise the product B. to tell the value of the drink C. to describe the drink product

D. to give a detailed information about the product The following text is for questions 19 to 21.

19. The text above talks about . . . . A. the use of medicine

B. the side effect of medicine C. the ingredients of medicine D. the way to take the medicine 20. “Each chewable contains”.

The underlined world is closest meaning to . . . . A. consist of

Each chewable tablet contains:

Rifampicin 75 mg, Isoniazid 50 mg and Pyrazinamide 150 gr


B. described C. obtain D. offers

21. How many isoniazid contained on each tablet?

A. 50 g B. 45 g C. 50 mg D. 45 mg

The following text is for questions 22 to 26.

22. The text mainly discusses . . . . A. The way to make a paper mask


- Thick paper - Scissors

- Two rubber bands - Colouring pencils - a cutter

- a pencil

Steps :

1. Draw a pattern of a face as you like on the thick paper 2. Colour or decorate your drawing

3. Use the scissors to cut out the picture, follow the line 4. Use the cutter to make a small hole for each ear 5. Tie a rubber band on each hole

6. Finally, try your mask on by hooking the rubber band on your ears.


B. The steps of using a paper mask C. How to cut the paper using scissors D. The materials needed to make a mask 23. We need . . . paper to make the mask

A. thin B. thick C. hand D. soft

24. To make the holes on the eyes we need . . . . A. a pair of scissors

B. a sharp knife C. a trowel D. a cutter

25. To put the mask on your face, you should . . . . A. cut the holes for the eyes

B. cut a big hole for the mouth C. tie a rubber band on your nose D. hook the rubber bands on your ears

26. We should draw a . . . of face before cutting thick paper.

A. shadow B. pattern C. hole D. line

The following text is for questions 27 to 29.



1. a piece of mango

2. a half glass of water

3. a glass of ice cubes

4. a spoon of sugar


1. Peel the mango and clean it

2. Cut the mango into pieces and out them into a juicer.

3. Add water, ice cubes and sugar

4. Turn on the juicer and wait for about 3 minutes

5. Pour the juice into a glass, and it’s ready to drink

27. The text talks about . . . .

A. how to write a procedure text


B. how to make mango juice C. how to cook a nice dish D. how to blend mango

28. Based on the instruction, pouring the juice into a glass is the last . . . . A. steps

B. utensils C. equipment D. ingredients

29. The . . . is the equipment used to make the juice.

A. refrigerator B. juicer C. stove D. iron

The following dialog is for questions 30 and 31.

Adi : Look! Mrs. Nina (30) her motorcycle without wearing a helmet.

Rudi : Too bad. She (31) wearing a helmet to protect her head.

30. A. is riding B. to ride C. rides D. ride 31. A. will be

B. Should be C. don’t be D. to be

The following text is for question 32 to 34.

My uncle is a very good badminton player. Now he is practicing hard for the Mayor’s Cup next week. Two day ago when I went to his house to ask him to cut my hair, he was not at home. My aunt said he (32). . . badminton in the sport hall. I understand I should not disturb him now because he (33). . . for the match. Next week I will have no time to play around because I (34) . . . all his matches.


Luna and Tere is in their office room. They are having a talk.

Luna : By the way (35) you had your lunch?

Tere : No, I haven’t Luna : Let’s eat

Tere : But. I haven’t (36) my tasks yet

Luna : No worries. I am going to help you after eating. It’s my treat. I have just (37) my writing fee

Tere : wow, you (38) a rich woman Luna : oh thank you, I hope so. Come on!


32. A. practices B. Practiced C. is practicing D. was practicing 33. A. prepares

B. prepared C. is preparing D. was preparing 34. A. is watching

B. was watching C. will be watching D. has been watching

The following dialog is for questions 35 to 38.

35. A. do B. does C. are D. have 36. A. finish

B. finished C. finishing D. unfinished


37. A. receive B. receives C. received D. receiving 38. A. is being

B. has been C. are being D. have been

The following dialog is for questions 39 and 40.

Siti : “Hi, Lina. I heard that you (39) . . . Darussalam Orphan home yesterday.”

Lina : “Yes. I did. Finally I’m very happy now that I (40) . . . them.

They are happy kids. I want to know them better. I think I can learn a lot from them.

Siti : “Good on you. Let’s visit them again soon.”

39. A. visit B. visited C. have visited D. was visiting 40. A. met

B. meet C. have met D. was meeting



Skor tiap jawaban benar = 1 Skor maksimal = 40

Essay NO


41 Good luck. I hope you will pass the exam. (any other expressions of hope, wishes are possible)

3 42 I agree with you. ( any other expression og agreements are


2 43 We must shake the bottle well before we consume it. 3 44 Goal : how to make guava juice

Ingredient : - ripe guava - Caster sugar - Ice cubes - Water

- Condensed milk

Method : 1. Wash the guava and cut into quarters.

2. Put them into a blender.


3 NO





1 D 11 B 21 C 31 B

2 A 12 C 22 A 32 D

3 A 13 A 23 B 33 C

4 D 14 D 24 D 34 C

5 D 15 C 25 D 35 D

6 A 16 A 26 B 36 B

7 D 17 C 27 B 37 C

8 B 18 D 28 A 38 C

9 A 19 C 29 B 39 B

10 A 20 A 30 A 40 C


Diagram venn  Siswa dapat menyajikan himpunan  dengan menggunakan diagram  venn
Gambar di samping menunjukkan ciri makhluk hidup, yaitu ....
Grafik yang menunjukan gerak benda Gerak Lurus Beraturan adalah….


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